Unknown Factlols With Answers

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Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 1) What does the colour strip on the back of

Toothpaste or Shaving cream mean?


1)The meaning of the green colour strip (Green Square) on the

bottom of toothpaste tubes shows its natural.

2) The meaning of the red colour strip (Red Square) on the bottom of
toothpaste tubes shows its natural mix with chemical composition.

3) The meaning of the blue colour strip (Blue Square) on the

bottom of toothpaste tubes shows its Natural + Medicine.

4) The meaning of the black colour strip (Black Square) on the

bottom of toothpaste tubes shows its Pure Chemical.

5) Next time whenever you purchase a toothpaste, look carefully at

the coloured stripes at the bottom, near the crimp. The colour of
the stripe will let you know just what's in that toothpaste.
Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 2) Why do Passports have different colours?

1)Mainly Passports colours are red, green, blue, or black, anyhow,

come in contrasting shades of each of the four main colour groups.

2)There are no hard directions prescribed passport colour, yet there

are certain protocols. Geography, legislature and even religion

come in to play when a country selects its passport colour.

3)The Swiss passport colour matches their flag, New Zealand's

passport is black because it is one of their national colours.

4)US have changed the colour of their Passport many time over the
years. The colour of the American passport was become Navy Blue
in 1976, to match the flag.

5)UK passports, deep red is the colour, the utmost general passport

colour with all representative of the European Union, apart from

Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Croatia, sporting a burgundy hue.

6) Since blue passports are typically common in New World countries

and Caribbean states, it's possible that the deep blue colour of the
Indian passport is to make a cultural statement.

7) Most Islamic states use green passports because of the importance

of the colour in their religion.

Ques 3) Why glass breaks?

1)Glass is manufactured by melting together some minerals at very

high temperatures. Silica is combined with soda ash and limestone
and heated in a furnace at temperatures of up to 1700°C.

2)Glass is made up of unstructured, loosely wrapped atoms arranged

randomly. They can’t consume energy from something like a stone.
The atoms can’t reposition themselves instantly to keep the glass’s
structure, so it collapses, shattering fragments everywhere.

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Ques 4) Why does the Navy have white uniforms?

1) When additive medium amounts of Red, Green and Blue light

are mixed, they yield white light.
2) Cotton was the universally used material for making clothes in
ancient days that is in white colour, Navy is also the oldest
occupation. So, the colour of the clothes used by the seafarer
was white.
3) In olden days, seaman moves around to different countries to
research the world. They managed this as messengers of peace.
White colour symbolizes peace.
4) White colours totally reflects the heat and keeps you cool, Dirt
on white uniforms can be noticed and makes the seafarer wear
clear uniform always to keep good, health.
5) White uniform indicates the alliance of seven seas, and white
colour more manifest in low light conditions or in darkness.

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Ques 5) Why Do We Offer Milk to "Shiva Linga"?

1) All of our mythology and customs have a few scientific reasons

associated with it. During the monsoons, we see people offering lot
of milk on the Shiv Ling.

2)Lord Shiva is the alone Hindu God who’s offered milk as a prayer.

It is said that Lord Shiva can drink even the noxious milk for

the benefit of his creation.

3) At the time of monsoons or season change (Winter to Summer or

Vice versa), the cattle eat many insects and germs along with the

4) So, the milk supplied by these cattle are not worthy for our
drinking. Offering this toxicant milk to Lord Shiva is just an idea to
secure ourselves from deadly diseases during monsoons.
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Ques 6) Why is 10:10 the Default Setting for Clocks

and Watches?

1)The hands are not overlying, so they're perfectly and sharply

noticeable and their appearance can be admired.

2) The company's logo, normally in the center of the face under the
12, is not only noticeable but fairly framed by the hands.

3) The layout of the hands is balanced, which people commonly catch

more gracious than inequality, making the product more lovable to

4) Affixed components on the clock (like date windows or secondary

dials), normally arranged near the 3, 6, or 9, won't be hidden.

Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 7) What does "AC" and "C" mean on a


1)"AC” stands for All Clear, clear the number being entered or last

entered as well as any forthcoming operations, deviation and earlier

entered numbers in the continuing calculation.

2) C (or "CE" in some calculators) = cancel entry, which clears up the

last entry, if you entered something wrong by mistake, it clears it.

Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 8) What is the reason behind keeping the price

of products ending with 9,99,999?

1) It is the illusion. We see 1999/- as One thousand something and

not Two Thousand. It's just a marketing technique and yes it
has been successful.
2) It is also called Psychological pricing technique, based on this
theory that assertive prices have a psychological percussion.
Retail prices are often distinct as "odd prices": a little less than
a round number.

Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 9) Why shouldn't we use steel utensils in a


1) Microwaves functioning to magnetrons. This technology,

produce very short, high frequency radio waves 2.5 gigahertz.
That frequency is just appropriate for being absorbed by water,
fat, and sugar molecules within organic matter.
2) Microwaves cook food from the outside in. Non-reactive, non-
metal vessels of ceramic, plastic, or glass do not consume radio
waves at that frequency and as a result, don’t heat up very much
in the microwave.

3) Metal(Steel), on the other hand, actually reflects microwave

energy. That’s why the inside of every microwave it is essentially
a secure utensil.

4) They keep microwaves from spreading out across the kitchen

and cooking your insides from across the room.

Unknown Facts with Answers || Akshara Concepts

Ques 10) Why do Doctors Wear Green/Blue dress

inside Operations theatre?

1) Green/Blue colour helps physicians/surgeon look better for two

2) First, looking at blue or green colour refresh a doctor’s sight of
red colour things, including the bloody vital organ of a patient
during the surgery time.
3) Our brain decodes colours with respect to each other. If a
surgeon looks at substance that’s red and orange, he becomes
numb to it.
4) Watching at something green/blue from time to time can
preserve someone’s eyes more sensory to variations in red.

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Ques 11) Why soap foam is always white?

1)The foam made after rubbing soap in your hands is a massive

collection of little soap bubbles.

2)Each individual bubble is really very thin film of the soap solution.

3)These uncounted surfaces scatter the light in different

directions, which makes the foam/lather look white.

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Ques 12) Why Kolkata Police wear white uniform?

1) There are two types of Police forces is in West Bengal, for the sake
of difference, Kolkata Police wears a white uniform and West Bengal
Police wears Khaki color uniform.

2) Besides of Traffic officers, Non - Traffic Police officers also, use

to wear a white uniform, Kolkata police force is the only force in
India who wear a White uniform.

3) Uniform of Kolkata Police always white whereas in another Indian

police force has always been khaki.

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Ques 13) What does the numbers on the back side of SIM card mean?

1) Every SIM card is known by its ICCID (integrated circuit card

identifier), ICCIDs are stored in the SIM cards and are also
printed on the SIM card body during a process called
2) Every SIM has 19 or 20 Digit No, this number consisting of many
useful information, from your mobile number to your operator's
3) First two digits of SIM contain industry code. This is decided
by international telecom union(ITU). ITU is a worldwide
4) Next two digits contain information about mobile country
code(MCC). 91 represent the Indian country code.
5) Next two digits are called as issuer number. This is generated
by telecom industry. Each state has different issuer number.
6) Next twelve digits are known as SIM number also called
customer identity number. Using this number telecom
company’s register, it with your name and with this mobile
number record is kept with them.
7) Last one or two number is known as check sum. It is used to
calculate whether starting 18 numbers had any kind of mistake
or not.
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Ques 14) Why are there bumps on the "F" and "J"
keyboard keys?

1)The bumps found on the F and J keys on the keyboard helps users
correctly position their left and right hand on the keyboard without
having to look at the keyboard.

2)These keys are also known as the home row. Since touch typing is
all about managing to type without having to look at the keyboard,
the bumps help the user in the initial placement of your fingers.

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Quest 15) Why Sea level is written on Railway


1)Whenever we travel by train, we see that on the board of

station, the height of the station from the sea level is written
on it.
2)Mean sea level (MSL) (also called sea level) is an average level
of the surface of one or more of Earth’s oceans(sea) from which
heights such as elevations may be measured, the term above sea
level generally refers to above mean sea level (AMSL).
3)This information is for train driver and guard, If the train is
going from lower to a higher level than the driver will know how
much power has to be released to an engine for smooth running
of the train.
4)If the train is going from higher to a lower level then the driver
will know how much fiction he has to put or how much speed
has to be maintained.

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Ques 16) What do the different colour lines on the road mean?

1)Continuous White Line, you should not change the lane and
remain on the same lane. You should not cross the line for
overtaking purpose, just move continuously.

2)Broken White Line, you can change the lane but very carefully
for turning purpose not for overtaking.

3)Continuous Yellow Line, is liberal than white line, you can

cross this line for overtaking or pass over purpose but you
should be only within your yellow line.

4)Double Continuous Yellow Line, you can overtake with in your

line only, this is a single line for both direction of people. The
gap between 2 lines is strictly “no man land"

5)Yellow Broken Line, you can pass or overtake the line you can
cross the line for both the purpose, overtaking and turn but
should be very careful

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Ques 17) Why LPG cylinders are painted red?

1)The color of the gas cylinder is red because the red color is a
sign of danger.

2)Because the LPG cylinder is inflammable thus, dangerous

that's why painted in red colour.

3)Red colour has the highest wavelength in the visible spectrum

which makes it minimum scattered by air molecules.

4)So, it is visible even from a long distance.

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Ques 18) Why buttons on coat sleeves?

1)During the Napoleonic wars Napoleon wants his troops should

be neat and clear in appearance,

2)Because of the colder in Europe, troops used to wipe their

nose from the arms of the coat.

3)Because of which the coats were very dirty, to prevent the

coat from being filthy, Napoleon ordered to put the buttons on
the coat arms.

4)So that if the nose is wiped after applying the button then the
nose will be scared to peel.

5)Another reason coat arm side should not be cut off while
working on a table.
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Ques 19) What that little pocket in your Jeans is

really for?

1)The company named "Levi Strauss" initially introduced small

pockets in jeans, now this company is known as Levi's.

2)You might have noticed that there is a small pocket on the

right side of the jeans, in which only 1 or 2 coins can be kept
This is pocket is called "Watch Pocket”.

3)Basically It was made for "Cowboy’s”, Back in the 1800s,

cowboys used to wear their watches on chains and kept them in
their waistcoats.

4)These pockets were made to keep these watches. for this,

Levi’s made this small pocket to avoid breaking of watches.

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Ques 20) Why is this design between double edge

razor blades?

1)This is the matter of 1901 when the Gillette Company first

launched the blade.

2)Gillette also made a razor with blades, the blade was used by
two bolts in that razor, this patent was only with Gillette.

3)Only Gillette could make the blade of this design. But when
after 25 years its patent ended,

4)Many companies started making such design blades, because

razor only available of Gillette that time, so all the companies
started making blades of the same design.

5)Another reason is that the blade is very thin, if this design is

not in between then it will not even have the flexibility, and that
blade will break easily.
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Ques 21) Why are these empty spaces In Medical


1) These empty spaces prevent medicines from breaking down, also

from shock and vibration.
2) When the medicines are taken from place to place, they are at
risk of breaking, they also help to keep the medicines from
breakage and spilling during transportation.
3) Turns out that the spaces are attached to the tablets. This is
done to prevent tablets from getting mixed up reducing
chances of a chemical reaction.
4) For packets consisting of only one pill, this empty area is also
maintained to increase the print space.
5) Empty space is used to print in important information including,
date of packaging and expiry date.

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Ques 22) Why the Little Sticky Label on Fruits?

1) You can identify the fruits of the chemicals from the stickers
on the fruit.
2) If 4-digit number code written on the label, and code starts with
No. 3 or 4, that fruit is made of chemical, although the washing
of these chemicals separates.
3) If the Stricker has 5-digit code written on it and starts with No
9, those fruits are biological and naturally grown.
4) If the Stricker has 5-digit code written on it and starts with No
8, those fruits have been genetically grown.
5) Organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than
chemicals grown fruits and vegetables.

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Ques 23) Why is doctors handwriting so bad?

1)Doctors have done a lot of studies before becoming a doctor, they

have passed many exams in very short time.

2)They write a lot in less time to save time. That’s why their
handwriting becomes so bad that people can't understand.

3)Doctors have to look for more patients in a short time, for this
reason, writing their prescriptions quickly, their writing gets worse.

Ques 24) Do you know why Indian Highways have coloured milestones?

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1) Milestone Yellow and White color represents National Highway.

2) Milestone Green and White color represents State Highway.
3) Milestone Blue/Black and White color represents City/District
4) Milestone Red and White color represents rural roads.

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Ques 25) Have You Seen These Random Numbers on Your TV


1) These numbers are basically used by the content providers to

avoid and detect piracy.
2) The numbers that you see on the corner of your TV Screen are
unique for every region and are generated using a special
3) Once generated, these unique numbers are then inserted into
the video streaming at random points and can't be taken down
using video processing algorithms.
4) Through these numbers, content providers can track down
the people responsible for capturing content off-air and
replaying it over the internet or on some other means without

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Ques 26) Why are tyers black?

1) Although the natural colour of rubber is a milky white, the

black colour we see was originally caused by soot. ... Once
added to the rubber, carbon black increases the strength and
durability of the tyres and make tyres strong.
2) Black colour increases the strength of tyres as well as make
them resistant towards ultra violet rays by converting uv
radiations into heat.

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Ques 27) What is the meaning of four colour dots in Newspaper?

1) Those colours are called CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and

black), the base colours for all colours used in printing.
Basically, any colour can be obtained by using these in correct
2) If the images are somehow blurry and not crisp enough, you
will find the colours overlapping or not in the same line.
3) You may not know the exact number of newspapers that are
printed daily, physically checking all the pages of the paper is
not possible. For a printer, who has been doing this for years,
knows what an apt CMYK looks like. If there is anything off,
he/she will be able to spot it. So basically, they serve as
'printer's marker'.

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Ques 28) Why is there a cross mark on the backside of a train (Indian

1) It indicates that wagon consisting of this letter X is the last

wagon of the train. It can easily alert the railway officials so
that they can save from the accident.
2) If the last wagon of the train doesn’t contain this symbol,
then it indicates that the train is in trouble and also it can be
known that train is running without some wagons.
3) In addition, a small board with ‘LV’ (black on yellow) is often
attached to the rear of the vehicle (it stands for Last

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Ques 29) Why school bus colour is yellow?

1) Yellow is a color that was specifically formulated for use on

school buses in North America in 1939. ...It became known
officially as "National School Bus Chrome”. The color was
selected because black lettering on that hue was easiest to see
in the semi-darkness of early morning.
2) The color was selected because it attracts attention and is
noticed quickly in peripheral vision, faster than any other color.
Scientists describe this as follows: "Lateral peripheral vision for
detecting yellows is 1.24 times greater than for red.

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Ques 30) Why do doctors wear white and lawyers black?

1) Black is the colour of power and authority. Black also implies

submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. So
is the case with lawyers. Their submissions are towards justice.

2) Excepting the symbolic of white colour, there are more realistic

reasons for choosing white coats White coats are easy to get
dirty by the blood and pus during the surgery. Germs are easy to
be contained in these things. So white coats can help
doctors to detect the potential source of infection quickly.

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Thanks, with Love

Akshara concepts


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