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1. What evidence do scientists have that large plates of land are moving?

I think it’s that scientists know earthquakes are happening.

I was wrong about the earthquakes but now I know that it happens because hot rock
rises into the earth's core. At the surface the rock spreads in two directions. It begins to
lose heat and eventually the much cooler rock sinks back down.
Scientists can measure using tools.

2. What are some names of the major plates of land?

I have not learned this yet

At first, I did not know what the major plates of land was but now I know that they are the
African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Australian Plate, Caribbean Plate, Coco’s Plate, Erastian
Plate, Nazca Plate, and the North American Plate.

3. What are some ways that tectonic plates can interact with each other?

I have not learned this yet.

At first, I did not know how plate tectonics interact with each other but now I know that
tectonic plate interactions are of three different basic types. Divergent boundaries are areas
where plates move away from each other, forming either mid-oceanic ridges or rift valleys.
These are also known as constructive boundaries. Convergent boundaries are areas where
plates move toward each other and collide.

4. How can land forms provide evidence for scientists to determine plate boundaries?

I think it’s that there are different continents but I'm not completely sure.
I was wrong about the plate boundaries but now I know that plate boundaries are where
new crust materials are being created and the plates are moving apart which are called
diversion boundaries.

5. How does the theory of plate tectonics relate to mountains and volcanoes?

I have not learned this yet.

At first, I did not know how plate tectonics relates to mountains and volcanoes was but
now I know that when 2 lands collide one goes underneath, and one goes on top and
when the land on top feels force it will push up and make a volcano.

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