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The table shows the distribution of the ages of passengers travelling on a plane from London to

Age (x years) Frequency

0 < x  20 28
20 < x  35 36
35 < x  45 20
45 < x  65 30

On the grid below, draw a histogram to show this distribution.

Teddington School 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
A g e (x y e a rs)
(Total 3 marks)

Teddington School 2
2. A teacher asked some year 10 students how long they spent doing homework each night.
The histogram was drawn from this information.

F re q u en cy
d e n s ity

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
T im e (t m in u te s )

Use the histogram to complete the table.

Time (t minutes) Frequency

10  t < 15 10
15  t < 30
30  t < 40
40  t < 50
50  t < 70
(Total 2 marks)


Teddington School 3

F re q u e n cy
d e n s ity
in p o ta to e s
p e r g ra m 3

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
W e ig h t in g ra m s

The histogram gives information about the weights of some potatoes.

The shaded bar represents 20 potatoes.

(a) Work out how many of the potatoes weigh 30 grams or less.


(b) Work out how many of the potatoes weigh more than 45 grams.

(Total 3 marks)

4. A teacher asked some students how much time they spent using a mobile phone one week.
The histogram was drawn from this information.

Teddington School 4
F req u e n c y
d e n s ity
(s tu d e n ts 30
h o u r)



0 1 2 3 4 5

T im e
(h o u rs)

Use the histogram to complete the table.

Time (t) hours Frequency

0t< 2

2 t<1
1t<2 30
(Total 2 marks)

Teddington School 5
5. The histogram and table show information about the number of emails received by each of the
students in a school.

F re q u e n cy
D e n s ity 8

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

N u m b e r o f e m a ils (x )

Number of emails (x) Frequency

5 < x ≤ 10 20
10 < x ≤ 25
25 < x ≤ 35
35 < x ≤ 60

Use the information in the histogram to complete the table.

(Total 2 marks)

Teddington School 6
6. Sam asks some students how long they took to finish their science homework.
The table and histogram show some of this information.

Time (minutes) Frequency

5 < x  10
10 < x  15 20
15 < x  25
25 < x  35 50
35 < x  50 15

F re q u e n c y
D e n s ity

0 10 20 30 40 50

T im e (m in u te s )

(a) Use the information in the histogram to complete the table.


(b) Use the information in the table to complete the histogram.

(Total 4 marks)

Teddington School 7
7. The histogram shows information about the lifetime of some batteries.

F re q u e n c y
d e n s ity

1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4 4 .5 5

Two of the batteries had a lifetime of between 1.5 and 2.5 years.

Find the total number of batteries.

(Total 2 marks)

Teddington School 8
8. The table gives some information about the lengths of time some boys took to run a race.

Time (t minutes) Frequency

40 ≤ t < 50 16
50 ≤ t < 55 18
55 ≤ t < 65 32
65 ≤ t < 80 30
80 ≤ t < 100 24

Draw a histogram for the information in the table.

F re q u e n c y
d e n s ity

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
T im e (t m in u te s )
(Total 3 marks)

Teddington School 9
9. The table shows some information about the weights of some packets of crisps.

Weight (w grams) Frequency

20 < w ≤ 25 4
25 < w ≤ 35 12
35 < w ≤ 45 14
45 < w ≤ 50 8
50 < w ≤ 70 6

F re q u e n c y
d e n s ity

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

W e ig h t (w g ra m s )

Use the information in the table to draw a histogram.

(Total 3 marks)

Teddington School 10

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