Water Audit Essay

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Water Audit Essay

I use around 230 gallons of water per day and 1610 gallons per week. This adds
up to about 83720 gallons a year. A majority of my water usage comes from taking a
shower. I think it was the majority because I take two 15 minute showers per day. The
least amount of water comes from my drinking water because I only drink a little bit of
water. This number compared to the national average which is 176 gallons a day my
average is 54 more gallons than that. I think that my long showers accounts for why my
number is more than the national average.
I think that I can conserve about a half of all the water I use in a day. I can
conserve at least 126 gallons a day by taking six minute showers which adds up to
45864 a year which is a lot. I can also be more aware when I am using the faucet or
hose to turn it off when im not using it. My family and I can also do our laundry all at one
time instead of doing a lot of small loads throughout the week. By just doing four loads
of laundry a week we can save 30 gallons a week. By doing just these two things I can
save 1092 gallons a week which is 56784 gallons a year. Of these strategies the easiest
to implement is taking 6 minute showers because I don't need to take such long
showers. Its harder to do less laundry a week because there are four people in my
family and sometimes we need to have certain clothes that day.
In conclusion my water usage is not acceptable to the national average because
it is 54 gallons more than the national average which is 176 gallons. I can bring my
average down by doing some small things. For example I can take shorter showers and
do bigger loads of laundry and also just be aware of how much water i’m using at all
times. My water usage can affect my community by lowering our water supply which
affects everyone in surrounding areas. My water usage is not acceptable from a
regional and national scale and in terms of globally it could be better because I know
that people in other places like Burundi don’t have as much water. The impact of my
change on my community can have a very positive impact on my community by
conserving our lake water so it can be used for other things. This water audit is relevant
on a global and regional scale because people are now starting to realize that we are
running out of water fast. I believe if this water audit will just get people to realize how
much water they are using on a daily basis it will help the water crisis. No change on my
water usage will just continue to let water levels to drop and eventually cause problems
in my community. On a global scale it could eventually cause water usages to be a

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