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Ceri Deiat ALM ee UE [2 ormaiOamat Rogont[] Traramiain cumenatostzaon (] Tranapostionsim-Damateratiaion [ Contact Noa 44 22S To be filed by the 80. Pleas fi al the dtals in BLOCK LETTERS IN English (Fil up @ separate ORF for fee Seauriles and Locked in cues, ‘case of locked - in securiis fil up a separate ORF fr diferantlokin reason /iockn expty dates) pate: aly [eS] [BRNNor | orFsrno.cos L2T4741 |1We request you to des terialise the enclosed security certificate(s) ogistored in my / our name into my our demat account, Client iD 4203320015 S SRQRS CompanyName | WIRE AnoyeStroegns [Name of First Holder BO squargrmaoing G_ OF SIA GD ‘Name of Second Holder = Name of hird Holder ‘Types of Security| Equity / Bonds / Debentures / Units / Others (Specify) Fv Re-40/Re 1007] uantiy Cn aures) Loo _CRWors) Gage WOOKAND 5 | IE IGA H O10. 37 Detala of Securities [ArFree SecuitiopeJ—__B.Locked-n Secures -] Total. of Geriieaies =| 1B, Lock in reason Leek inexpiny ate Distinctive Nos, ‘Guantty Sr. Folio No From en 7 v LOoAKu AN AT 7 2 3 a 3 Atach an annexure (Guy signed by account holder()) in the above formal Lie space fs not eulfcien The original cerEfeais /docurnens are hereby surTendered by me / us for domateriafeaton and ine same ae ree trom ary ben or ekarge or encimbrance and represent the bonahde Secure of ha issuer Compary to the best of my four knowledge and belt, Fist Sole Holder ‘Second Holder “Third Holder Name amncirencmann | Signature with DP Ve gah wo Xe aomtaeanena|\ 4 ae” Palcpant Authorization (From ABPL to RTA) have recieved the above meftoned secures bearing ISIN (* as above) for Damaterialsation. The Applicaton form is verfled wih the cals / Documests surencered lor domatetalsaon and wo oorly thal the appleaion form ie h accordance wilh the dotals menioned i nclosed cortical / documents. Ils also corifed fal the Holdr(s) of soatritea have a bereidary account wih usin the same name(s) and crder of nama) = Voasege Name of the Authorised Person Signature Seal of Angel Broking vt. Ltd. Date Te Pace: Mumba # case of ransmission cum dorat, a noerlzed copy of dost coriicat ofthe docentos Nlder, copy ofthe Orda ofthe cour to obo sae th (DR (Ps, subrtsl atestod copies of Oproot |e Pancard Passport /Drtang Licance and Adress proof Le. Raton Garé /Eleeon Car /Tlophone i Etec a) © In caso of tanspositon cum domat, a duly sxocvtoéTanspostion Request Form to ba attachod wth he DAF (Pls submt self attested copes of Pancan Form No. SH-1 Share Certificate [Pursuant to Sub-secton (3) of Section 48 ofthe Companies Act. 2013 and Rule 6(2) ‘of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules 2014] TUBE INVESTMENTS OF INDIA LIMITED (CIN :U35100TN2008PL.C069496) (Formerly TI Financial Holdings Limited) (Iscorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/2013) "Dare House", 234, N SC Bose Road, Chennai ~ 600.001 Tol: 91-44-42 177770.5 Fax: 91-44-42110404| West: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the person(s) named in this Certificate isfare the Registered Holder(s) of the within-mentioned share(s) bearing the distinctive number(s) herein specified in the above named Company subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company ‘and that the amount endorsed herein has been paid up on each such share. EQUITY SHARES EACH OF RUPEE 1/- AMOUNT PAID-UP PER SHARE RUPEE 1/- Regd FolioNo.: TiLoozaaii 224414 — CetlifcateNo. 2qatt Name(s) of Holder(s) BALLASUBRAMANTAN & No.of Share(s)held ONE THOUSAND ONLY #E1000%8) Distinctive No(s) From Bath incusivs AS) FrOM a (oth incusive) | oHRRENDERED FOR} LISATIONS SQKING PVT LTD. | Direct SY IS SP che? ~ CLIENT ID | Le MEMORANDUM OF TRANSFERS OF SHARE(S) MENTIONED OVERLE; pate [ TRANSFER | "no. REGISTER FOLIONO. NAME OF TRANSFEREE(S) wwmats | "Sonarony o001029

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