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Campaign Poster Rubric 

  3 - Above Standards  2 - Meets  1 - Below Standards  Score 


Requirements  The campaign poster  The campaign  The campaign poster   

meets all  poster meets  meets NONE of the 
requirements: no  some of the  project requirements  
more than 20 words,  project 
picture of your  requirements 
candidate, judicial 

Support for  The campaign poster  The campaign  The campaign poster   
Position  includes clear  poster has some  has no clear 
messaging that  messaging in  messaging about your 
supports the position  support of the  campaign’s position. 
of the judicial  judicial 
campaign.  campaign. 

Professionalism  Final product is  Final product is  Final product is   
polished and  relatively  complete, but the 
professional.   polished and  quality distracts from 
  smooth.  the message.  

Newspaper Ad Rubric 
  3 - Above  2 - Meets  1 - Below Standards  Score 
Standards  Standards 

Requirements  The ad meets all  The ad meets some  The ad meets NONE   
requirements: no  of the project  of the project 
more than 150  requirements  requirements  
words, NO picture 
of your candidate, 
judicial symbol 

Support for  The ad includes  The ad has some  The ad has no clear   
Position  clear messaging  messaging in  messaging about 
that supports the  support of the  your campaign’s 
position of the  judicial campaign.  position. 
judicial campaign. 

Professionalism  Final product is  Final product is  Final product is   
polished and  relatively polished  complete, but the 
professional.   and smooth.  quality distracts 
  from the message.  

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