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1. Attempt as many questions as possible, try to answer to best of your knowledge on your
own.(Most attempts will be considered)
2. Answers are expected straight to the point and answered with question.
(And descriptive wherever necessary)
3. The topics are classified into two types:
A. Mechanism and design.
B. Electronic and coding.
(Attempt any one based on your interest)
4. Answer sheet must be in pdf format, and should be e-mailed to .
(File be saved as USN_name).
5. Submission duration is from 29-09-17 to
6. Multiple submissions will not be considered.
(Only first submission will be considered)
Mechanisms and design
1. On what principle does aircraft and multirotor fly?

2. What are the two things that determine the thrust of an airplane or drone?

3. Explain how roll, pitch and yaw are carried out in both RC planes and multirotor.

4. What is the relative position of wing and the fuselage for the plane to fly? Explain the
basics of it.

5. Design a propeller in such a way that it increases flight time of the multirotor. (Include
as many as parameters).

6. For the model given below find its required thrust, aspect ratio, relation between its wing
span and chord length, relation between length (nose to tail) and chord length.
Type of plane Sports and acrobatic
Weight 16000kg

7. For the given trapezoidal wing, locate and calculate

i. Mean aerodynamic chord.
ii. Centre of gravity from leading end on root chord.
iii. Taper angle
iv. Wing area

Wing span 100mm

Root chord length 20mm
Tip chord length 10mm

(Attach image of your diagram)

8. (For 3rd year participants) Obtain a 3D design of a quadcopter for propeller size of 9inch.
(own design)
Electronics and coding
1) Show the basic wiring of a quadcopter/multirotor and tell us the role played by each part.
How do they work together to achieve flight (emphasize on the electronic components

2) Write a program (in Arduino) to count from 0 to 2017 and back to zero and so on. The
delay between successive counts is supposed to be nearly 1 second. Also, when a button
is pressed the count value is to be displayed instantaneously. (You may write the code in
Arduino OR any other platform you are comfortable with. If you do not know any coding
languages, write a simple pseudo code)

3) Find the voltage drop across capacitor c1 shown below. (give appropriate reasons and
calculations if necessary)

4) Consider the code snippet below:

What is the value of sum variable after the looping completes? Give reason why

5) Find appropriate values of R1 and R2 below such that the load shown is completely on.
The switching voltage is 5v (at base). The supply voltage is 12v. The load is rated at 53
ohms and 8 volts. (Assume the hFE = 50, you might refer datasheet)

6) Discuss the various protocols of transmitter and receiver used in RC hobby flying.
(PPM, PWM etc.). Also write an Arduino code to convert PPM to PWM protocol.

7) When you charge your phone (USB port) and listen to songs simultaneously (through aux)
in your Automobile, there is a constant humming noise that is created. It vanishes if you
unplug the charging port. What is the reason for the noise, explain.

8) Consider the following schematic to run a DC motor. It is an H-bridge composed of four

transistors (NPN). When wired this way with all necessary bias circuit (not shown here)
the circuit still does not run. What could be the problem?
9) Assume there is an acceleration sensor interfaced to a board like Arduino and together
placed on a quadcopter (moving in a particular direction). This sensor sends values of
instantaneous acceleration regularly (in that direction). Write a pseudo code (Algorithm)
to find the present position of the quadcopter in that direction.
(HINT: Use integration)

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