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Joshua Rollinson & Braden Shipley 5th


To start off with, The Iowa Caucuses in a super simple transition is a election that can

help determine who is the most likely from each party to win the political election. It only has

registered members who will vote on the remain candidates for each party. These have been very

and highly important because it would help the candidates see how much they are liked, and the

odds of them winning right of the bat. This also helps those who don’t have the odds, so they

now know they need to do more work to gain more favor. This has been going on since 1972.

For each party there is a different process. This whole process has had different prediction rates,

for the democrats, this has been 43% accurate in predicting the next president, and the

republicans its 50%. How its different to the original Primary elections would be that its done at

multiple points in time at different places. It can be in Schools, Churches, and even People’s

homes. Iowa was the very first one in history for the democratic party. The Republican Party had

their first one 4 years later at the next election. The Iowa Caucuses are ​not​ the final election.

They are used for valuable information and for the people to give a pretest of what to expect

from these elections. Without the Iowa Caucuses it would be pretty hard to determine the support

and which party is more or less popular right of the rip, and may mislead one party to thinking

they are good or bad when they may be not.

● There are 100 voters in this Caucuses

● T would be the winner in the plurality method

● C would be the winner with the instant runoff method

● T- 217 points, B- 205 points, C- 272 points, R- 306 points

● R would be the winner in the borda count voting method

● B- 1.5 points, C- 1.5 points, R- 3 points,T- 0 points

● R would be the winner in Copeland’s method

● Yes there is a condorcet candidate

● R is the condorcet candidate

To begin with, The condorcet method is the vastly superior method of all the voting theory

methods, and the most fair as well. It accounts for all the votes besides just the first place votes,

so second choice votes will also get a say in what they want. In the case of the candidates R,

would be the condorcet winner as they are the most wanted in the ballot from first and second

place votes. Therefore they should be the endorsed party. This voting method is the most fair of

the most because it includes as much of the votes as possible instead of just the main votes or a

point system. This way the most amount of people can be happy with the results. No other voting

method gets anywhere near as accurate or fair in votes. This method also causes there to be a

little to no possibility of a tie between candidates. In all the 100 voters, the plurality method had

T be the winner. C would be the winner in the Instant Runoff Method. The borda count, R would

win with a total of 306 votes. R is also the winner in Copeland’s Method as well, and Finally, R

is the winner in the Condorcet criterion as well. From all the voting methods, R is also the

winner in the majority of them further showing that R is the candidate to win, and confirming our
info as accurate. In the end, there are multiple ways of getting fair results, but none will come as

close as our fair and accurate condorcet criterion method.

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