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1. This book mine.

2. Jane and Peter married.
3. That right.
4. My brother here at the moment.
5. We in England.
6. It Monday today.
7. Jennie's surname Peters.
'm not
8. I a hairdresser.
9. My name Alexander.
10. There many people in this class.

Click on the words in the correct order to make positive sentences with the
verb to be.

book? your Is this

Is this your book? Esta es la forma Correcta

the from Unites States? Mr. Peters Is

Is Mr. Peters from the Unites States? Esta es la forma Correcta

Are married? They

Are they married? Esta es la forma Correcta

or wrong? right I Am

Am I right or wrong? Esta es la forma Correcta

your daughter's Sandra? name Is

Is your daughter's name Sandra? Esta es la forma Correcta

Jenkins? Are and Mr. you Mrs.

Are you Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins? Esta es la forma Correcta

1. Every year his family goes to Europe for two weeks. (go)
2. Tammy and Jen take a Pilates class on Wednesday mornings.(take)
3. Does that airline fly to Paris? (fly)
4. The semester doesn’t finish until the end of June. (not finish)
5. Tony usually tries to call his mother in the mornings. (try)
6. Who pays for your car expenses? (Who/pay)
7. The shops don’t close until 21:00. (not close)
8. Gerard receives the ball and kicks it into the net. (receive/kick)
9. How many times a day do you take your dogs for a walk? (take)
10. Does he always use his cell phone for long distance calls? (use)

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