Project (2 Or3 Grade) : Different Cultures

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Project (2nd or 3rd Grade)

Different Cultures
Learning Objectives

Student will be able to learn and understand different cultures around the world. This allows for
students to be exposed to different cultures, customs, and become more globally aware.


- Introduce student to the lesson by asking the students to name different countries that they can
think of.

Teacher Instruction

The teacher will make a list of different countries, the amount of countries should be equal to
the amount of student (If teacher cannot think of 20 countries, some countries can be written again, but
each student must work alone)

Write each country of a piece of paper and place the papers in a hat or bowl. Go around the
room and ask each student to pick out one piece of paper.

Once every student has a piece of paper with a country written on it, tell the students their
assignment. After telling the students about the assignment, give each student a large piece of paper,
like a poster.

Student Instruction

Each student would research the history, cultures, and customs of the country they had picked.
On the large piece of paper that they were given, each student would written about the main cultures
and customs. The students would also have to draw a picture of the counties flag and draw a symbol of
the country.

The student will have time in class to work on it for two day, and on the third day, students will
present their country to the class

Other Instruction

Students will be doing research on different countries online, teacher should help students if
students are having trouble finding information.

Before presentations, the teacher should talk to students about how different cultures and
customs should be respected, as well as each student should be respectful to others.

Ask students what they had learned from their own research and from other’s presentations, as
well as one thing that they had found interesting.

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