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Student name​: Quantez Futch ​ Major /plan of study ?

​sports management

Cell phone #​ 4048059432 ​ Email:​ ​

Plans after high school graduation ? ​4 years of college

LIst any schools you are considering

Shorter University in Rome ga is where i will be going to play football for 4 years

List the school activities in which you have had significant involvement
I played football for all 4 years of high school
I played basketball my 9th and 10th grade year

List any honors and awards you have received in or out of school
9th grade year got freshman of the you in football
11th grade mvp of football team
12th grade got offers to play football

List out of school activities

I go to the gym everyday after school 4pm till 8:30

List your special interests abilities hobbies and experiences

I love to work out in the gym and listen to music when i'm riding home after my workout and i
also like to take pictures

List work/volunteer experience

I used to cut grass with my pops everyday out the week in the summer from 9am till around
6pm. The experience helped me because now ik how to get up early in the morning for school
so i want be late.

What are your academic and personal strengths and weaknesses

I am good at doing work in school
My weakness is that i don't like doing work outside of school.

List 2 adjectives with which you think your teachers would describe you and why.
​capable of fitting a particular situation or use.

List 3 adjectives you think best describe you as a person

Team player
Are there any unusual personal circumstances ​when i first came to high school it was hard
because from middle school to high school the play book got bigger and i had to know more
playing in high school so i had to study the plays every night before i went to sleep. Then i had
to get in the weight room to get bigger in stronger because in high school a lot of kids where
bigger and stronger than me.

What makes me stand out from the rest​ First i like to ​Introduce myself to my professor. First it's
important to make sure that your teacher knows who i am and i take note and and i will stand up
and speak for myself.

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