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04.6 MW Ravi Thak Chilas HPP ChilasHydropower Project Bidding Documents


ADB Asian Development Bank

AD/LAR Assistant Director/ Land Acquisition and Resettlement
AEDB Alternative Energy Development Board
AH Affected Household
AM ante meridiem (before noon)
BDF Bidding Forms
BDS Bid Data Sheet
CAS Compulsory Acquisition Surcharge
CBO Community Based Organization
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid
COF Contract Forms
D Distance
DB Dispute Board
DD Deputy Director
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DFO Divisional Forest Officer
DRO District Revenue Officer
Drwg. Drawing
D/S Down Stream
E Energy
EA Executing Agency
El. Elevation
ELC Eligible Countries
ELI Eligibility Form
EM Electro Mechanical
EPC Engineering Procurement and Construction
EQC Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
ERQ Employer’s Requirement
ESDC Environmental and Social Development Cell
EXP Experience Form
EXW Ex Works
E&M Electrical and Mechanical
e.g. For example
FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Fig. Figure
FIN Financial Data Form
FSL Full Supply Level
FWD Forest and Wildlife Department
G Acceleration due to Gravity
GBWPD Gilgit Baltistan Water and Power Department

Volume – I 1 Abbreviations
04.6 MW Ravi Thak Chilas HPP ChilasHydropower Project Bidding Documents

GCC General Conditions of Contract

GOP Government of Pakistan
GRC Grievance Redress Committee
GSP Geological Survey of Pakistan
GWh Giga Watt Hour
H Hour
Ha Hectare
HH Household
HPP Hydropower Project
IA Implementing Agency
ICB International Competitive Bidding
ICCP Information and Community Consultation Program
IEE Initial Environmental Examination Report
IDD International Direct Dialing
IDPD Indigenous People Development Plan
IFB Invitation for Bids
ITB Instructions to Bidders
INCOTERMS International Commercial Terms
JV Joint Venture
Km Kilometer
kW Kilowatt
LAA Land Acquisition Act
LAC Land Acquisition Collector
LIT Pending Litigation Form
LARF Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework
LARP land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
L.C. letter of credit
L.L. Liquid Limit
L-Section Longitudinal Section
MC Management Consultants
MACP Mountain Area Conservation Program
Masl metres above sea level
Max Maximum
Mill Million
Min Minimum
MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility
Mm Millimeter
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MoWP Ministry of Water and Power
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt hour
m³/sec Cubic Meter Per Second
m/sec² Meter Per Square Second

Volume – I 2 Abbreviations
04.6 MW Ravi Thak Chilas HPP ChilasHydropower Project Bidding Documents

NEPRA National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NSL Natural Surface Level
NTDC National Transmission and Dispatch Company
PC Planning Commission
PD Project Director
P.I. Plasticity Index
P.L. Plastic Limit
PM post meridiem (after noon)
PMU Project Management Unit
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
Ppm Parts Per Million
PQ Prequalification
PSDP Public Sector Development Program
Q Discharge
RAC Resettlement Advisory Committee
RD Running Distance
REDSIP Renewable Energy Development Sector Investment Program
ROW Right of Way
RP Resettlement Plan
Rs. Pakistani Rupees
SBD Standard Bidding Documents
SCC Special Conditions of Contract
Sec Second
SPT Standard Penetration Test
SWHP Surface Water Hydrology Project, WAPDA
T Time
TA Technical Assistant
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
U/S Up Stream
WASID Water and Soil Investigation Department
WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority
% Percentage
ºC Degree Centigrade

Volume – I 3 Abbreviations

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