Nozzle Reinforcement ASME

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uG-36 (a) Openings Through Welded Joints. Additions! pro- visions governing openings through welded joints are given in UW-14. (e) Reducer Sectlons Under Internal Pressure (2) The formmlas and rules of this paragraph apply to concentric reducer sections wherein all the Toads are transmitted wholly through the shell of the reducer. Where loads are trans- mitted in part or a5 2 whole by other elements, eg, inner shells, stays, or tubes, the rules of this paragraph do not apply. (2) The thickness of each clement of a reducer, 1s defined in (4) below, under intemal pressure shall not be less than that computed by the applicable formula. In addition, provisions shall be made for any of the ther loadings listed in UG-22, where such loadings ‘are expected. @ _ 63) The symbols defined in either UG-32(0) or ‘below are used in this paragraph (see Fig. UG-36). ‘t= minimum required thickness of the considered element of a reducer after forming, in. ‘Ry= inside radius of larger cylinder, in. R,= inside radius of smaller cylinder, in. r= inside radius of knuckle at larger cylinder, in, a= one-half of the included (apex) angle of a cooi- cal element, deg. 1r-= radius to the inside surfoce of flare atthe small end, in. (4) Elements of a Reducer, A transition section reducer consisting of one or more elements may be used to join two cylindrical shell sections of different diameters but with a common axis provided the require ments of this paragraph are met. (a) Conical Shell Section. The required thickness ‘of a conical shell section, or the allowable working pressure for such a section of given thickness, shall @ % determined by the formulas given in UG-32(8)- (b) Knuckle Tangent to the Larger Cylinder. ‘Where knuckle is used at the large end of a reducer section, its shape shall be. that of «portion of an (5) Combination of Elements to Form a Reducer. ‘When elements of (4) above, having different thick- nesses are combitted to form a reducer, the. joints including the plate taper required by UW-9(c) shall lie entirely within the limits of the thinner element being (a) A reducer may be a simple conical shell section, Fig. UG-36 sketch (a), without knuckle, pro- vided the half-aper angle a is not greater than 30 deg., PART UG — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 ; \ vGs7 ‘except as provided for in 1-Sig). A reinforcement ring shall be provided at either or both ends of the reducer when required by the niles of 1-5. (6) A toriconical reducer, Fig. UG-36 sketch (b), muy be shaped 9s 2 portion of a toriconical head, UG-32{h), @ portion of @ hemispherical head plus a conical section, of a portion of an ellipsoidal head plus 1 conical section, provided the half-apex angle @ is not greater than 30 deg., except as provided for in 1- S(®). A reinforcement ring shall be provided at the ‘small end of the conical reducer element when required by the rules in 1-5. (c) Reverse curve reducers, Fig, UG-36 sketches (©) and (@), may be shaped of clements other than those of (¢)(4) nbove. See U-2(g). (D Reducers Under External Pressure. The rules of UG-33() shall be followed, where applicable, in the design of reducers under external pressure. (8) Oblique Conical Shel! Sections Under Internal Pressure. A transition section reducer consisting of an. oblique conical shell section may be used to join two cylindrical shell sections of different diameters and ‘axes, provided the following requirements are used. {(Z1) The required thickness shall be determined by the formulas given in UG-32(8). (2) The angle a to be used shall be the largest included angle between the oblique cone and the attached cylindrical section [see Fig. UG-36 sketch (€)] and shall not be greater than 30 deg. (3) Diametrical dimensions to be used in the design formulas shall be measured petpendicular to the axis Of the cylinder to which the cone is attached. (4) A reinforcement ring shall be provided at either ‘or both ends of the reducer when required by the rules of 145. ye Dr UG-37 REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED FOR OPENINGS IN SHELLS AND FORMED HEADS (a) Nomenclature. The symbols used in this para- graph are defined as follows: ‘A= total cross-sectional area of reinforcement re~ ‘quired in the plane under consideration, sq in. (see Fig. UG-37.1) (includes consideration of nozzle area through shell if $,/S,<1.0) ‘A= area in excess thickness inthe vessel wall avail- able for reinforcement, sq in. (see Fig. UG-37.1) ‘Gacludes consideration of nozzle area through shell if S,/S,<1.0) ‘Ay= sean excess thickness in the nozzle wall avail- able for reinforcement, 6 in. (see Fig. UG-37.1) ——— \ \ / uG37 1998 SECTION VII — DIVISION 1 uG-37 0 1 2 90 4 60 60 70 60 90 ‘Angle 0, de. of plane with longitudinal axis FIG. UG-37 CHART FOR DETERMINING VALUE OF , AS REQUIRED IN UG-37 ‘Ay area available for reinforcement when the noz- le extends inside the vessel wall, sq in. (see Fig. UG-37.1) Aa. Aas ‘Ara cross-sectional arca of various welds available for reinforcement, 89 in. (see Fig. UG-37.1) ‘As= cross-sectional area of material added as rein- forcement, sq in, (see Fig. UG-37.1) c= corrosion allowance, in. ‘D= inside shell diameter, in. D, = outside diameter of reinforcing element, in, (ac- tual size of reinforcing element may exceed the limits of reinforcement established by UG-40; ‘however, credit cannot be taken for any material ‘outside these limits) d= finished diameter of circular opening or finished 4 Ez 5 Ble eget Fig — Bgl yt- FEM =f) y= Seed si aha EEE « 45 ‘Ave salable sal: une large aie Area elite a roa projecting cera ot enaler wlve Ave evaaie in oward pom; us eats vain ADA © Aas “outward norte wad = tenl?t; 2 Are wet cuted wt 5 PF = Aas svar note td = lta ‘Area else tn far wold Way tags Aart Aag >A Cpmning nego nord tag eagsaar’ a aera 10 Hareaatastaartheg

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