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SAE Visit

Student: Nicole M.
Class: Fundamentals of AG
SAE Description: Diversified animal production. Dairy goats and laying hens
Feedback: Nicole has done a lot of work to prepare for her animals in a way that aligns with
best handling practices for her operation. She has built a barn, chicken coop, a chicken pen, a
goat stand for milking, a pen to start her chicks, water systems, fences, and pens. She has also
done work on the planning and expected outcomes of her project.

Things to work on: Research more on how to start chicks. Having the heat lamp on them like
you did could kill them. Make sure it is not too close and that they can get away from it. Begin
researching what you can do with your eggs after the hens lay them, and maybe consider how
you can market them to your community.

Parent conversation: It is good that your parents are helping you out and are invested in what
you are doing. Keep having conversations with parents about classwork and all the successes in
the classroom and outside of it. Applications for officers are coming up, discussed getting that

Concerns: No major concerns other than not over heating chicks

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