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Stats Project

Joshua Rollinson

1. To Begin, this article is called, Half of Americans Feel Lonely, especially

young people, feel lonely. By, Aric Jenkins, posted on May 1st, 2018. It’s
about the upcoming problem with Americans feeling lonely. The article
states, “In a nationwide study of 20,000 adults, 54% of them said they felt
no one knew them.” The whole topic is how it’s getting worse the younger
the individual. A lonely scale was created where the average american
scores 44 on the 20-80 scale. Some of the newer generations, 1990-2000’s
are around 48.3 which is much higher.

a. The parameter that is discussed is that american population as a
whole is Lonely.
b. Categorial, as you can’t add or subtract feelings between people
c. Simple Random Sample, as everyone in the United states had a
equal chance of being chosen of the 20,000 adults.
d. The bias being that feelings can change depending on the situation
and time of the day, so the answers may be inaccurate to how they
actually may feel.

One major thing missing from this project has to be, that they aren’t in a
controlled environment, thus creating the bias on how they may feel in a
certain situation. If all 20,000 adults were put in a location and given the
same tasks for 3 weeks, then testing their feelings would be a more
accurate answer as they would all be under the same circumstances.

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