English Literature STD 9 The Heart of The Tree

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The Heart of the Tree
Extract 1 ‘The treble of heaven’s harmony----
These things he plants who plants a tree.’
Q1 How does the poet describe the physical beauty of the tree?
Ans- The poet describes the tree as a shaft of beauty, towering high. The tree grows like a
beautiful tower. Shaft of beauty means beam of beauty.
Q2 Whom does he call ‘a friend of sun and sky’? How is it a friend of the sun and the sky?
How can man plant the flag of breezes free?
Ans He calls the tree a friend of the sun and sky. The tree carries out the process of
photosynthesis. Similarly the tree is a friend of the sky as it takes the carbon dioxide from the
air and releases oxygen in the air and thus purifies the air. Transpiration from the trees is
responsible for cloud formation in the sky before it rains.
The tree is a flag of free breeze for the leaves just like flags that flutter and provide soothing,
cool breeze to us.
Q3 Whom does the tree provide shelter to and how? What is known as mother croon of
birds? Why is the song sung in a hushed voice?
Ans The tree provides shelter to the birds by allowing them to build nests. Mother croon is
the soft song that the mother bird is singing to her young ones.
It is sung in a hushed voice because it is sung during twilight when human activities are
restricted and an atmosphere of calmness and serenity prevails.
Q4 Explain ‘the treble of heaven’s harmony’
Ans The treble is a reference to the high tone of the songs of the birds. The beautiful music
provides a peaceful, calm and beautiful atmosphere which is symbolic of heaven.
Q5 Identify any two examples of alliteration from the first stanza.
Ans Sun and sky, heaven’s harmony.
Q6 Give some functions which the tree performs on this earth.
Ans A tree functions as a friend of the sun and the sky. It is the flag of breezes free providing
us with cool breeze. It makes a home for the mother bird. When we plant a tree, we make a
home near heaven. Trees give us shade and bring rain. They pave a way for many more seeds
to grow and buds to bloom in future. Trees contribute to forest wealth of our nation and they
ensure plenty of harvest in the days to come.

Extract 2 ‘He plants the glory of the plain

He plants the forest’s heritage.’
Q1 What two things does a tree planter actually plant?
Ans A tree planter plants a seed and bud that will grow to bloom into flowers. Trees bear
seeds and bud for the future generations and continue the process of birth, death and
Q2 How does planting a tree bring us physical comfort?
Ans A tree provides us with cool shade and tender rain. It provides crops to the future
Q3 Why does the poet call the tree a link between us and our children?
Ans The tree is a part of the forest’s heritage and continues to serve the coming generation. In
this manner it a link between the two generations. When the poet says that a man “plants the
forest’s heritage”, he means that if anyone takes the initiative to plant a single tree then in the
future it might grow into a forest, thereby, enriching the natural beauty of the planet. Our
future progenies will enjoy all the benefits of the trees that we plant today. The poet brings
into limelight not only the present benefits of planting trees but also the benefits our future
generations would reap.
Q4 What are the values that are imparted when one plants a tree?
Ans The tree teaches us the values of love and loyalty as we learn to think about the welfare
of the people around us.
Q5 How does planting a tree contribute towards social and economic benefits?
Ans Planting a tree helps society as it teaches us to care for our neighbours. The growth and
development of a country also depends upon trees. As the world prospers it results in peace
and harmony which benefits every human being.
Q6 . What is the theme of the poem 'The Heart of a Tree'?
Ans. The poem discusses the usefulness of a tree elaborating on how a tree that is planted
benefits not only nature and a nation, but also contributes to the grown of humankind. One
who plants a tree aspires for his nation's growth.

Q7 How does a tree adorn nature?

Ans. Trees stand straight and steady, giving an impression as if they are touching the sun and
the sky. They sway with the breeze and beautify the surrounding. They are home to
chirruping birds which sing sweetly and display heaven's harmony on this earth.
Q8 How does a tree convey loyalty of the one who plants it?
Ans The one who plants a tree has a noble thought of a common good that would be a boon
for man in general and the nation in particular. He has a dream of the growth of all his land
when he plants a tree.

Q9 Explain the refrain in the poem.

The poet has used the refrain 'What does he plant who plants a tree? ' at the beginning of each
stanza which highlights the thought how beneficial it is to plant a tree.
Q10 Comment on the appropriateness of the title?
Ans The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. The human heart pumps the
blood which carries all the vital nutrients. Only when the heart pumps the blood, it is able to
transport oxygen from one part of the body to another. Likewise a tree has certain qualities
which are essential for survival. Trees are essential for rain. Trees provide us with sap, leaf
and wood. These are all the required nutrients and material things.

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