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Summative Instructions

Civics and Government

5 point

You will create at least 4 (three) You must choose a topic from the
Powerpoint slides that meet the following list of topics:
following requirements:
______ The Boston Massacre
❏ A title slide
______ The Boston Tea Party
❏ Minimum 3 bullet points per slide
______ The Articles of Confederation
❏ A picture/graphic
Historical Figure Baseball Cards

● You will create a minimum of You can choose from the following list:
THREE (3) baseball cards for ● Sam Adams
historical figures we have ● John Adams
learned about this unit ● Benjamin Franklin
● John Hancock
● You must include a colored ● Thomas Jefferson
picture (either hand drawn or ● George Washington
printed) ● Betsy Ross
● Martha Washington
Twitter Conversation or Instagram Post
Step 1- Create your character! You can be
● You are going to put yourself in the
yourself, create a fictional character, or be
time of the birth of America
a real historical figure of the era.
● Create a handle (for example,
● You’re going to pretend that Twitter
Thomas Jefferson might be
and Instagram existed when America
@SmallStatesR4Loserz, George
was just starting out.
Washington might be @TheOGPrez)
○ What would the important
people of the day have to say?
Step 2: Decide if you are Tweeting/Snapping/Insta! Step 3: Choose someone who would respond to
your original tweet or insta post
● Twitter: your post should be a max of 160
characters ● Twitter: You must have at least TWO
tweets between TWO different people
● Instagram: your post has to be 3 or more ● Insta: You must have TWO responses on
sentences your post from TWO different people

● Snapchat: You have to create 6 pictures to send ● Snap: You must have TWO people in
between 2 people . . . each picture must have at conversation with one another
least 1 sentence on it.
American Revolution Memes

A meme acts as a unit for carrying

cultural ideas symbols or practices, which
can be transmitted from one mind to
another through writing, speech, gestures,
rituals or other imitable phenomena.

You know them. You love them. Maybe

you hate them, BUT . . .
American Revolution Memes

Task: create a meme that talks about

the period from 1754-1790 create a
historically appropriate meme.
Utilize images of people/things from
the era. Sum up the idea.
Use, and
be sure that your meme is school
More Examples
10 point

● Your task is to create a brochure for You MUST include:

the new country!
● This brochure will help guide the ● A title/cover page
new Americans in the rights, ● Headings for each of your different
responsibilities, and duties they will sections
enjoy as a U.S. citizen. ● Brochure: At least 5 images or
symbols and only 3 may be printed
from the internet

● You will be creating your own ● You are to select Key Events to show
timeline of the significant events of on your timeline.
the American Revolution from 1754
● Under the timeline, you are to list the
to the Constitutional Convention.
event, date, picture (if possible), and
● Your timeline will reflect your the significance of this particular
understanding of the significant event.
events of the period that led to the
● You must have at least EIGHT (8)
creation of the Constitution.
“KEY EVENTS” on your timeline.
Constitutional Convention Journal Entry

● You will be creating a journal entry ● You will choose a delegate from the
for your chosen delegate which following list:
shares his IDEAS and OPINIONS
○ Alexander Hamilton
about the events taking place at the
Convention. ○ George Washington

○ James Madison

○ Benjamin Franklin
Good Example Bad Example
Crossword Puzzle
Good Example:

Create a crossword puzzle using important

vocabulary words or information from the


● 10 words
● 10 clues
○ Be creative with these! Try to give
ONLY enough information that can
stump your reader!
● Blank crossword
● Finished crossword
25 point
● A minimum of 3 articles related to
the American Revolution
causes/events listed below. Each
event or cause must be explained
in detail from a colonial

Newspaper ● 2 advertisements based on the

time. [think about the kinds of
You will create a front-page you saw utilized in the Sons of
newspaper outlining various Liberty series.
causes and events of the ● 3 Colonial
American Revolution. Images/Pictures/Cartoons

● A catchy, revolutionary name to

your paper.
Script/Play ● Creativity and Originality (5 points)

You are to create a 250-400 ● Historical Accuracy (15 points)

word historical script which ● Dialogue (5 points)

○ Dialogue is clear and direct.
illustrates one of the events in
the box below labeled
“Causes/Events to choose
from”. Be sure that your dialogue
is school appropriate.
● An introduction paragraph
5 Paragraph ● 3 body paragraphs (Supporting

argument #1, supporting
argument #2, supporting
argument #3)
You are required to write a 5 ● A conclusion
paragraph essay that meets the ● 250-400 words
following requirements. Your
essay must have:

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