Space Questions

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First Time Through (IN Blue)

If you know the answer: Put it down in a complete sentence.

If you think you know the answer: I think ________, but I'm not completely sure. I'm pretty sure
it is ________, but I'm not positive.

If you know part of the answer: I know ______ but I'm not so sure about _______.

If you have no idea: I have not learned this yet.

----------------Second Time Through (In Red))--------

You were correct the first time: I was correct in my answer but now I have also learned that ______

You were not correct: I was wrong about _______ but now I know that _______.

You were partly correct: I was mostly correct about _______ but I now know that __________

You did not have an answer: At first I did not know what _____ was but now I know that _______.

Posted by Randall Hollinger at 8:38 AM No comments:

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Experiment round 2
Today we begin experiment round 2.

1. Do your paper and try to finish today!!

2. Mark off your real estate (if needed)
3. Decide if and when to begin the experiment process.
4. Have your paper checked by Mr. Hollinger

Use the scientific paper template to make your new paper.

Divide the work evenly among your group.

Make a purchase order if you need supplies.



1. There is a disagreement with two students on how many planets are in the solar system. Student
A claims there are 8 planets and Student B claims there are 12 planets. What is some evidence to
support each claim?
a. Answer: how many planets are in the universe? You can also search it up. Student a is correct if
you don’t count dwarf planets. Student B is correct if you count dwarf planets
2. On which planet would you weigh the least? What is your evidence to prove this?
3. I have no idea
a. Answer: You would weigh the least on Mercury and mars but mostly mars. This is because it
has the lowest mass and the mass of the planet is what gives us weight
4. How does the mass of our planet compare to the other inner planets?
5. I have no idea

Earth is the most massive of the inner planets

6. Dr. Grumbles claims that it is colder during the winter because Earth is farther from the sun.
Provide evidence to prove him right or wrong?
7. I have no idea
a. Answer: Dr. Grumbles is not correct. The distance from the sun does not cause seasons.
Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth.
8. How does the path of the sun in the sky change during seasons?
9. I have no idea

The path of the sun is shorter in Winter and longer in summer.

10. How would seasons on Uranus be different from Earth?

a. Answer: because Uranus has a tilt to its planet

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