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Group Member Names: 

Judicial Branch: Campaign Project 

For this project, your task is to work in groups and create the BEST judicial campaign. 
You will complete a set of assignments (both in and out of class) in order to make this 
campaign a successful event. At the end, we will have a class-wide election and vote for 
the best campaign. 
1.) ​Judicial Philosophy 
Your first task is to choose which Judicial Philosophy your group agrees with most. 
2.) ​Judicial symbol 
Next, your campaign must choose a symbol that represents your judicial philosophy 
(ex: a gavel, scales of justice, etc.) 
3.) ​Judge platform 
Your task as a group is to choose THREE of the following FIFTEEN (15) national issues 
that explain your party’s position. For each issue you choose, you will write at least 
ONE paragraph explaining the issue’s importance to your campaign. 
The paragraph should include both current event examples of your chosen issue as well 
as an explanation of how it relates to your judicial philosophy (how will your candidate 
interpret these issues?).   
A. Economy (jobs, unemployment, etc.) 
B. War on terror 
C. Healthcare 
D. LGBTQ rights 
E. Education 
F. Gun rights 
G. Death penalty 
H. U.S. foreign policy (Syria, Iran, Cuba, and your allies) 
I. Environment 
J. Women’s rights 
K. Poverty 
L. Income inequality 

M. Military spending  
N. Social security 
O. Taxes 
4.) ​Assigning Roles 
Each group member will be assigned a role from the following list: 
a. Campaign Manager​: As the campaign manager, you are in charge of the 
campaign. Everyone in the committee will report to you with the progress of 
their tasks. You will advise the judicial candidate on possible positions to take 
based on the platforms that your group chooses. 
b. Judicial Candidate:​ Each group needs to choose a person to be your judicial 
candidate. As the judicial candidate, you will be the image of your judicial 
philosophy. The judicial candidate should be prepared to provide a campaign 
speech in front of the class in order to communicate why we should vote for you. 
c. Creative Director:​ As creative director, you are in charge of making sure that 
your group chooses three outlets of media for your campaign. You are also in 
charge of choosing HOW to market your candidate . . . Will you use scare-tactics? 
Will you use humor? Will you use pathos? Will you use a combination of these?  
d. Research Director​: As research director, you are in charge of ​assigning​ (as well as 
participating) in the group research. You will help your group members find 
information on the group’s selected issues. You will also be in charge of 
compiling the research into a single document and ensuring that everything is 
properly cited.  
Campaign Manager:  

Judicial Candidate:  

Creative Director:  

Research Director:  

Advertising Campaign 
Your group will choose THREE (3) media outlets that your campaign will utilize. You 
will choose ONE form of media from each category:  

○ Bumper Sticker:​ your will create a design that would be used for a 
bumper sticker . . . How will this represent your candidate? 

○ Campaign Slogan:​ you will create a slogan that will be used throughout 
your campaign . . . Why should we vote for your candidate? 


○ Campaign Posters (2):​ your group will create TWO campaign posters that 
will focus on your campaign’s goals. How will this catch the voter’s eye? 
What is important to include on this poster? LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. 

○ Newspaper Ads (2):​ your group will create TWO newspaper ads that will 
focus on your campaign’s goals. Why should the voter care about your 
candidate? How will you get the voter’s attention without a picture of 
your candidate? Cannot include a picture of your candidate. LIMITED TO 
150 WORDS.  


○ Judicial campaign speech​: The group’s judicial candidate will be 

responsible to provide a judicial campaign speech to the whole class. The 
entire group should help with researching your group’s chosen issues. 
The speech should be between 5-7 minutes. 

○ Campaign commercial​: The group is responsible for creating a 30 second 

to 1 minute campaign commercial that briefly explains what you stand 
for. This commercial should be the most creative and grabs the attentions 
of the electorate. 


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