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1. What evidence do scientists have that large plates of land are moving?

I think the answer is that scientist think that tectonic plates are moving because tectonic plates could
be colliding and that causes earth quakes.

I have learned that my answer is right.

Scientistcan measure the changes of the plates.

2. What are some names of the major plates of land?

I don’t know. I haven't learned this yet.

African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasian Plate, Indo – Australian Plate, North American
Plate, Pacific Plate, and the South American Plate.

3. What are some ways that tectonic plates can interact with each other?

One way that I know that tectonic plates can interact with each other is that when tectonic plates
collide it causes a earth quake.

My answer was correct. It is one way that tectonic plates interact

Push and slide.

4. How can land forms provide evidence for scientists to determine plate boundaries?

I don’t know this. I haven't learned this yet.

Volcanoes and mountains are proof that plates have boundaries because volcanoes and
mountains are getting bigger when two plates push together and land moves up.

5. How does the theory of plate tectonics relate to mountains and volcanoes?

One way is that when tectonic plates sometimes the land on top of it gets pushed up which causes a
mountain or sometimes magma comes up from the earth and comes out and that is a volcano. I am
pretty sure that is how mountains and volcanos form.
When two plates push against each other, it forms mountains and volcanoes.

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