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Subject:- Biometry Coad :- 509 2/5/2019 Prepaid By Mohammad Shahryar kasi

1) Introduction
Biometrical technique have wide practical applications in genetic and plant breeding before dealing with history of
biometrical genetic it is necessary to define biometrics biometrical genetics quantitative genetic and population genetic these
terms are defined below
2) Biometrical genetic
Biometrical genetic a branch of genetic that utilizes various statistical concept and procedure to the study of genetical
problem called biometrical genetics; it is also referred to as statistical genetics or mathematical genetics
There two main branch 1) Quantitative genetic and 2) Population genetics
3) Quantitative genetic
Quantitative genetic a branch of biometrical genetic which deals with the study of polygenic or quantitative character is
known as quantitative genetics
Main feature of Quantitative genetics are briefly presented below:
1. Quantitative genetic is an extension of Mendelian genetics family based on Mendelian principle of heredity.
2. It provides a way and mean for the study of polytechnic variation which is not possible by Medallion genetic.
3. its deal with the continuous variation
4. It's estimate are based on mean variance and covariance it help in a better understanding of genetic principle and better
planning of Crop programs
5. Fisher laid the foundation of quantitative Genetics in 1918
4) Population genetic
Population genetic middle with the frequency of a gene and genotype in a Mendelian population has two important futures
1) Random mating 2) Equal several of all genotypes
Main feature of Population genetic are briefly presented below
1. It is a branch of Biomedical genetic it involves mathematically procedure
2. it deal with oligogenic or discontinuous variation
3. It estimate are based on frequency and ratio
4. It cannot be used for analysis of polygenic variation
5. Hardy and Weinberg laid the foundation of population Genetic in 1908
5) Advantages of biometrical technique
Biometrical technique provide is basic information about various genetic aspect which is useful for a better understanding of
the subject as well as better planning of plant breeding program thus:
Quantitative genetic is a useful in several way is given below:
1. Quantitative genetic provide solution to the analysis of polygenic character which is not possible through a Mendelian
2. Quantitative Genetics utilize the various statistical model and design for the analysis of polygenic character.
3. Quantitative genetic provide way and mean for a genetic evolution of various plant population in term of variability
heritability combining ability gene action yield attributes adaptation etc..
4. Quantitative Genetics help in the separation of non heritable variation from heritable variation which is not possible in
Mediterranean genetic.
5. Quantitative genetic provide statistical base for scientific interpretation of result in plant breeding research.
6) Limitation of biometrical technique
Quantitative Genetics study as a several useful application in plant breeding and genetic but have some limitation also which
are briefly described below:
1. Quantitative genetic are not applicable to qualitative data like colour shape from etc. unless these are converted into
quantitative figure,
2. Quantitative genetic study is always based on mean value individual data are not given importance in most of the
3. Since the plant character are sensitive to environmental variation quantitative Genetics estimate are also valid for a
particular set of environmental condition and these estimates may change with the change in the environment.
4. The interpretation of quantitative genetic estimates required may technical skill in proper interpretation of estimate
may sometime give misleading information.
5. Quantitative Genetics estimate are influenced by several factors like type of genetical material size of a simple
method conduction of experiment method of calculation effect of linkage etc.
7) Degree of freedom
Degree of freedom refers to the number of independent compression.
For example if there are four different type of Rose sapling and we went to present them to four different person.
The first three spellings we can present according to our choice but the fourth sapling will automatically go to the
fourth person in which we do not have any choice in other word the presentation of the first three sapling is
independent but not the presentation of fourth one it mean we can freely present first three sapling but not fourth
one this is called degree of freedom generally degree of freedom is one less than the total class of compression in
two class segregation (3:1) Degree of freedom is 1 and in four class segregation( 9:3:3:1) the degree of freedom
is 3.
8) Analysis of polygenic traits
Plant character which are governed by several gene are known as polygenic character or qualitative character
these traits required for metric measurement such as length weight duration etc the analysis of a such traits is
based on mean variance and covariance the various statistical procedure which are used for analysis of polygenic
traits including
1. Simple measure of variability
2. Test of significance
3. Analysis of variance
4. Analysis of covariance
5. Regression analysis
6. Correlation analysis etc

9) Arithmetic mean Arithmetic mean is defined as the sum of all observation in a simple divided by the number it is
denoted by X and calculated
Arithmetic Mean = X =( X)/N where , ___ = Summation, X= an observation and N- number of observation in a

10) Measure of dispersion

The degree to which numerical data tend to separate about the mean value is called respiration does respiration is
a measure of variation in a simple the measure of dispersion are also known as simple measure of variability this
measures include range standard deviation variance standard error and coefficient of variation a brief description
of these measure of variability is presented below

11) Range
Range is the difference between the lowest and highest value presented in the observation in a simple if there are
20 observations on seed or contained in cotton the highest value be 25 % and the lowest 15% the range will be 25
– 15= 10 thus it is a measure of the separate of variation in a simple
It is the simplest possible measure of variability and its construction is very easy however it is a very crude
measure of variability it is not capable future algebraic treatment and cannot be define rigidly it is greatly affected
by fluctuation sampling it does not indicate is throughout the data in between the highest the lowest value it is
commonly used as a measure of variability in plant breeding population

12) Standard deviation it is the square root of Arithmetic mean of a square of 8 division measure from the mean in
other world it is the square root of the variance it is the best measure of variation in a population
Standard deviation = X ----( X) /N)N-1
No standard division = Variance

13) Variance
Variance is defined as the average of square division from the the mean or it's the square of the standard deviation
it is expressed as the sum of the square of the division of all observation of a simple from its mean and divided by
degree of freedom (N-1) it is an effective measure of variability which permits partition of variation component it
is estimated by the following formula
Variance = X –( X) /N N-1

14) Standard error

It is the measure of the mean difference between simple estimated of the mean X and the population parameter it
is Measure of uncontrolled variation present in a simple it is estimated by dividing the estimate of standard by the
square root of number of observation in the simple and is denoted by;
SE thus
Where SD= stand deviation and N =Number of observation

15) Coefficient of variation

The standard deviation is an absolute measure of variation and is expressed in the term of unit of the variable for
example it would be in a Rupees for income in a Cm of it and in KG or GM for a wait for the purpose of
comparative study are relative measure of dispersion or variation is required coefficient of variation survey this
purpose is it does not have any unit the ratio of standard deviation of a simple to its mean expressed in percentage
is called coefficient of variation
Coefficient of variation (CV) =SD/ X X 100

16) Analysis of variance

The statistical procedure which separate or split the total variation in two different components is known as
analysis of variance
It is following two main advantage
1. It is a useful in estimating the component of variance
2. It provide base for the test of significance
The analysis of variance is carried out with the replicate data in plant breeding such analysis divide the total
variation in two main parts variation between variety and variation within a variety environmental variation it
help in a partitiong open type variation in to genetic and environmental component is given below
1. Genetic variance (VP) = MSt-MSe/r
2. Environmental variance (VE) = MSe and,
3. Phenotype variance (VP) = VG + VE-

17) Analysis of covariance

This statistical technique split simultaneously the variation of two variable into various component the total
variation can be partitioned into genotypic phenotypic and environmental covariance as given below the analysis
of covariance is also carry out with the replicated data
1. Genotypic covariance (Cov.G) = MSPt –MSPe/r
2. Environmental covariance (Cov.E) = MSPe
3. Phenotypic covariance (Cov.P) = Cov G + Cov E


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