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Game is set in Breland, in the capitol of Wroat, based around the recent murder of a dwarven

carpet merchant named Vincent Price. Vincent was murdered, in the middle of the Eastern
Square of the Rotary Bazaar by an unidentified individual who fled the scene. The difficulty the
local guards came to with this case was that most of them were involved with a fire that had
broken out in the Judicial Square and only a small amount of law enforcement was available to
investigate the incident. The nature of the Rotary Bazaar means that the merchants who were
around and witnessed the murder will only be in town for so long making the time constraint
difficult with only a limited number of guards and inquisitives. So the captain of the guard has
decided to hire on additional freelance adventurers to take up the investigation in lieu of official

The story behind the murder is that Vincent Price was knowingly smuggling artifacts in for an elf
named Mark Hamil. Mark Hamil is secretly a quori infiltrator using the artifacts to loosen the
boundaries of the astral and physical plane. A local vigilante, named Melissa Hudgins, had been
tracking a following Vincent, and had recently learned of Vincent’s Connection to Mark. In an
attempt to look through Vincent’s cart and steal one of the artifacts, Vincent caught her, she
killed him, and ran with the artifact. She is currently hiding out in the Far Rest Inn under guard of
her goblinoid friends.

Four Scenes
Scene 1: The Interview
Scene 2: The Marketplace/Investigation
Scene 3: The Tavern
Scene 4: The Chase
Scene 5: The Manse

Guard Captain Terry Crews

-”A stout human with unkempt mutton chops sits in a spartanly decorated room, munching on
one of several biscuits he has arranged on a plate in front of him.”
-bumbling accent, says ‘Capitol!’ a lot
-Is fully transparent he’s not wasting his men on this, but still helpful
Scene 1: The Interview
-Players arrive at the guard headquarters answering a flyer for needed adventurers. They are
shown to the guard captain's office who holds a brief interview to make sure they’re “not THOSE
KIND” of adventurers.
-Question 1: What draws you to the adventuring life?
-Question 2: What word do you think best describes your abilities?
-Question 3: If you were a horse, what kind of tree would you be?
-Any answers are sufficient.
What we know:
Victim was a dwarven rug merchant named Vincent Price
He was found with his weapon drawn
Took pace the Eastern Square of the Rotary Bazaar, so only a few merchants saw it
None of his goods were stolen
Both the body and the goods are in custody
Took place in broad daylight

-The goods are in a cart in storage. They primarily consist of Vincent's stock of fine were-spider
hand spun carpets from Droaam, about weeks worth of supplies, personal effects like
keepsakes and knicknacks.
-There is one rug that separate from the rest of them however, and is stained with
Vincent’s blood. A high investigation check reveals this rug was rolled and unrolled several time,
with regular ware on it, as opposed to the immaculate other ones.

-Vincent’s body presents as a normal middle aged dwarf. He has 4 stab wounds arounds his
neck and upper chest with bruising around his arms and hands.
-Cause of death can be ascertained as blood loss from short stabbing weapon after he
had been involved in a scuffle.
-A high ​MEDICINE or ARCANA ​check reveals that the tips of his fingers have become
more gossamer than the rest of his hands, a rare trait that can often in involved in handling
planar items

The Players should leave the guard headquarters eventually leading to Scene 2 at the Bazaar
Scene 2: The Bazaar

“As you approach the bazaar you hear it before you see it. The low murmur of several hundred
voices belonging to a myriad of hawkers, barkers, hagglers hums through the air, accompanied
by light ambient music. As you turn a corner the bazaar presents itself to you in full as a large
open area filled with a chaotic layout of different tents, carts, and even a few modular buildings
filled with different wares and goods. Numerous races mill about, some local others visiting with
the merchants. Right before you enter the market proper you see a large sign post directing
visitors to the different squares.”

When the players arrive Eastern Square they come upon a distinct area.

“Arriving in the Eastern square you take note of the somewhat reduced mercantile presence
here. You see a burly man eagerly gesticulating towards passerby from the window of his cart, a
blue-green skinned woman sits quietly in his tent as customers peruse his wares, and a halfling
stands atop several soapboxes barking. Amongst the hustle and bustle you also see a roped off
square of space that a few children are running around, as well as a beggar with a prominent
blindfold around his heads sitting away from the foot traffic.”

Randall, Sausage vendor- Half-orc, husky gentleman accent, eager to shake sausages and give
-”Greetings fellows and ladies! Can I interest you in some of the most exotic meats this
side of Khorvaire?”
-Samples: Wyvern sausage (tangy, acrid) Vegetarian Blight sausage (ironey eggplant)
Griffon sausage (chicken taste, horse meat texture) Mimic Sausage (imagine the taste,
otherwise its bland)
-”Oh, the murder. Yeah Vincent never deserved that. He was a nice guy, but I couldn’t
really tell you anything about what happened. My cart faces away from his grounds. Could I
offer you a condolence sausage?”

Gerald, Blind Monk- Human, creaky old man, no eyes

-”Spare a coin for a man of principle friend?”
-*chuckles* “The guards were around yesterday. Never thought of talking to the blind
beggar. ‘He couldn't have seen a thing.’ Well the murderer didn’t think that either as she stood a
few feet away from me psyching herself up.”
-”It sounded like she was trying to steal something, she sounded nervous, kept telling
herself as long as she got to the Far Rest she’d be alright..”

Lucile, Antique coin vendor- Triton, bored scholar, having a slow day today and is eager to get
some interactions
-”I have a variety of antique coinage dredged from the depths of the oceans. There is a
particular set from the early Dakanni empire, and this....”
-”Oh. That. Grisly. The murderer ran past me actually. Didn’t get a great look at them,
but they did have a very distinctly colored cloak. It was wine colored with this teal embroidery. A
little garish if they were planning on killing someone if you ask me.”

The remains of Vincent’s grounds- There are some kids running around
-Two children with elven features and a halfling child are playing in the space designated
by guards as a crime scene. No one really cares.
-The children are playing “Adventurers” and try to involve the players, pushing if need by.
If the plays oblige the kids had over a coaster for the Far Rest Inn they were using as a “magic
-If the players do not oblige the kids tocontinue playing, throwing the “magic missile at

Thom, and Gurk, Map maker- Fat and well dressed hafling (the Fable Merchant “gedentlemen”)
with his demure orc cartographer
-”Greetings fine gedentlmen! You seem to be adventooring types! Can I eenterest you in
a number of maps from The Shadow Marshes? The Demon Wastes perhaps, if you’re feeling
-”Ah! Yes the murder, well I’d be happy to tell you but business has been slow, and it’s
really getting me down. If I made a sale I might be in more of a mood to talk.”
-Gurk is willing to help, but he doesn’t speak common, he saw scuffle, saw the murder,
but didn’t get a good look at her face, saw she packed away a weird crystal cylinder

Eventually the

Manse music

Dining room- “You enter into a small entryway immediately next to a dining room. A modest
dining table with four seats sits placed with plates, silverware, and drinkware. At the far end of
the room sits a shelving unit with a wine rack below it. The stew two window that look to be
boarded up over very heavy curtains allowing only a small amount of dim lighting.”

-tell me about the worst meal you've ever had

Living room- “Two looking couches meet at their ends forming a right angle across from a waist
high bookshelf with knick knacks and statuettes. The windows here are similarly boarded with
heavy curtains.”

- Tell me about the most uncomfortable memory from your childhood

Bathroom- “you enter into a bathroom. The decision here seems to a seashell theme.
- What's the sickest you've ever been?

Closet- “it's a closet with several coats and umbrellas.”

- What most unnerves you about the dark?

Master bedroom- “A bedroom holds a large armoire and dresser. A written size bed sits on the
middle, made and untouched. On the dresser sit a number of tomes concerning the burgeoning
study of psionics.”

- Tell me about the nightmare ui can't forget

Bedroom- you enter into a rather empty room astride from a small circular bed that may have
been made for a dog. All around the room a heavy crimson dust gathers at the edges and
corners. Sniffling at your feet is what looks like to be a brass colored insect with long feathery
antennae that stands about a foot tall.

- Did you have a childhood pet?

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