LPM 17-18 1st Internal 1

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West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

1st Professional Year BVSc & AH 1st Internal Assessment, 2017-18
Livestock Production Management
Full Marks – 40 Time – 1 hour


Roll No. ………………………

Signature of invigilator

Candidates are required to check 12 pages of question paper before start answering.
Answer all the questions in the space provided. Extra Sheets will be supplied by the
invigilator if required. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the
point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and poor handwriting.

Section – I: Objective types - 16 Section – II: Subjective types - 24

Q. No. Section-I (Objective Section-II (Subjective TOTAL Weightage

Type) Type) (40) (10)

Examiner’s Signature

I. Tick (√) the correct answer out of the alternatives given. 0.5 x 8 =4

1. Which of the following is a recognised breed of sheep in West Bengal?

i) Siri
ii) Black Bengal
iii) Garole
iv) Haringhata Black

2. A disorder resulting from the accumulation of gas in the rumen caused by fermentation of
green forages.
i) Grass tetany ii) Bloat iii) Ketosis iv) Anaemia

3. Rabbit female can produce ______________ kits per year.

i) 5-10 ii) 10-20 iii) 25-30 iv) 55-80

4. Statement
a. The flock size of backyard chicken per rural house hold is small.
b. The mortality of adult birds reared in backyard chicken farming is very high.
i) Both two statements are correct ii) Statement a is correct and statement b is incorrect.
iii) Both two statements are incorrect iv) Statement b is correct and statement a is incorrect

5. Variety of Sorghum fodder

i) MP Chari
ii) African Tall
iii) CO 1
iv) Gotra Bidhan 1

6. Number of National Parks in West Bengal

i) Three
ii) Five
iii) Eight
iv) None of above

7. The Wildlife (Protection) Act has been promulgated in

i) 1956
ii) 1968
iii) 1972
iv) None of above

8. How much milk is to be fed to a calf daily?

i) 1/5th of its body weight
ii) 1/10th of its body weight
iii) 1/15th of its body weight
iv) 1/20th of its body weight

II. Fill in the blanks 0.5 x 8 = 4

1. Backyard chicken farming is a low input and ___________ output production system.
2. A relatively small subdivision of pasture is called ___________.

3. Optimum ambient temperature for rabbit rearing is __________°C.

4. Land holding of marginal farm is below _________ hectare.

5. Native place of Jaffrabadi buffalo is _______________________.

6. Ecology is the study of relationships between _____________ and their environment.

7. Actual stage of harvesting Sorghum fodder is ________________.

8. Vices in sow where jaw movements like chewing food which has no food in its mouth

is called _______________________.

III. Mark the following statements as True or False . 0.5 x 8 = 4

1. Rural poultry farming ensures better food and livelihood security among poor people.


2. Male buffalo calves rearing will help boosting of the leather industry of the country.


3. Cecotrophs contain less amount of protein than that of normal fecal pellet.


4. Rabbit kits are weaned at 7 days of age. (...............................)

5. All major Indian Zoos follow Taxonomic arrangement. (...............................)

6. A large zoo is one which maintains a minimum of 125 species.(...............................)

7. Total number of recognised buffalo breeds in India is 40. (...............................)

8. A cow is giving milk and at the same time it may be pregnant. (...............................)

IV. Name the following 0.5 x 8 =4

1. Commercial poultry birds meant for meat production.

2. The edible portion of plant that can provide feed for livestock.

3. The period between parturition and cessation of milk in dairy cattle

4. Act of parturition in rabbit.

5. Type of layout of zoo as per regional origin of animals.

6. The publication from IUCN categorizing species according to their degree of threat.

7. The structure which keeps animal in and public out.

8. Dairy cattle are kept free during day and night in this housing system

V. Write short notes (any three) 2x3 =6

1. Scavenging feed resource base

2. Rotational grazing

3. Rabbit hutch

4. Habitat resource
5. Common routes of drug administration

6. Single row cow shed

VI. Justify (any three) 2x3 =6

1. Broodiness in backyard chicken is one of the desirable characteristics.

2. Male buffalo calves salvaging helps conservation of elite germplasm.

3. Angora rabbit production is not suitable in hot humid climate.

4. Wildlife conservation is a social process.

5. Conservation means ‘Man living in harmony with nature’.

6. Which housing system is better—face to face or tail to tail? Justify your answer.

VII. Differentiate (any three) 2x3 =6

1. Advantages and disadvantages of draft animals

2. Strip grazing and zero grazing

3. Meat and fur breeds of rabbit

4. Conservation and preservation

5. Zoo and Safari Park

6. Forage and Fodder

VIII. Explain (any three) 2x3 =6

1. Width of moat for large carnivore should be 10 % more than the maximum leaping
capacity of the animal.
2. Psychological space is more important than physical space for captive species.

3. Poultry refers to various species of birds

4. Selection of proper disinfectant is desirable.

5. Quarantine period should be maintained at least 30 days.

6. Intravenous administration provides the fastest distribution of the drug.

West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences
Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
1st Professional Year BVSc & AH 1st Internal Assessment, 2017-18
Livestock Production Management


I. Tick (√) the correct answer
1. Garole
2. Bloat
3. iii) 25-30
4. ii) Statement a is correct and statement b is incorrect.
5. MP Chari
6. Five
7. 1972
8. 1/10th of its body weight

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Low
2. Paddock
3. 10-25°C.
4. 1
5. Gir forest of Kathiawar
6. Organism
7. Pre-flowering
8. Sham-chewing

III. Mark the following statements as True or False

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True

IV. Name the following

1. Broiler
2. Forage
3. Lactation Period
4. Kindling
5. Zoogeographical
6. Red Data Book
7. Barrier
8. Loose housing system

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