I.C.T Sample Paper For Mid-Term Revision

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1 Complete each sentence below using one item from the list. [5]

Windows Remarks ALU Warm Save Dollar

(a) _________________ part of CPU is responsible for the calculation in computers.

(b) _________________ and cold are the two types of booting.
(c) _________________ is an OS that supports GUI.
(d) _________________ option is used to save the changes in the program file.
(e) _________________ sign is used with string variable.

2 Draw five lines on the diagram to match column A to Column B: [5]

Column A Column B
QBasic 1 byte
.bas Designed by Microsoft
##### To add 2 strings
& Column is not wide enough
8bits File extension in QBasic

3 Tick TRUE or FALSE next to each of these statements: [5]

True False
In CUI interface commands are written to perform an action.
It is important to type ‘=’ before a formula in MS Excel
RAM is a primary memory.
A variable is the name of the memory location.
Run option is located on the desktop.
4 Write the output of the following functions: [5]

(a) SUM(A1, A2) _____________ (d) MAX(A1:B3) _____________

(b) MIN(A3:B4) _____________ (e)AVERAGE(A1:A5) _____________
(c) COUNT(A1:B5) _____________

5 Give one word for the following: [5]

(a) A virtual keyboard in Windows OS. _________________________
(b) The volatile memory of the computer. ________________________
(c) Option from start button used for executing file or application directly. ________
(d) Command to accept a value from the user in QBasic _________________________
(e) Changing the date and time settings in the Control Panel. ____________________

6 Give full forms of the following: [8]

(a) MICR ________________________________________________________
(b) CPU ________________________________________________________
(c) RAM ________________________________________________________
(d) ROM _______________________________________________________
(e) BIOS ________________________________________________________
(f) POST ________________________________________________________
(g) GUI ________________________________________________________
(h) CUI ________________________________________________________

7 Write the commands for the following statements: [6]

(a) To display “Sanctamaria” message on the screen. _______________________________
(b) To display value 5 on the screen. _______________________________
(c) To assign a value 95 to a number variable A. _______________________________
(d) To assign a string value ”Abc” to a string variable B. ____________________________
(e) To give comments This is my program. _______________________________
(f) To accept place of your school using variable PLACE. ___________________________

8 Answer the following questions: [6]

(a) What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
(b) What is utility software?
(c) Name 4 functions of OS.

9 Display the possible reasons to display the following error messages: [5]
(a) ##### ________________________________________________
(b) #Div/0! ________________________________________________
(c) #N/A ________________________________________________
(d) #VALUE! ________________________________________________
(e) #NAME! ________________________________________________

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