HSSE13 Occupational Health and Disease Prevention Management-Final

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Occupational Health and Disease Prevention

No.:HSSE13 Version:4.0 Issue:Jan,2015 Page:1/6

1. Purpose

In order to enhance and standardize corporate occupational health and disease

prevention management, effectively prevent occupational and epidemic diseases and
ensure the physical and mental health of the staff during production and operation.
This procedure is formulated.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 All the departments and branches are responsible for the occupational health and
disease prevention management of their staff during productions and operations; organize
persons to take immigration check up and special examination.
2.2 Corporate Culture Department is responsible for the organization of routine medical
examination of the staff, prepare and implement annual physical examination plan.
2.3 Human Resources Department is responsible for special medical examination of
pre-employment and medical examination of demobilization.
2.4 HSSE Department is responsible for the supervision of corporate occupational health
and disease prevention, to assist in the management of occupational health and disease
prevention of all the branches and departments.

3. Occupational Health

3.1 Medical examination

3.1.1 Medical Examination of Pre-employment.
New recruits should take pre-employment medical examination to confirm that
his/her physical conditions meet the requirements of post. All the branches and
departments should not employ the individual whose physical conditions cannot
match his/her post.
3.1.2 Medical Examination for Special Post
The personnel, who undertake the posts related with poisonous and harmful
operations or operate in epidemic disease areas, should take medical examination
for special post.
3.1.3 Routine medical Examination
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CPTDC should organize staff to take routine medical examination according to

staff annual health medical examination plan, analyze and trace the examination
results and propose health suggestions.
3.1.4 Medical Examination of Demobilization
The personnel who undertake the posts related with poisonous and harmful
operations should take medical examination before leaving the post to verify their
occupational disease conditions,
3.1.5 Immigration Checkup
If staff did not take annual medical examination or his/her physical conditions do
not fit for overseas operation, he/she should not go abroad without approval of
CPTDC. Employees from contractors contracted should present medical report
from three-A hospital or above (within one year), ensure persons arranged to suit
for overseas operation. Staff suffering from infectious diseases, serious chronic
diseases, malignant hypertension, organic cardiopathy, mental disorder, sudden
diseases, and others should not operate overseas with approval of CPTDC.
3.2 Vacation
3.2.1 All the branches and departments should strictly follow the vacation system of the
company, take consideration of staff’s physical and mental health and ensure the
staff to take their vacation regularly.
3.2.2 All the staff should be arranged reasonably based on their actual needs; however,
the overseas personnel should not work more than half a year consecutively.
3.3 Poisonous and harmful work sites
3.3.1 The branches and departments with poisonous and harmful work sites should
establish occupational disease prevention and treatment management system, appoint
a person to conduct all preventive measures of occupational diseases and report the
diseases diagnosed.
3.3.2 Operation personnel should be acquainted with all hazardous elements that may
cause occupational disease, consequences and protective measures, follow operation
procedures and correctly use PPE&C.
3.3.3 For all the poisonous and harmful working sites and posts, all the branches and
departments should provide necessary PPE&C for employees, take measures to
minimize or control hazardous elements that may cause occupational disease and
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improve the working environment and conditions.

3.3.4 The personnel working in poisonous and harmful sites and on special operation
posts should be provided with health allowances according to the related regulations.
3.3.5 All the branches and departments are not allowed to subcontract the operation
that may cause occupational disease to the organization or individual that does not
possess the occupational disease prevention conditions.
3.4 Mental health of staff
3.4.1 CPTDC should organize mental health lectures and healthy recreational
activities from time to time, provide necessary recreational facilities, to alleviate the
mental pressure of staff and prevent mental disease.
3.4.2 Employee Assistant Program (EAP), CNPCI has ordered EAP for his overseas
employees and his .

4 Health and Disease Prevention

4.1 Vaccination
4.1.1 All units should arrange their employees going abroad to have vaccine according to
the guideline of receiving vaccinations for persons going abroad.( HSSE Dept.
offers and updates the guideline)
4.1.2 Compulsory vaccinations received by some countries or regions, the dispatched
person should have compulsory vaccinations; the written paper should be submitted
if he or she can not receive vaccinations with personal reasons or others.
4.1.3 Without compulsory vaccinations received, the dispatched persons should have
some recommended vaccinations according to doctor’s advice against local
4.1.4 Vaccinations should be received in the qualified organization, Beijing Entry-Exit
Inspection and Quarantine Bureau designated by government, other provinces or
municipalities can have vaccinations in their Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Bureaus. Vaccinations should be received in two weeks before departure, let
vaccinations function.
4.1.5 Checkup and vaccinations received should be documented. Personnel arranged by
company should fill in Health and Vaccination Survey Form (See Appendix 1) in
person. The form should be handed in HR department for filling when going
through the oversea working procedures; contractors’ staff should offer their
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physical examination reports within one year.

4.2 Environmental Health
4.2.1 The offices and bases should be cleaned and kept tidy daily. If there is any epidemic
disease, sterilize the public places and office facilities such as meeting rooms,
lockers’ rooms, washroom and corridors regularly.
4.2.2 Keep the office and bases ventilated.
4.2.3 All the overseas branches and projects should be equipped with necessary
disinfecting, cleaning, purifying and freezing equipments.
4.2.4 The branches and departments with staff’s messes should specify the management
requirements for sanitation, sterilizing and food procurement and storage, and pay
much attention to the medical examination of kitchen staff.
4.2.5 Picking, hunting and eating wild animals and plants are prohibited, avoid poisoning
or any accidents.
4.3 Disease Prevention
4.3.1 HSSE Department should collect and announce the information from time to time
about the epidemic and endemic diseases in host countries and regions and assist
overseas organizations to establish disease prevention and treatment plans or
measures based on the overseas operation environment and access to resources.
4.3.2 All the branches and projects should collect the information in time about the local
diseases and establish preventive measures and emergency response plan in
4.3.3 All the branches and projects should initiate their ERPs and take preventive
measures when local diseases outbreak, following the procedures to report.
4.3.4 Expatriates going back homeland should be monitored and observed before, during
and after the journey.
4.3.5 The personnel who will go abroad should carry necessary medicines according to
the disease conditions in the destination. Expatriates should carry anti-malaria
medicines if operating in malaria endemic areas
4.4 Drug and Alcohol Management
4.4.1 All staff should observe Drug and Alcohol Policy;
4.4.2 All staff must stop working when medicines taken impair their abilities to
perform their jobs.
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4.5 Medical Aid

4.5.1 All offices, bases and vehicles of all the organizations and projects should be
equipped with first aid kits and medical equipment. The personnel who will go
abroad should carry with first aid kit for travel.
4.5.2 All the branches and departments should know local professional hospitals or
professional medical organization with convenient traffic conditions as well as their
Emergency Call.
4.5.3 The corporate personnel who will go abroad should log in the websites as
SOS: http://www.internationalsos.com;
ControlRisk: http://www.control-risks.com
to consult the local medical conditions, epidemic diseases and other risks before
going abroad.
4.5.4 Expatriates should be transported to the hospital for medical treatment if any
illness or obvious infectious symposium is found, and report to management as soon
as possible.
4.5.5 All overseas branches can ask for help from the local SOS, embassy and
consulates and clients when Medevac happens.
4.5.6 Human Resources Department, all the other branches and departments should
organize first aid training irregularly to ensure the overseas personnel have necessary
first aid knowledge and skill.

5 Document Related

5.1 guideline of receiving vaccincs for persons going abroad

6 Records Related

6.1 Annual Staff Physical Examination Report

6.2 First Aid and Health Training Records
6.3 Health and Vaccination Survey Form

7 Appendix

Appendix1 Health and Vaccination Survey Form


Health and Vaccination Survey Form

Name Sex Birth Date Company

Host Visiting
Country Reason

of Checkup

Account of
Signature: D M Y
Japanese encephalitis

Diphtheria / Tetanus /
Yellow Fever

Hepatitis - B

Hepatitis - A








Note1. Please fill in the form with your health conditions faithfully;
2. Please make a tick (√)in the cell with vaccines or medicines received;
3. Contractors staff should offer the latest checkup report(within half-year);
4. Form filled should be documented in HR department, valid for one year, beyond one year form
refilled and documented once more.

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