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Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

DOI 10.1007/s10661-007-9795-y

Distribution of heavy metals in the dissolved and suspended

phase of the sea-surface microlayer, seawater column
and in sediments of Singapore’s coastal environment
Dang The Cuong & Subramanian Karuppiah &
Jeffrey Philip Obbard

Received: 26 July 2006 / Accepted: 20 April 2007 / Published online: 12 June 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract Concentrations of heavy metals were de- profiles that show a decreasing trend of concentrations
termined in the water column (including the sea- from the subsurface to the bottom water, indicating that
surface microlayer, subsurface, mid-depth and bottom the prevalence of metals is linked to the marine
water) and sediments from Singapore’s coastal envi- biological cycle. In comparison to data from Greece,
ronment. The concentration ranges for As, Cd, Cr, Malaysia and USA, the levels of metals in the DP are
Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the seawater dissolved phase considered to be low in Singapore. Higher concentra-
(DP) were 0.34–2.04, 0.013–0.109, 0.07–0.35, 0.23– tions of particulate metals were reported for the
1.16, 0.28–0.78, 0.009–0.062 and 0.97–3.66 μg L−1 Northern Adriatic Sea and the Rhine/Meuse estuary in
respectively. The ranges for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and the Netherlands compared to values reported in this
Zn in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) were study. The marine sediments in Singapore are not
0.16–0.73, 6.72–53.93, 12.87–118.29, 4.34–60.71, heavily contaminated when compared to metal levels
1.10–6.08 and 43.09–370.49 μg g−1, respectively. in marine sediments from other countries such as
Heavy metal concentrations in sediments ranged Thailand, Japan, Korea, Spain and China.
between 0.054–0.217, 37.48–50.52, 6.30–21.01,
13.27–26.59, 24.14–37.28 and 48.20–62.36 μg g−1 Keywords Sea-surface microlayer . Seawater .
for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, respectively. The Suspended particulate matter . Sediments .
lowest concentrations of metals in the DP and SPM Southeast Asia
were most frequently found in the subsurface water
while the highest concentrations were mostly observed
in the SML and bottom water. Overall, heavy metals in
both the dissolved and particulate fractions have depth
Many heavy metals are essential to the metabolism of
D. T. Cuong : J. P. Obbard
many marine organisms and are bio-accumulated from
Division of Environmental Science & Engineering, the marine environment. However, all metals become
National University of Singapore, toxic above threshold bio-available levels (Blackmore
4 Engineering Drive 4, 1998). Their global distribution and impact upon
Singapore 117576, Singapore
marine organisms and human health are of great
D. T. Cuong (*) : S. Karuppiah : J. P. Obbard concern due to their persistent, non-biodegradable and
Tropical Marine Science Institute, toxic properties (Florence 1982; Tokalioğlu et al. 2002;
National University of Singapore, Yuan et al. 2004). Sources of heavy metals in the
14 Kent Ridge Road,
Singapore 119223, Singapore
marine environment include atmospheric fallout (con-
e-mail: sisting of both wet and dry deposition) riverine inputs,
256 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

wastewater discharges and re-suspension of contami- Estuary, located on the north-eastern coast of Singa-
nated bottom sediments (Mart et al. 1982; Poikāne pore (Nayar et al. 2004). To date, however, vertical
et al. 2005). Suspended particulate matter (SPM) and distribution data of heavy metals in seawater columns
sediments are the main sources of heavy metals in the of Singapore’s marine environment are lacking. In
marine ecosystem and play an important role in the this study, heavy metal concentrations were deter-
transport and storage of potentially hazardous metals. mined in both seawater and suspended particulate
There are various processes affecting the distribu- matter in the water column, as well as in sediments
tion and behavior of heavy metals in the seawater from two coastal regions of Singapore. The objectives
column and underlying sediments, including hydro- of this study were to: (1) determine prevailing heavy
dynamic mixing, adsorption onto both inorganic and metal levels and their distribution in the water column
organic phases, complexation, precipitation, biologi- and sediments at two sampling sites with contrasting
cal uptake and diffusion from bottom sediments hydrodynamic characteristics in the coastal marine
(Blackmore 1998; Zeri and Voutsinou-Taliadouri environment of Singapore; (2) determine the enrich-
2003). The fate and transfer of many heavy metals ment of heavy metals in the sea-surface microlayer
is mediated by biogeochemical cycling processes, and the sediment-bottom water layer, which represent
where metals are often depleted in the surface water the uppermost and the lowest boundary layer of the
and enriched with depth due to gravitational settling water column; and (3) evaluate levels relative to
of dead biota and faecal pellets, and subsequent similar data reported from other countries.
decomposition and release of metals into the water
column (Mart et al. 1982; Westerlund and Öhman
1991). Meanwhile, the sea-surface microlayer (SML), Materials and methods
which represents the uppermost layer of the ocean
(thickness 50–100 μm), can serve as a reservoir for Study area
heavy metals with enrichment relative to the under-
lying water column. The enrichment of heavy metals, Samples including seawater, suspended particulate
especially particulate metals, in the SML may be matters and sediments were collected from two coastal
derived from both atmospheric deposition and bubble regions of Singapore (Kranji and Pulau Tekong) in
floatation from the water column (Hardy 1982; Migon June and July, 2004 (see Fig. 1). Kranji (Station 1) is
and Nicolas 1998). situated in the West Johor Strait, adjacent to man-
Although a number of studies have been completed grove habitat and nearby fish farming activities. This
on the distribution and fate of heavy metals in the water station is also close to a causeway built across the
column and sediments around the world (Kuwabara Johor Straits in 1924, linking Singapore and Malay-
et al. 1989; Westerlund and Öhman 1991; Poikāne sia. As a result, the water flow in this coastal region is
et al. 2005), available data for the Asian region are negligible and fine-grained sediments are readily
sparse. In Singapore, there have been a few studies deposited. Water currents are not strong enough to
providing some data on dissolved and particulate disperse pollutants to oceanic waters at the ends of the
metal concentrations in sea water and marine sedi- Johor Straits (Wood et al. 1997). Meanwhile, Pulau
ments. Goh and Chou (1997) carried out an investi- Tekong, the largest of Singapore’s outlying islands, is
gation over a period of two years to monitor the levels situated at the confluence of the Johor Straits and the
of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium at twenty locations Sungai Johor estuaries, with Singapore to the east and
comprising mainland coastal and offshore areas Malaysia to the south, where water currents are strong
around Singapore from December, 1990 to July, and the water column is well-mixed. This station is
1992. In 1993, a study of the metal concentrations adjacent to heavy shipping traffic and river dis-
in sediment cores collected along the east–west axis charges.
of the Strait of Johor between Singapore and Malaysia
was undertaken (Wood et al. 1997). More recently, a Cleaning procedure
study on the environmental impact of heavy metals
from dredged and re-suspended sediments on phyto- All containers, syringes, pipette tips, centrifuge tubes,
plankton and bacteria was conducted at Ponggol beakers, volumetric flask, sample vials used for sample
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 257
Fig. 1 Location of Kranji
and Tekong in Singapore

collection and storage were made of high density sampler (Harvey 1966; Carlson et al. 1988). The
polyethylene (HDPE) or polytetrafluoroethylene detailed sampling procedure for collecting the SML
(PTFE). The lab-ware was soaked for 24 h in a hot has been described in a previous manuscript (Wurl and
2% detergent solution, and then thoroughly rinsed with Obbard 2006). Briefly, the SML sampler consisting of
hot tap water followed by DI water. Materials were a rotating glass drum, Teflon tubing, pump and a
then allowed to stand for 24 h at room temperature in a sample container was attached to a research vessel by a
5% HNO3 solution and then thoroughly rinsed with 5 m long aluminum bar fixed on the starboard. Before
DI water. Volumetric flasks and sample containers sample collection, the sampler was operated in the sea
were filled with 5% HNO3 until use. Beakers, for 10 min to rinse the tubing, pumps and the glass
syringes and pipette tips were dried in the oven at drum with seawater. The SML sample on the surface
50°C and kept wrapped in pre-cleaned plastic. Filters of the rotating glass drum (diameter 300 mm, length
were rinsed with 5% HNO3 solution three times prior 500 mm, RPM 7-8) was collected into the container
to use. using a rubber blade, then pumped into the plastic
sampling bottles. The subsurface, mid and bottom
Sample collection water from the water column samples was collected
using a 12 V DC Teflon pump. Sediment samples were
Seawater samples (2 L each) were collected in duplicate collected in triplicate from the surface layer (10–
from the SML, subsurface, mid and bottom layer of the 15 cm) of the sea bed using a Van Veen grab sampler.
water column at the two sampling sites. As the This 1,000 cm2-sample-area grab sampler is made of
maximum depths of the two sampling sites differed AISI 316 stainless steel and the surface is electro
(6.8 and 11 m at Station 1 and Station 2, respectively), polished with the dimensions of 33×33×115 cm.
samples from subsurface, mid and bottom water were Sediment sub-samples were taken with a disposable
collected at depths of 1, 4.8, and 6.5 m at Station 1 and at plastic spoon. Samples were stored in polypropylene
1, 7, and 10.5 m at Station 2, respectively. The SML centrifuge tubes and kept in the ice box prior to
samples (2 L each) were collected using a rotating drum laboratory analysis.
258 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

Sample preparation is described in U.S. EPA method 3052. Briefly, three

replicates of 0.5 g dried sediment sample were
All seawater samples (the SML, subsurface, mid and analyzed by digestion with a mixture (3:1) of acid
bottom waters) were immediately filtered onboard (9 ml concentrated nitric acid and 3 ml concentrated
through acid pre-cleaned cellulose nitrate membrane hydrofluoric acid). The sediment samples were
filters (Whatman, 0.45 μm, 47 mm ∅) under vacuum. heated in the microwave unit to a temperature of
In the laboratory, the filtered seawater samples were 180+5°C for 9.5 min with a ramp of 10 min.
then acidified by addition of nitric acid to a pH<2 and Digests were centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min to
stored at 4°C. The 0.45 μm filters containing SPM clear the supernatant which was then analyzed by
were kept in acid pre-cleaned plastic petri dishes and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotome-
stored at −20°C prior to further processing and try (GFAAS) using a Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 600.
analysis. Sediment samples were stored in polypro- Similarly, two replicates of the dried 0.45 μm filters
pylene centrifuge tubes and kept in the freezer at were digested with a mixture of 3 ml of concentrated
−20°C prior to processing and analysis. nitric acid and 1 ml of hydrofluoric acid following the
In the laboratory, the 0.45 μm filters containing microwave-assisted acid digestion procedure as de-
SPM from the SML, subsurface, mid and bottom scribed above for sediments. Concentrations of heavy
layer were dried at room temperature (30±2°C) and metals in the SPM are given in terms of both water
heated in the oven at 60°C for 24 h. Sediment volume (μg L−1) and SPM mass (μg g−1).
samples were defrosted and air-dried at 30±2°C and TOC was quantified using a Shimadzu TOC5000A
then ground with a pestle and mortar and sieved and a solid combustion unit SSM5000. A continuous
(<63 μm). Metal analyses was conducted on the flow analyzer (AutoAnalyzer 3, Bran-Luebbe, Ger-
<63 μm fraction due to the strong association of many) was used for measurement of DOC.
metals with fine-grained sediments (Horowitz and
Elrick 1987; Moore et al. 1989; Goh and Chou 1997;
Tam and Wong 2000; Che et al. 2003). The moisture Results and discussion
content of the dried sediment samples was calculated
by heating a portion of sediment in an oven at 105±2°C Quality assurance
to constant weight. Sediment data in this study are
reported on a dry weight basis. In order to verify the accuracy of the analytical methods,
Sub-samples for SPM, DOC and TOC analysis a seawater standard reference material CASS-4 and a
were filtered onboard through a pre-cleaned GF/A sediment standard reference material PACS-2 (National
filter (Whatman, 1.6 μm, 47 mm) under vacuum. Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) were
Sub-samples for DOC analysis were kept in glass test analyzed using four replicates. Heavy metal concen-
tubes with teflon-lined caps and stored at −20°C. The trations and recoveries of the standard reference
GF/A filters for SPM and TOC analysis were stored materials used are presented in Table 1. The recoveries
in glass petri dishes at −20°C. were good, averaging 114±10% for seawaters and 94±
11% for sediments. The analysis of all metals from the
Sample analysis seawater standard reference material CASS-4 showed
satisfactory accuracy, ranging from 103 to 117%
The filtered seawater samples were directly analyzed except for Cd (132%) with a relative standard deviation
by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy of less than 26%. The recoveries for metals in the
(ICP-MS) using an ELAN 6100 instrument. The sediment standard reference material PACS-2 were
precision and accuracy of the analytical procedure was between 84 and 110% with a relative standard
validated using a seawater reference material (CASS-4, deviation of less than 15%.
National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
for four replicates. In-situ analysis
The dried 0.45 μm filters and sediment samples
were digested using a microwave-assisted acid diges- Salinity at the two sampling sites during the sampling
tion procedure. A detailed description of this procedure events was 6.5 ppt (Station 1) and 22 ppt (Station 2),
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 259

Table 1 Measured and cer-

tified values for standard Standard reference Analyzed SRM Certified SRM Average recovery
reference materials (seawa- material value value (%)
ter and marine sediment)
CASS-4 – seawater (n=4)
As 1.14±0.04 1.11±0.16 103±4
Cd 0.030±0.007 0.026±0.003 116±26
Cr 0.189±0.012 0.144±0.029 132±8
Cu 0.609±0.037 0.592±0.055 103±6
Ni 0.355±0.020 0.314±0.030 113±6
Pb 0.0115±0.0011 0.0098±0.0036 117±11
Zn 0.438±0.020 0.381±0.057 115±5
PACS-2 – marine sediment (n=4)
Cd 2.20±0.31 2.11±0.15 104±15
Cr 77.1±1.2 90.7±4.6 85±1
Cu 340±29 310±12 110±9
Ni 37.2±2.8 39.5±2.3 94±7
Pb 160±3 183±8 87±1
Zn 305±6 364±23 84±2

resulting from abundant rainfall and a restricted subsurface waters. The enrichment of DOC and TOC
hydrodynamic exchange of coastal waters at Station in the surface water (the SML and subsurface water)
1 (Wood et al. 1997). The vertical profiles of DOC, compared to the underlying water at Station 1, a
TOC and SPM in the water column from the two mangrove area of Singapore, suggests higher levels of
sampling stations are illustrated in Fig. 2 (Fig. 2a,c,e biological activity in surface compared to the deeper
for Station 1 and Fig. 2b,d,f for Station 2). In waters. At Station 2, the profiles of DOC, TOC and
addition, enrichment factors (EF) of these parameters SPM were quite different between sampling events.
at two sampling sites were calculated. Overall, DOC and TOC at this station varied little
EF is defined as the ratio of the concentration found with depth whilst SPM was enriched in the SML
in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) to that of the sub- relative to the subsurface water by factors of
surface water layer (1 m below the sea surface). approximately two-fold.

Concentrations of heavy metals in the water column
Where [X]SML is the sea-surface microlayer concentra- and sediments
tion of parameter X, and [X]SUB is the concentration of
X in bulk (sub-surface water). EF values greater than Dissolved heavy metals in the water column
unity indicate enrichment in the SML, while EF values
less than 1 indicate depletion. The dissolved phases of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and
In general, DOC and TOC were present at higher Zn at Station 1 were lower, ranging from 0.34 to 0.87,
levels while SPM was lower at Station 1 relative to 0.013 to 0.109, 0.07 to 0.16, 0.23 to 0.70, 0.28 to
Station 2. The vertical distribution of DOC, TOC and 0.70, 0.009 to 0.062 and 0.97 to 3.66 μg L−1
SPM in the water column differed between sampling respectively, relative to those measured at Station 2,
sites. At Station 1, the profiles were similar between ranging from 0.82 to 2.04, 0.014 to 0.044, 0.16 to
sample events. DOC was enriched by a factor of 0.35, 0.52 to 1.16, 0.35 to 0.78, 0.022 to 0.059 and
approximately two in the SML compared to the 1.19 to 3.42 μg L−1 respectively. The highest
subsurface water and this ratio decreased with depth. concentrations of heavy metals were found in the
SPM profiles also showed an enrichment by a factor SML and the bottom waters, whilst the lowest
of approximately two in the SML, but concentrations concentrations were present in the subsurface waters
increased with depth relative to the subsurface waters. at both sampling sites. There was a little enrichment
The depth profiles of TOC showed a depletion in the of heavy metals in the SML relative to subsurface
SML and a decrease with depth compared to the water. The enrichment factors (EF), reflecting the
260 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

a b
Station 1 - DOC (mg/L) Station 2 - DOC (mg/L)

0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00
0 0
1 2

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

Round 1
3 Round 1
6 Round 2
4 Round 3
8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

c d
Station 1 - TOC (mg/g) Station 2 - TOC (mg/g)

0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Round 1 Depth (m) Round 1

Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

e f
Station 1 - SPM (mg/L) Station 2 - SPM (mg/L)

0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12
Fig. 2 DOC (mg/L), TOC (mg/g) and SPM (mg/L) profiles in the water column from two coastal regions of Singapore (a, c, e for
Station 1 – Kranji and b, d, f for Station 2 – Pulau Tekong)

relative level of contamination between the SML and dissolved metals could be enriched in the SML due
subsurface seawaters, for all metals with the exception to complexation reactions between metal-ions and
of Pb at Station 1 and Cd at Station 2, were slightly organic ligands normally enriched in the SML.
greater than 1 and reached up to 1.1 for As, 1.9 for Similarly, the formation of temporary surface com-
Cd, 1.1 for Cr, 1.2 for Cu, 1.2 for Ni, 2.2 for Pb and plexes or ‘metal–organic ligand–solid particles’ in the
1.8 for Zn (Table 2). These results suggest that the SML may account for the accumulation of dissolved
prevailing SML at both sampling stations was not metals in this layer (Zhang et al. 1996, 1997, 2003).
highly contaminated relative to subsurface waters, The ranges of heavy metal concentrations in the
except for Cd, Pb and Zn. The mechanism of dissolved phase of seawater samples from Singapore
dissolved metal enrichment in the SML is complicat- and comparative available data from other countries
ed, but Hunter and Liss (1981) suggested that are presented in Table 3. There is little previous data
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 261

Table 2 Concentration (μg L−1) and enrichment factors (EF) of heavy metals in the sea-surface microlayer water from Singapore and
other locations

Region Heavy metal Concentration (μg L−1) Enrichment factor (EF) Reference
Total Particulate Dissolved Total Particulate Dissolved

Southern North Sea off Pb N.A.a N.A. 0.29–1.00 N.A. N.A. 140–410 Pattenden et al.
Lowestoft Zn N.A. N.A. 0.17–0.55 N.A. N.A. <5–<50 1981
Cheaspeake Bay Cd 0.11– 0.05–0.16 0.04–0.09 0.4 9 0.2 Hardy et al. 1990
Cu 4.20– 1.76– 1.10–3.00 8 >62 1.6
16.20 13.20
Pb 4.90– 4.73–23.7 0.21–1.00 43 105 4.7
Zn 18.90– 9.70– 9.20– 2.6 >45 1.5
58.90 26.90 32.00
Xiamen Bay, China Cd 0.02– 0.007– 0.02–0.03 1.1– 0.89–1.9 1.1–1.6 Hong and Lin 1990
0.08 0.013 1.6
Cu 0.60– 0.40–1.00 0.90–1.30 1– 1.2–6.5 1.2–1.5
2.30 2.61
Baltic Sea Cd N.A. <0.0001– 0.001– N.A. 5.7 1.5 Brügmann et al.
0.03 0.10 1992
Cu N.A. 0.001– <0.001– N.A. 4.2 1.5
0.90 2.20
Pb N.A. 0.004– <0.001– N.A. 3.6 2.2
0.30 0.40
Zn N.A. 0.015– 0.20– N.A. 4.1 2
0.80 5.80
German Bright Cd 0.02– N.A. N.A. 1.6– N.A. N.A. Hardy and Cleary
18.40 2.7 1992
Cu 1.40– N.A. N.A. 1.9– N.A. N.A.
4.70 8.7
Pb 0.77– N.A. N.A. 1.9– N.A. N.A.
2.07 6.1
Zn 10.20– N.A. N.A. 1.1– N.A. N.A.
20.50 4.7
North-western Cd 4.8 N.A. N.A. 55 N.A. N.A. Migon and Nicolas
Mediterranean Sea Pb 1.2–6.5 N.A. N.A. 19 N.A. N.A. 1998
Western Ross Sea, Antarctica Cu N.A. 0.06 N.A. 1.6 N.A. N.A. Grotti et al. 2001
Kranji and Pulau Tekong, As N.A. N.A. 0.34– N.A. N.A. 0.9–1.1 This study
Singapore 1.19
Cd 0.02– 0.005– 0.02– 0.7– 0.8–4.7 0.6–1.9 This study
0.08 0.036 0.05 2.6
Cr 0.65– 0.53–2.50 0.07– 1.4– 1.4–3.4 1.0–1.1 This study
2.72 0.22 2.8
Cu 1.25– 0.91–5.11 0.27– 1.7– 2.2–8.4 0.9–1.2 This study
5.72 0.72 5.0
Ni 0.46– 0.15–1.69 0.31– 0.9– 1.1–3.4 0.9–1.2 This study
2.10 0.50 2.2
Pb 0.11– 0.08–0.45 0.02– 1.9– 1.9–4.8 1.1–2.2 This study
0.51 0.12 3.4
Zn 5.42– 5.99– 1.79– 1.6– 1.6–5.0 0.8–1.8 This study
15.37 12.98 3.31 3.0
N.A. Not available
262 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

available on arsenic and chromium levels in seawater 370.49 (μg g−1), respectively. The concentration
from other parts of the world. The concentration ranges of heavy metals in the SPM in terms of water
levels of arsenic in the dissolved phase in this study volume (μg L−1) were between 0.005 to 0.045 for Cd,
are comparable to levels reported for Houston Ship 0.20 to 2.88 for Cr, 0.42 to 8.73 for Cu, 0.14 to 1.89
Channel, USA (Saleh and Wilson 1999) and the north for Ni, 0.019 to 0.566 for Pb and 2.15 to 15.38 for Zn.
Australian coast and estuaries (Munksgaard and Parry From the analytical results, it can be noted that all
2001), whilst levels of chromium are low in Singapore heavy metals in the water column of both sampling
compared to those found in Houston Ship Channel, sites, except for Cd, are dominant in the particulate
USA (Saleh and Wilson 1999). Cadmium concentra- fraction relative to the dissolved fraction, which is
tions in the dissolved phase are in a similar range of consistent with the higher particulate fraction of Cu,
values reported for the Arabian Sea, and coastal waters Ni, Pb and Zn in the water column compared to the
of Malaysia, England, Wales and France (Fowler et al. dissolved fraction reported by Nguyen et al. (2005).
1984; Seng et al. 1987; Harper 1991; Law et al. 1994; The weak binding of Cd to organic compounds in
Kraepiel et al. 1997), but elevated relative to those seawater may account for the predomination of Cd in
reported for Australia, Korea and USA (Mackey et al. the dissolved fraction of the water column (Sadiq
1996; Munksgaard and Parry 2001; Lee et al. 1998; 1992; Wurl and Obbard 2004). As shown in Table 2,
Beck et al. 2002). Levels of copper and nickel found in the EFs in the SML of heavy metals in the SPM were
Singapore are also similar to results reported elsewhere higher than those in the DP, ranging from 0.8 to 4.7
(Harper 1991; Kraepiel et al. 1997; Apte and Day for Cd, 1.4 to 3.4 for Cr, 2.2 to 5.8 for Cu, 1.1 to 3.4
1998; Lee et al. 1998), but low compared to available for Ni, 1.9 to 4.8 for Pb and 1.6 to 5.0 for Zn. These
data reported for the Northern Aegean Sea (Fytianos results are consistent with findings from Cheaspeake
and Vasilikiotis 1983), Arabian Sea (Fowler et al. Bay, USA (Hardy et al. 1990), Xiamen Bay, China
1984), Red Sea (El-Moselhy and Gabal 2004) and (Hong and Lin 1990) and the Baltic Sea (Brügmann et
coastal waters of the USA (Saleh and Wilson 1999; al. 1992), where the EFs for the particulate form of
Beck et al. 2002), England and Wales (Law et al. Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were greater than those for the
1994). As shown in Table 3, lead concentrations in the dissolved form. This suggests that the SPM in the
dissolved phase are within range or lower than data SML plays an important role in the enrichment of
reported from most previous studies conducted else- heavy metals. The enrichment of particulate metals in
where. Meanwhile, zinc concentrations are elevated the SML is mainly derived from atmospheric deposi-
relative to those reported in Australia and USA tion and bubble floatation from the water column
(Munksgaard and Parry 2001; Beck et al. 2002), but (Hardy 1982).
much lower than data reported for the Northern Table 4 shows the concentration ranges of partic-
Aegean Sea and Red Sea (Fytianos and Vasilikiotis ulate metals in terms of SPM mass (μg g−1) in
1983; El-Moselhy and Gabal 2004). In general, the seawater samples from Singapore and other locations.
concentrations of heavy metals in the sea-water column Cadmium is comparable to available data reported for
of Singapore are very low in comparison to the the Gulf and Western Arabian Sea (Fowler et al.
Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) given in 1984), the Gironde estuary in Southwestern France
the National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (US (Kraepiel et al. 1997) and Lake Balaton, the largest
EPA 2006; see Table 3). lake in Central Europe (Nguyen et al. 2005) and
substantially lower compared to levels elsewhere
Particulate heavy metals in the water column (Paalman and Van der Weijden 1992; Price et al.
1996; Tankéré et al. 2001). Copper and nickel are also
Concentrations of heavy metals in suspended partic- lower than values reported for the Rhine/Meuse
ulate matter (SPM) at the two stations are expressed estuary in the Netherlands (Paalman and Van der
in terms of both water volume (μg L−1) and SPM Weijden 1992) and the Northern Adriatic Sea (Price
mass (μg g−1). As measured in SPM mass (μg g−1), et al. 1996), but higher than results for the English
the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn Channel (Statham et al. 1993) and Northern Adriatic
ranged from 0.16 to 0.73, 6.73 to 53.93, 12.87 to Sea (Price et al. 1996). As shown in Table 4,
118.29, 4.34 to 60.71, 1.10 to 6.08, and 43.09 to compared with data from other locations in the world,
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 263

Table 3 Dissolved metal concentrations (μg L−1) in the coastal waters from Singapore and other locations
Region As Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Reference

Northern Aegean Sea, Greece N.A. 0.160– N.A. 0.700– 0.500– 3.500– 13.400– Fytianos and Vasilikiotis 1983
0.520 2.080 1.500 20.500 23.000
Coastal water of the Gulf and N.A. 0.002– N.A. 0.020– N.A. 0.020– 0.002– Fowler et al. 1984
Western Arabian Sea 0.100 5.600 0.120 0.910
Juru Estuary, Penang, Malaysia N.A. 0.600– N.A. 0.600– 1.600– 2.000– 4 .000– Seng et al. 1987
0.800 0.800 1.800 2.800 10.600
San Francisco Bay, USA N.A. 0.035– N.A. 1.520– N.A. N.A. 2.020– Kuwabara et al. 1989
0.528 4.190 6.990
Central North Sea N.A. 0.015– N.A. 0.230– N.A. 0.017– 0.160– Fileman et al. 1991
0.025 0.390 0.032 0.610
Bristol Channel, England N.A. 0.012– N.A. 0.200– N.A. 0.020– N.A. Harper 1991
0.050 1.000 0.040
England and Wales (1992) Law et al. 1994
Estuarine, coastal sites N.A. 0.012– N.A. 0.350– 0.230– 0.024– 0.430–
0.220 4.000 4.900 0.880 15.000
Offshore locations N.A. 0.004– N.A. 0.140– 0.220– 0.020– 0.220–
0.069 0.900 0.640 0.071 2.100
Southwestern Tasmania, Mackey et al. 1996
Macquarie Harbour N.A. 0.005– N.A. 2.351– 0.282– N.A. 0.392–
0.028 6.989 0.552 2.027
Bathurst Harbour N.A. 0.002– N.A. 0.140– 0.141– N.A. 0.392–
0.007 0.235 0.288 2.942
Gironde estuary in N.A. 0.024– N.A. 0.388– 0.267– 0.021– 0.471– Kraepiel et al. 1997
southwestern France 0.131 1.347 0.536 0.062 2.000
Torres Strait and Gulf of N.A. <0.001– N.A. 0.032– 0.094– N.A. N.A. Apte and Day 1998
Papua, Australia 0.029 0.986 0.460
Korean coastal environment Lee et al. 1998
East coast N.A. 0.024– N.A. 0.170– N.A. 0.068– 1.010–
0.102 0.980 0.075 4.910
South coast N.A. 0.022– N.A. 0.450– N.A. 0.029– 0.380–
0.028 0.540 0.064 2.150
West coast N.A. 0.014– N.A. 0.420– N.A. 0.033– 0.250–
0.030 1.230 0.091 0.760
Houston ship channel, Texas, 0– 0.314– 5.398– 29.970– 6.176– 0.215– 16.430– Saleh and Wilson 1999
USA 1.983 3.273 7.752 280.200 26.480 1.257 77.220
Australian coast and Munksgaard and Parry 2001
Karumba Offshore 0.714– 0.001– N.A. 0.148– 0.116– 0.004– <0.010–
1.210 0.006 0.254 0.215 0.018 0.120
North Australian coast 0.394– 0.002– N.A. 0.151– 0.116– <0.002– 0.018–
and estuaries 1.350 0.034 1.040 0.552 0.057 0.498
Northwestern Black N.A. 0.004– N.A. 0.184– 0.500– 0.006– 0.070– Tankéré et al. 2001
Sea 0.018 1.830 1.030 0.126 2.940
San Francisco Bay, N.A. 0.027– N.A. 0.790– 1.070– N.A. 0.468– Beck et al. 2002
USA 0.033 1.670 2.030 0.785
The northern part of N.A. 0.150– N.A. 1.16– N.A. 1.840– 8.130– El-Moselhy and Gabal 2004
the Gulf of Suez, Red 0.180 5.33 2.570 23.240
Sea, Egypt
The Criterion 36 8.7 49.7 2.6 7.7 8.1 76.6 National Recommended Water Quality Criteria
Continuous (US EPA 2006)
Coastal sites, Singapore 0.335– 0.013– 0.072– 0.228– 0.282– 0.009– 0.974– This study
2.035 0.109 0.350 1.163 0.784 0.062 3.662
The Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) is an estimate of the highest concentration of a material in surface water to which an
aquatic community can be exposed indefinitely without resulting in an unacceptable effect.
264 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

Table 4 Concentration of particulate metals (μg g−1) in the coastal waters from Singapore and other locations

Region Cd Cu Ni Pb Zn Reference

The Gulf and Western Arabian Sea 0.13– 0.70–14.50 N.A. 10.00– N.A. Fowler et al. 1984
0.97 180.00
The Rhine/Meuse Estuary, The 9.60 138.00 69.00 131.00 908.00 Paalman and Van der
Netherlands Weijden 1992
English Channel 0.70– 0.10–49.60 <0.10– 5.00– 2.00–141.00 Statham et al. 1993
6.90 23.20 137.00
Northern Adriatic Sea 0.66– 21.00– 12.00–92.00 9.70– 166.00– Price et al. 1996
20.00 1,560.00 496.00 2,020.00
Gironde estuary, southwestern 0.38–1.05 32.41–47.02 45.79–57.53 30.25–63.20 215.75–281.13 Kraepiel et al. 1997
Southern North Sea ND–8.30 25.00–45.00 ND–5.60 13.00–341.00 31.00–115.00 Millward et al. 1998
North Western Black Sea 0.34–6.30 5.00–225.00 2.00–36.00 2.40–121.00 12.00–359.00 Tankéré et al. 2001
Lake Balaton 0.12–1.25 5.00–50.00 1.00–67.00 10.00–77.00 18.00–140.00 Nguyen et al. 2005
Coastal sites, Singapore 0.16–0.73 12.87–118.27 7.16–60.71 1.10–6.08 43.09–370.49 This study

the levels of Pb in Singapore are relatively low. Zinc present at the highest concentration in sediments from
levels in this study are similar to values reported from both sampling sites, most likely due to the release of
the English Channel (Statham et al. 1993), Southern anti-fouling paints from boats (Goh and Chou 1997).
North Sea (Millward et al. 1998) and North Western A comparison of metal levels in SPM and bottom
Black Sea (Tankéré et al. 2001), but still lower than sediments from both sampling stations indicates that
those reported elsewhere (Paalman and Van der concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in the bottom
Weijden 1992; Price et al. 1996). Overall, concen- sediments are generally similar to or higher than
trations of heavy metals in the SPM are not elevated levels in the SPM. These results are in agreement with
in Singapore compared to those recorded from the the findings from the Ob-Irtysh river, in Russia
Rhine/Meuse estuary in the Netherlands (Paalman and (Moran and Woods 1997) and Lake Balaton in central
Van der Weijden 1992) and the Northern Adriatic Sea Europe (Nguyen et al. 2005) which suggested that the
(Price et al. 1996), where the levels of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb sources of particulate metals included re-suspended
and Zn are significantly higher than the reported sediments, anthropogenic discharges and inputs from
levels in this study. continental weathering.
As presented in Table 5, the metal levels from this
Heavy metals in sediments study are compared to levels for marine sediments
from other local investigations conducted earlier
Levels of metals in sediments (μg g−1) at two (Wood et al. 1997; Nayar et al. 2004). Concentrations
sampling sites ranged from 0.05 to 0.22 for Cd, of Cd, Ni and Pb in this study are relatively higher,
37.48 to 50.52 for Cr, 6.30 to 21.01 for Cu, 13.27 to while Cu is lower compared to recent sediment results
26.59 for Ni, 24.14 to 37.28 for Pb and 48.20 to 62.36 obtained for Ponggol, Singapore (Nayar et al. 2004).
for Zn. There were relative differences in the levels of Levels of Cd, Cr and Ni in sediments from Station 1
heavy metals in sediment samples between two are similar to sediment results obtained from the
sampling stations, where the concentrations of all Straits of Johor, Singapore in July, 1993 (Wood et al.
metals, except for Pb, in the sediments from Station 1 1997), while Cu, Pb and Zn are around two times
were between one and three times greater than those lower than values from the Straits of Johor. The levels
from Station 2. Anthropogenic discharges from the of metals in sediments from Station 2 are also lower than
city of Johor as well as the restricted hydrodynamics those measured in the sediments from the Straits of
at Station 1 likely account for the elevated levels of Johor (Wood et al. 1997), indicating that the burden of
heavy metals in sediments from Station 1 relative to heavy metals in marine sediments from the Straits of
Station 2. Of the heavy metals studied, Zn was Johor, Singapore has decreased over the last decade.
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 265

Table 5 Concentration of heavy metals in sediments (μg g−1) from Singapore and other locations
Region Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Reference

Chao Phrya Estuary, Thailand 1.20± N.A. 26.00± N.A. 140.00± 28.00 71.00± Menasveta and Cheevaparanapiwat
0.50 10.00 6.9.00 1981
Northern Aegean Sea, Greece 0.62– N.A. 0.60– 4.10– 6.40– 10.40– Fytianos and Vasilikiotis 1983
1.14 2.30 9.10 27.80 28.2
Juru Estuary, Penang ND– N.A. 9.30– 24.80– 20.80– 73.50– Seng et al. 1987
Malaysia 6.80 13.80 46.70 33.00 109.80
Tokyo bay, Japan 0.53– N.A. 16.60– 16.40– 25.20– 106.00– Fukushima et al. 1992
1.40 79.80 44.10 58.30 405.00
Korean coasts 0.14– N.A. 9.80– N.A. 23.50– 45.60– Lee et al. 1998
2.40 59.90 62.60 102.00
Queensland, Australia Esslemont 2000
Pioneer Bay 0.01– 0.14– 0.51– 0.98– 1.49–3.42 1.55–
0.67 11.18 1.30 3.77 3.08
Nelly Bay 0.04– 0.73– 0.41– 0.32– 2.84–7.42 1.40–
0.68 11.60 1.39 4.10 5.52
Townsville 0.06– 7.28– 35.01– 21.13– 29.42– 122.98–
0.69 16.90 48.23 32.40 39.78 148.02
The northern part of the Gulf 2.26– N.A. 1.84– N.A. 13.90– 4.26– El-Moselhy and Gabal 2004
of Suez, Egypt 4.40 10.25 28.34 23.68
The southwest coast of Spain 0.19– 32–92 41–336 10–50 20–197 141–649 Morillo et al. 2004
The Harbor of Barcelona, 0.43– 38.80– 70.6– 18.3– 86.3–589 213– Guevara-Riba et al. 2004
Spain 2.76 110 531 34.3 1133
The East China Sea, China 0.03– 33–86 4–40 19–47 22–44 33–131 Yuan et al. 2004
Canadian marine The National Guidelines and Standards Office
sediment (NGSO) Environment Canada (2002)
quality guidelines
ISQGsa 0.7 52.3 18.7 N.A. 30.2 124
PELsb 4.2 160 108 N.A. 112 271
Straits of Johor 0.18± 45.2± 30.7± 30.2± 42.3±11 132.5± Wood et al. 1997
0.06 11.2 22.5 6.6 52.6
Ponggol estuary 0.24 NA 34.65 6.07 17.30 N.A. Nayar et al. 2004
Kranji 0.15– 44.36– 14.65– 25.76– 24.14– 61.69– This study
0.22 50.52 21.01 26.59 27.74 62.36
Pulau Tekong 0.05– 37.48– 6.30– 13.27– 24.47– 48.20– This study
0.07 43.74 8.70 20.00 37.27 52.05
ISQGs Interim freshwater sediment quality guidelines (dry weight)
PELs Probable effect levels (dry weight)

In general, levels of all metals, except for Cd, in still relatively uncontaminated with heavy metals when
sediments for the Northern Aegean Sea, Greece compared to available data for other countries including
(Fytianos and Vasilikiotis 1983), Pioneer Bay and Thailand, Japan, Korea, Spain and China (Menasveta
Nelly Bay, Australia (Esslemont 2000) and the and Cheevaparanapiwat 1981; Fukushima et al. 1992;
northern part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt (El-Moselhy Lee et al. 1998; Morillo et al. 2004; Guevara-Riba
and Gabal 2004) are lower than the reported levels in et al. 2004; Yuan et al. 2004). In comparison with the
this study. However, Singapore’s marine sediments are ISQG and PEL values given in the Canadian Sediment
266 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life Vertical distribution of heavy metals
(The National Guidelines and Standards Office in the water column
(NGSO) Environment Canada 2002), the concentra-
tions of all metals in sediments obtained from this The depth profiles of all metals in the DP from the two
study are lower than the ISQG and PEL values, except stations are presented in Fig. 3 (Fig. 3a,c,e,g,i,k,m for
for the concentration of Cu at Kranji and the Station 1 and Fig. 3b,d,f,h,j,l,n for Station 2). Concen-
concentration of Pb at Pulau Tekong that are slightly trations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium and copper
greater than the ISQG values, but still much lower than show little difference in vertical profiles between the
the PEL values. two locations. The profiles of these metals at Station 2

a b
Station 1 - Arsenic (µg/L) Station 2 - Arsenic (µg/L)

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
0 0
1 2

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

c d
Station 1 - Cadmium (µg/L) Station 2 - Cadmium (µg/L)

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

e f
Station 1 - Chromium (µg/L) Station 2 - Chromium (µg/L)

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 Round 3
6 10

7 12

Fig. 3 Dissolved metal profiles in the water column from two coastal regions of Singapore (a, c, e, g, i, k, m Station 1 Kranji
and b, d, f, h, j, l, n Station 2 Pulau Tekong)
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 267

g h
Station 1 - Copper (µg/L) Station 2 - Copper (µg/L)

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50

0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

i j
Station 1 - Nickel (µg/L) Station 2 - Nickel (µg/L)

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

k l
Station 1 - Lead (µg/L) Station 2 - Lead (µg/L)

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

m n
Station 1 - Zinc (µg/L) Station 2 - Zinc (µg/L)

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

Fig. 3 (continued)

show a slight enrichment in the SML by factors of up of these metals between the SML and subsurface water
to 1.10 for As, 1.90 for Cd, 1.07 for Cr and 1.15 for Cu, at Station 1. However, higher concentrations of As, Cd,
while there is no clear difference in the concentrations Cr and Cu in the DP were found in the mid-depth and
268 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

bottom water at both sampling sites compared to the enrichment in the SML by a factors up to 2.24, with
SML and subsurface layer. The profiles for these little variation with depth at Station 1 (Fig. 3k). A
metals show a depletion in the subsurface water and an similar finding has been reported for the water column
increase with depth, with the highest metal concen- of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (Westerlund and Öhman
trations generally observed in near-bottom water and 1991). Similarly, Pb was enriched in the SML by
the lowest concentrations in the subsurface water, factors of up to 1.54 at Station 2, but there is no clear
indicating a trend of declining concentration from the concentration trend for this metal throughout the water
subsurface to bottom water. The vertical distribution of column at this station (Fig. 3l).
Ni and Zn in the water column at both stations is The depth profiles for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in
relatively similar (Fig. 3i,m for station 1 and Fig. 3j,n the SPM in the water column for all sampling events
for station 2) with no apparent enrichment of the at the both sampling sites are summarized in Fig. 4.
dissolved metals in the SML and a depletion in the The vertical distribution for all metals studied was
surface layer (the SML and subsurface) compared to similar at both sampling stations. Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb
underlying water. For Pb, the profiles show an and Zn in the SPM were significantly enriched in the

a Station 1 - Cadmium (µg/L)

b Station 2 - Cadmium (µg/L)

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

c d
Station 1 - Chromium (µ g/L) Station 2 - Chromium (µ g/L)

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

e f
Station 1 - Copper (µ g/L) Station 2 - Copper (µ g/L)

0 2 4 6 8 10 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00

0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12
Fig. 4 Particulate metal profiles in the water column from two coastal regions of Singapore (a, c, e, g, i, k for Station 1
Kranji and b, d, f, h, j, l for Station 2 Pulau Tekong)
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 269

g h
Station 1 - Nickel (mg/L) Station 2 - Nickel (µg/L)

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

i j
Station 1 - Lead (µg/L) Station 2 - Lead (µg/L)

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

k Station 1 - Zinc (µg/L)

l Station 2 - Zinc (µg/L)

0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 0 5 10 15

0 0
1 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Round 1 Round 1
Round 2 6 Round 2
Round 3 8 Round 3
6 10

7 12

Fig. 4 (continued)

SML, depleted in the subsurface layer and progres- account for the accumulation of dissolved metals in
sively enriched in the underlying water column. The this layer, while the accumulation of particulate
lowest concentrations of all metals in the SPM were metals is most likely due to the deposition of particles
found in subsurface water at both stations, while the from the atmosphere and bubble floatation from the
highest concentrations were generally observed in the water column. Overall, the profiles for the heavy
bottom water at Station 1 and in the SML water at metals in the DP and SPM measured in this study
Station 2. EFs of heavy metals associated with the show a decreasing trend of metal concentrations from
SPM in the SML, relative to the subsurface water, the subsurface water to the bottom water. This
were notably higher than EFs of dissolved metals and phenomenon suggests that the vertical distribution of
ranged from 1 to 5. Also, heavy metals in the SPM in these metals is controlled by biogeochemical cycling
the bottom water at both stations were enriched by processes. Most marine organisms, especially phyto-
factors of 1 to 18 compared to the overlying water. plankton, are confined to the surface layers and these
As mentioned above, the formation of metals and organisms uptake nutrients, dissolved carbon and
organic ligand complexes, as well as the presence of metals such as As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn resulting
solid particles enriched in the SML are likely to in the depletion of metals in the surface water. Dead
270 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272

organisms and fecal pellets sink into the deeper water References
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Tropical Marine Science Institute and the National University (2004). Assessment of metal mobility in dredged harbour
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for facilities in measurement techniques. We gratefully thank Environment, 321, 241–255.
the crew of Hammerhead, especially Dr Subramanian Hardy, J. T. (1982). The sea surface microlayer: Biology,
Karuppiah and Oliver Wurl for their skilled assistance in both chemistry and anthropogenic enrichment. Progress in
field and laboratory work. Oceanography, 11, 307–328.
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 138:255–272 271

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