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Name of the Trainee: Trade:

Max Marks: 25 Max Time: 30min

I. Choose the correct Answers 10*1=10 Marks

1) My name _________________ Rajini [ ]

A) Was B) Is C) are D) were

2) It is very cold at night I need a ______________ when I sleep [ ]

A) Belt B) Hat C) Blanket D) none

3) My father is a surgeon he works in [ ]

A) Bank B) Hospital C) Post office D) Museum

4) “ ” is she? She’s my friend from Hyderabad [ ]

A) Why B ) Who C)which D)what

5) He went to cricket stadium [ ]

A) On taxi B) By taxi C) With taxi D) In taxi

6) Rajesh English, Spanish and a bit of French [ ]

A) Speaks B) Have C) Love D) Told

7) , The street is slippery [ ]

A) Be careful B) Be quiet C) Be nice D) Be diligent

8) Ramu has an uncle, the son of uncle is [ ]

A) Father B) Grand Father C) Nephew D) Cousin

9) How old are you? [ ]

A) I have 27 years old B) I am fine

C) I am 27 years old D) I 27 years

10) Its Thursday today. Tomorrow it Friday [ ]

A) Be B) Was C) Will be D) Will

II. Fill in the blanks 5*1=5 Marks

11) I usually the television in the evening.

12) I football yesterday.

13) My mother Fried rice last night.

14) Where Nagesh live?

15) Would you like apple.

III. Complete the table 5*1=5 Marks

Q No Numbers Letters
16 59
17 73
18 35
19 Ninety six
20 Eleven

IV. Write the color of each group of words 5*1=5 Marks

21) Snow, milk, paper

22) Chocolate, tea, beer

23) The sun, bananas, sunflower

24) Roses, tomatoes, apple

25) Plants, salad, forest

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