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A. Look at the picture. Where are the people? Listen and check your answers.

Brandon H¡, Dad! Happy Birthday! This is for you.

Mr. Foster Hi. Brandon! Thanks for the card. Can I open ¡t?
Brandon Sure! So, how's your back?
Mr. Foster It's alright, but my leg hurts. Don't worry about it. The doctor's coming' soon anyway. I really
like your card.
Brandon Really? I'm glad.
Mr. Foster Oh, I have good news! I'm getting out of the hospital on Fridáy!
Brandon That's great, Dad.
Mr. Foster No kiddlng. It's so boring in here.
Brandon Hey, you know what? Why don't we have a party on Saturday?
Mr. Foster Awesome ¡dea! All our frlends and family love parties.
Brandon well, mom and i always have great parties.
Mr. Foster i can not wait

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