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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Cryptogenic Stroke
Jeffrey L. Saver, M.D.​​

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

After a gym workout, a 48-year-old man had sudden ataxia, nausea, and diplopia, From the Department of Neurology and
followed by persistent inability to see the upper left quadrant of space with either the Comprehensive Stroke Center, David
Geffen School of Medicine at the Univer-
left or right eye. He did not have neck pain. His medical history included hyperten- sity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),
sion and migraines with aura. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a right Los Angeles. Address reprint requests to
occipitotemporal and thalamic infarct. Magnetic resonance angiography showed an Dr. Saver at the UCLA Stroke Center, 710
Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095,
abrupt cutoff of a distal segment of the right posterior cerebral artery. The complete or at ­jsaver@​­mednet​.­ucla​.­edu​.­
blood count, prothrombin time, and partial-thromboplastin time were normal.
N Engl J Med 2016;374:2065-74.
Transthoracic echocardiographic results suggested a possible right-to-left shunt. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1503946
Cardiac telemetry during the first 2 inpatient days revealed no dysrhythmias. How Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.

should this case be further evaluated?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

ryptogenic ischemic strokes are symptomatic cerebral infarcts
for which no probable cause is identified after adequate diagnostic evalua-
tion. More expansive definitions add strokes in patients who are incom-
An audio version
pletely evaluated and in those with more than one probable cause identified, but
of this article is
these are better considered to be separate entities. Among strokes of undetermined available at
cause, useful further distinctions are between those that are cryptogenic after
standard evaluation and those that are cryptogenic after additional, specialized
evaluation and between those that are “highly cryptogenic” (i.e., with no probable
and no possible cause discovered) and those “of possibly determined origin” (i.e.,
with no probable, but one or more possible, causes identified).
Cryptogenic mechanisms account for 10 to 40% of all ischemic strokes.1-4 This
range reflects varying definitions across series, evolution in diagnostic technology,
differing conceptions of adequate etiologic investigation, and the fact that there
are more than 200 known causes of ischemic stroke potentially requiring exclu-
sion.5,6 In general, the percentage of ischemic strokes that are classified as crypto-
genic has declined over time as diagnostic testing has advanced, from 40% in the
1970s1 to 10 to 15% today for highly cryptogenic stroke in advanced centers per-
forming extensive testing.3,4 However, stroke that is cryptogenic after a standard
diagnostic evaluation remains a common clinical challenge, accounting for 20 to
30% of all ischemic strokes7 and therefore occurring in 120,000 to 180,000 pa-
tients each year in the United States.
The most common determined causes of ischemic stroke, identified during
routine initial evaluation, are large-artery atherosclerosis, cardioembolism, and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Cryptogenic Stroke
• One quarter of patients with ischemic stroke have no probable cause found after standard workup,
including echocardiography, inpatient cardiac telemetry or 24-hour Holter monitoring, magnetic
resonance imaging or computed tomographic (CT) imaging of topographic features of the infarct in the
brain, and magnetic resonance or CT angiographic assessment of neck and brain arteries. Additional
investigation identifies a likely mechanism in more than half these patients.
• Most cryptogenic ischemic strokes are embolic in origin, arising from proximal arterial sources, the
heart, or venous sources (with right-to-left shunts).
• Investigation in patients with cryptogenic stroke typically includes evaluation for atherosclerotic and
nonatherosclerotic arteriopathies, cardiac sources of embolism (structural and rhythm abnormalities),
and disturbances of coagulation.
• Patent foramen ovale is found in up to half of young adults with cryptogenic stroke but is also found in
one quarter of healthy persons.
• Occult, low-burden, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is increasingly recognized as a source of cryptogenic
stroke, especially in older patients.

small-vessel disease, each of which accounts for age who had a stroke that was cryptogenic and
approximately 25% of cases.8 In patients with who were treated with aspirin, the recurrence
ischemic stroke that is considered to be crypto- rate was 1.9% in the first year after the stroke
genic after standard evaluation, causes that are and 0.8% per year in years 2 to 4.11 This low
most often found after more specialized testing recurrence rate comports with the absence of
include occult atherosclerosis, including nonste- an easily discovered cause of major stroke that
nosing but unstable plaques at intracranial and would place the patient at elevated risk.
cervical sites or stenosing plaques at the thoracic
origins of the common carotid and thoracic ver- S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
tebral arteries9; nonatherosclerotic arteriopathies,
such as dissection or vasculitis; hypercoagulable Assessment of the Patient with Cryptogenic
states; cardioembolism from medium-grade Ischemic Stroke
sources, such as low-burden paroxysmal atrial Cryptogenic stroke is a diagnosis of exclusion,
fibrillation or dilated cardiomyopathy of moder- arrived at by ruling out known causes. Particu-
ate degree; and paradoxical embolism (Table S1 larly informative aspects of the patient’s history
in the Supplementary Appendix, available with and physical examination are shown in Table 1,
the full text of this article at and a strategy for laboratory and imaging work-
The age of the patient influences the likeli- up is outlined in Figure 1 and in Table S2 in the
hood of various causes. In young adults 18 to 30 Supplementary Appendix.
years of age, dissection is most common, but In contemporary practice, the routine evalua-
thrombophilias and congenital cardiac disease tion of the patient with ischemic stroke includes
are also noteworthy causes. In persons 31 to 60 several components. The topographic features of
years of age, early-onset atherosclerosis and ac- the stroke (infarct location, volume, and multiplic-
quired structural cardiac disease are increasing­ ity) are assessed by MRI of the brain, including
ly common. In patients older than 60 years of age, diffusion sequences (which are more sensitive to
occult atrial fibrillation becomes more frequent. small lesions and lesions in the brain stem and
As compared with strokes of determined ori- cerebellum) or computed tomography (CT) of the
gin, cryptogenic ischemic strokes typically result brain (when MRI is not available). The topograph-
in less severe presenting neurologic deficits, less ic features provide important etiologic clues:
final disability, and lower mortality.10 In most11,12 infarcts in multiple territories suggest emboli
though not all13 long-term follow-up studies, from a proximal aortocardiac source; infarcts of
patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke have a different ages in a single territory suggest em-
lower risk of recurrence than those with stroke boli of arterial origin; infarcts along the borders
of identified cause. In the largest long-term between brain artery territories suggest systemic
study to date, among patients 18 to 55 years of hypotension or multiple emboli; and a small,

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 1. Suggestive Findings on History and Physical Examination in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke.*

Variable Potential Clinical Implication

Historical feature
Neck trauma or manipulation Carotid or vertebral artery dissection
Migraine Migrainous infarction or CADASIL
Intravenous drug use Endocarditis, HIV infection, vasculitides, paradoxical emboli,
or vasospasm
Dental procedure or systemic bacterial infection Endocarditis, septic emboli, or coagulopathy
Airplane travel or Valsalva maneuver at stroke Paradoxical embolism
Family history of early myocardial infarction Genetic accelerated atherosclerosis
or ischemic stroke
Pregnancy and peripartum Cerebral venous thrombosis or eclampsia
Sickle-cell disease Secondary moyamoya disease
Physical finding
Asymmetric arm pressures Coarctation of aorta, aortic dissection, Takayasu’s disease,
or premature atherosclerosis
Needle tracks Intravenous drug use or HIV infection
Livedo reticularis Sneddon’s syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,
or systemic lupus erythematosus
Xanthoma or xanthelasma Hyperlipidemia
Adenopathy HIV infection, sarcoid, or Tangier disease
Heart murmur Endocarditis, ventral septal defect, or myxoma
Diminished pulses Premature atherosclerosis, coarctation of aorta, aortic dissec-
tion, or Takayasu’s disease
Bruit Premature atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, or arterial
Venous thrombosis in the legs Hypercoagulable state

* CADASIL denotes cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, and
HIV human immunodeficiency virus.

deep infarct along with white-matter hyperin- Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which
tensities suggests intrinsic small-vessel disease. is better at atrial and aortic-arch imaging, is pre-
The brain, neck, and thoracic arteries are as- ferred in patients with nonlacunar infarct and no
sessed by CT or magnetic resonance angiogra- evidence of ventricular disease and as an addi-
phy (which have similar sensitivity and specific- tional test in patients with unrevealing TTE re-
ity) or, if these are contraindicated or unavailable, sults. TEE identifies potentially salient abnor-
carotid duplex ultrasonography and transcranial malities in approximately 50 to 75% of young
Doppler ultrasonography. patients with otherwise cryptogenic stroke,14,15
The presence of structural cardiac disease is including patent foramen ovale, atrial septal
evaluated by means of echocardiography. Trans- aneurysm, endocarditis, aortic atherosclerosis,
thoracic echocardiography (TTE), which is better regional myocardial-wall dysfunction, dilated left
at ventricular imaging, is used first in patients atrium, and atrial appendage thrombi. Cardiac
with coronary artery disease, congestive heart dysrhythmias are initially assessed by 12-lead
failure, or other ventricular disease that is evi- ECG and inpatient cardiac telemetry or 24-hour
dent from history or electrocardiogram (ECG). Holter monitor. Hematologic disorders are screened

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Ischemic stroke or TIA

Physical examination

Standard Evaluation

Stroke topography Vessels Cardiac — structure Cardiac — rhythm Hematologic testing

MRI of the brain MRA of the head and TTE 12-Lead ECG Complete blood count
CT of the brain neck TEE Inpatient cardiac Platelet count
CTA of the head and telemetry INR
neck 24-Hr Holter monitor Partial-thromboplastin
Carotid duplex ultra- time
sonography and
transcranial Doppler

Stroke considered to be cryptogenic

after standard evaluation

Advanced Evaluation

Vessels Cardiac — rhythm Hematologic testing

Catheter angioplasty Prolonged (2–4 wk) Arterial hyperco-
Transcranial Doppler outpatient cardiac agulability tests
monitoring for telemetry (all patients)
emboli Venous hyperco-
Vasculitis tests agulability tests
(if right-to-left shunt)

Stroke considered to be cryptogenic

after advanced evaluation

Specialized Evaluation

Genetic testing Vessels Cardiac — structure Cardiac — rhythm Hematologic testing

Mitochondrial disease Detailed autoimmune Cardiac CT Prolonged (1–3 yr) Workup for occult
CADASIL, Fabry's evaluation Cardiac MRI outpatient loop cancer
disease, other CSF examination recording
genetic causes Brain biopsy

Figure 1. Algorithm for the Identification and Diagnostic Evaluation of Patients with Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic
Attack (TIA).
Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix lists additional considerations regarding advanced and specialized tests. CADASIL denotes
­cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, CTA computed
tomographic angiography, ECG electrocardiogram, INR international normalized ratio, MRA magnetic resonance angiography, TEE
transesophageal echocardiography, and TTE transthoracic echocardiography.

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Clinical Pr actice

by means of red-cell and platelet counts and mea- first ECG, and another 5% receive a new diagno-
surement of the prothrombin time and partial- sis, after initial presentation in sinus rhythm, on
thromboplastin time. the basis of results of inpatient cardiac telemetry
The stroke may be considered to be crypto- or 24-hour Holter monitoring.8,23,24
genic after standard evaluation when clinical Technology to detect infrequent paroxysmal
examination and brain imaging suggest a super- atrial fibrillation has dramatically improved over
ficial or large, deep cerebral infarct, but none the past decade, with the development of mobile
of the above routine vessel-imaging, cardiac, or cardiac telemetry systems that may be worn exter-
hematologic tests has revealed a probable cause. nally for 2 to 4 weeks, subcutaneous loop record-
Patients with a small, deep infarct also may be ers with battery lives enabling detection for 1 to
considered to have cryptogenic stroke if they are 3 years, and in patients needing therapeutic in-
younger than 50 years of age, have no standard ternal pacemakers or defibrillators, implantable
vascular risk factors, and have no white-matter therapeutic devices with the capability to detect
hyperintensities or prior small, deep infarcts.16 atrial fibrillation for 3 years or more. These tech-
More extensive diagnostic testing is then pursued nological advances unveiled a long-surmised, but
(Figs. 1 and 2, and Table S2 in the Supplemen- infrequently identified, group of patients with
tary Appendix). low-burden paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Patients
Several formal diagnostic algorithms have with low-burden paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
been developed to categorize ischemic strokes have a lower risk of stroke than patients with
according to cause or as cryptogenic (Table S3 in chronic or high-burden paroxysmal atrial fibril-
the Supplementary Appendix). The long-estab- lation. However, their risk of stroke is higher
lished Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treat- than that among persons without atrial fibrilla-
ment (TOAST) diagnostic algorithm17,18 is begin- tion.25 As little as a single 1-hour episode of
ning to be superseded by the newer ASCOD atrial fibrillation during 2 years of monitoring
(atherosclerosis, small-vessel disease, cardiac, has been associated with a doubling in the risk
other, dissection) and Causative Classification of ischemic stroke.26
of Stroke (CCS) systems, which take a more Among patients whose ischemic strokes are
nuanced approach when multiple contending cryptogenic after conventional inpatient evalua-
causes are identified.17-20 As compared with the tion, prolonged outpatient cardiac monitoring
TOAST criteria, both the ASCOD and CCS sys- detects low-burden atrial fibrillation in 15%.23,27,28
tems identify fewer patients as having had cryp- In the multicenter Cryptogenic Stroke and Under-
togenic stroke.21,22 These instruments are essen- lying AF (CRYSTAL AF) trial, the frequency of the
tial for the classification of patients in clinical detection of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was 9%
trials and can be useful in clinical practice. at 6 months, 12% at 1 year, and 30% at 3 years.27
Space constraints for this review preclude The characteristics of patients that increase the
detailed attention to all causes of cryptogenic likelihood that protracted monitoring will un-
ischemic stroke. Focused consideration will be cover low-burden atrial fibrillation include older
given to three topics of recent interest: occult age and higher CHA2DS2-VASc score (on which
atrial fibrillation, patent foramen ovale, and scores range from 0 to 9, with higher scores
embolic stroke of undetermined source. indicating greater risk),29,30 cerebral infarct topo-
graphic features (such as multiple vascular terri-
Occult Atrial Fibrillation tories and cortical location),29,31 and indexes of
Manifest atrial fibrillation is a common cause of left atrial cardiopathy,32 including left atrial dila-
ischemic stroke, accounting for one quarter of all tation,32,33 strain, and reduced emptying fraction,
cerebral infarcts and more than one half of those left atrial appendage size and single-lobe mor-
of cardioembolic origin. In the standard evalu- phologic features,34,35 p-wave dispersion on ECG,36
ation of ischemic stroke, approximately 15% of frequent atrial premature beats,30 and elevated
patients have a known history of chronic or N-terminal pro–brain natriuretic peptide serum
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation predating the stroke, levels.
approximately 8% receive a new diagnosis of Whether patients with low-burden atrial fibril-
atrial fibrillation on the basis of the results of the lation are best treated with anticoagulant or

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Nonatherosclerotic Arteriopathy and the Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome

B Cancer Causing Hypercoagulable State or Cerebral Arteriopathy

C Nonhemodynamically Significant Carotid-Artery Atherosclerosis

antiplatelet agents is currently unknown. In some with a strategy of using the detection of occult
patients, the infrequent atrial fibrillation is atrial fibrillation or flutter to guide warfarin
probably not causally related to the stroke, and use, as compared with routine clinical care.37
clinical trials to inform decision making are However, few patients had a history of cerebral
sparse. One recent randomized trial involving ischemia, many in the control group received
persons with implanted defibrillators showed no anticoagulation, and warfarin was withdrawn in
significant reduction in a composite outcome of the monitoring group after periods of 1 to 3
stroke, systemic embolism, and major bleeding months without atrial fibrillation. Pending the

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Clinical Pr actice

Figure 2 (facing page). Examples of Evaluation

tal aneurysm — a hypermobile interatrial septum
and Causes of Cryptogenic Stroke. that protrudes alternately into the right and left
A 38-year-old woman who presented with confusion atria — is a related abnormality that has been
and slurred speech received a diagnosis of nonathero- associated with increased risk of stroke in pa-
sclerotic arteriopathy and the reversible cerebral vaso- tients with a patent foramen ovale.11
constriction syndrome (Panel A). An MRI showed a A patent foramen ovale is present in approxi-
right hemisphere infarct (left panel), and CT angiogra-
phy revealed narrowed middle cerebral arteries bilater-
mately one quarter of the general patient popu-
ally (middle panel, arrows) and a narrowed basilar artery. lation but in one half of patients with crypto-
A catheter angiogram showed multifocal stenoses in genic stroke.38,39 A Bayesian attributable risk
the right supraclinoid internal carotid artery (right panel, analysis of pooled data from 12 studies sug-
arrow) and middle cerebral artery (arrowhead). A 33-year- gested that among patients with cryptogenic
old woman with a history of breast cancer who present-
ed with new weakness in the right leg received a diag-
stroke who had a patent foramen ovale, the
nosis of cancer causing a hypercoagulable state or patent foramen ovale is probably causally related
cerebral arteriopathy (Panel B). An MRI showed bilat- to the stroke in approximately half.40 Features
eral infarcts in the territories of the anterior cerebral that increase the likelihood of a causal relation-
arteries bilaterally (left panel), a magnetic resonance ship include younger age39; Valsalva maneuver at
angiographic scan showed normal proximal intracranial
arteries (middle panel), and an MRI with the use of
the onset of stroke41; extended airplane or car
contrast material showed enhancement in multiple travel preceding the stroke41; concomitant venous
cerebellar folia (right panel, arrow), which was due to thrombosis in the leg or pelvis41,42; coexisting
carcinomatous meningitis. A 72-year-old man who pre- venous hypercoagulable state; coexisting atrial
sented with transient episodes of weakness in the right septal aneurysm; history of migraine with aura41;
arm and loss of vision in the left eye received a diagno-
sis of nonhemodynamically significant carotid-artery
cortical location, multiplicity, and large size of
atherosclerosis (Panel C). CT of the brain with the use cerebral infarcts39,43,44; and absence of hyperten-
of contrast material showed a small left frontal infarct sion, diabetes, and smoking.39
(left panel, arrow). A CT angiogram showed calcifica- The diagnosis of patent foramen ovale relies
tions, mild stenosis, and ulcer (right panel, arrow) at on ultrasonography with the use of agitated sa-
the origin of the left internal carotid artery.
line (“bubble”) contrast material (see video). TTE A video showing a
detects only approximately half the instances of transesophageal
patent foramen ovale that are found on TEE or
is available at
completion of ongoing trials, a provisional sug- transcranial Doppler ultrasonography; transcra-
gested management algorithm is shown in Table nial Doppler ultrasonography does not simulta-
S4 in the Supplementary Appendix. neously provide information on other structural
cardiac lesions and aortic-arch atherosclerosis.
Patent Foramen Ovale TEE is accordingly the preferred method. Tran-
Paradoxical embolism is the passage of a clot or scranial Doppler ultrasonography with the use
other embolic particle from the venous circula- of bubble contrast material is used if the patient
tion to the arterial circulation through a right- has contraindications to TEE and if TTE is un-
to-left shunt, such as an atrial or ventricular revealing. In patients with a patent foramen
septal defect and pulmonary arteriovenous mal- ovale, supporting evidence that the patent fora-
formation. The most common cause of a right- men ovale is causally related to the stroke may
to-left shunt is a patent foramen ovale. This be further sought by testing for a venous hyper-
interatrial passage typically closes within 3 months coagulable state and for the presence of covert
after birth but may persist throughout life and deep venous thrombi with the use of ultrasonog-
potentially allow venous thromboemboli to avoid raphy of the legs and pelvic MRI or CT.
filtration in the pulmonary vasculature and en- Antiplatelet therapy is a first-line treatment
ter the systemic arterial circulation.38 The mean option in patients with cryptogenic stroke who
diameter of a patent foramen ovale is 4.9 mm, have patent foramen ovale; aspirin at a dose of
which is more than sufficient to permit the pas- 300 mg daily is associated with low rates of
sage of emboli that are large enough to occlude recurrent stroke among persons with patent fora-
the trunk of the middle cerebral artery (3 mm) men ovale.11 Meta-analyses of data from observa-
and major cortical branches (1 mm). Atrial sep- tional and randomized trials suggest that war-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

farin has efficacy that is similar to or greater sclerosis, and nonstenosing atherosclerotic plaques
than aspirin, particularly among patients with in cervical and intracranial arteries. The relative
superficial territory infarcts.45,46 Newer, direct oral benefits of anticoagulation versus antiplatelet ther-
anticoagulants have not been formally tested in apy have not been well established for any of these
patients with patent foramen ovale, but their ef- entities. Large, international trials comparing new,
ficacy in the prevention and treatment of venous direct oral anticoagulants and aspirin in patients
of thromboembolism suggests a possible benefit with embolic stroke of undetermined source
with regard to paradoxical embolism. have recently been launched (NCT02239120,
The percutaneous endovascular placement of NCT02313909, and NCT02427126). Pending their
closure devices can eliminate the patent foramen completion, initial treatment with either anti-
ovale. Complications, although less frequent with platelet agents or direct oral anticoagulants is
newer-generation disk-occluder devices than with reasonable, while more detailed etiologic inves-
older, umbrella-occluder devices,47 include atrial tigation proceeds.
fibrillation (in approximately 0.7% of patients per
year) and periprocedural device embolization, A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
cardiac tamponade, and femoral hematoma (each
occurring in <0.5% of participants in clinical Increasingly specialized, expensive tests, of di-
trials).16,47,48 Three randomized trials (one that minishing yield, are often pursued in patients
used an umbrella-occluder device and two that with cryptogenic ischemic stroke. The most cost-
used a disk-occluder device) did not show sig- effective approach to evaluation and the useful-
nificantly lower rates of recurrent ischemic stroke ness of highly specialized investigations have not
with device therapy than with medical therapy been well studied. The most effective duration
alone.16,48,49 However, a subsequent analysis of to pursue ambulatory monitoring for low-burden
pooled individual patient data showed a signifi- atrial fibrillation is unknown. Extended etio-
cant reduction in the risk of recurrent ischemic logic investigation should not delay the initiation
stroke with the disk occluder, from approxi- of a reasonable treatment plan. Further study is
mately 6 to approximately 2 strokes per 100 pa- needed to help clinicians discriminate when
tients treated over a period of 5 years.50 Other low-burden paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is like-
trials are ongoing ( numbers, ly to be stroke-related or merely incidental. For
NCT00738894 and NCT00562289). patients with patent foramen ovale and crypto-
genic stroke, a risk score has been developed to
Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source estimate the likelihood that the patent foramen
Cryptogenic ischemic strokes that are superfi- ovale is causal, but its potential to guide therapy
cial, or deep but large, are almost always due to requires further exploration.40 Data are needed
emboli arriving in the brain from an arterial, from rigorous clinical trials comparing anti-
cardiac, or transcardiac source. Intrinsic large platelet and anticoagulant therapy in patients
artery diseases, such as in situ thrombosis or with embolic stroke of undetermined source and
vasospasm, are uncommon causes. Recently, this in those with occult atrial fibrillation; data are
long-standing clinical insight was formalized also needed from further trials comparing anti-
as the clinical construct “embolic stroke of platelets, anticoagulants, and device therapy in
undetermined source.” Embolic strokes of un- patients with cryptogenic stroke that has been
determined source are operationally defined as attributed to patent foramen ovale.
nonlacunar brain infarcts without substantial
proximal arterial stenosis or major cardioembolic Guidel ine s
sources,7 and they represent 80 to 90% of all
cryptogenic ischemic strokes. Guidelines for the diagnostic evaluation of is­
Diverse low-risk sources are the presumed chemic stroke and treatment of cryptogenic
origin of thromboemboli causing infarcts in em- ischemic stroke have been published by the
bolic strokes of undetermined source, including American Heart Association–American Stroke
mild left ventricular dysfunction, mitral annular Association and American Academy of Neurol-
calcification, low-burden paroxysmal atrial fibril- ogy.51-54 The recommendations in this article are
lation, patent foramen ovale, aortic-arch athero- generally concordant with these guidelines.

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Clinical Pr actice

C onclusions a nd coagulability laboratory assessments, and I would

R ec om mendat ions plan 4 weeks of ambulatory cardiac monitoring.
His hypertension should be controlled, and for
The man described in the vignette presents with antithrombotic therapy, I would treat the patient
a stroke that is attributable to an embolus that initially with aspirin while additional tests are
briefly lodged in the basilar artery and then obtained to guide the choice between long-term
traveled further to persistently occlude a branch antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy.
of the right posterior cerebral artery. For this em-
Dr. Saver reports receiving consulting fees and travel support
bolic stroke with source not yet determined, lead- for serving on clinical-trial steering committees from St. Jude
ing etiologic considerations include aortic-arch Medical and Boehringer Ingelheim, and serving as an unpaid
atherosclerosis, patent foramen ovale with atrial site investigator in a trial sponsored by St. Jude Medical, for
which his institution receives contracted payments. No other po-
septal aneurysm, occult atrial fibrillation, and pro­ tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
thrombotic states. As next steps in the evaluation Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
of this patient, I would obtain TEE, arterial hyper- full text of this article at
I thank Noriko Salamon, M.D., for magnetic resonance and
coagulability laboratory assessments, and given a computed tomographic images, and Gabriel Vorobiof, M.D., for
possible right-to-left shunt on TTE, venous hyper- echocardiographic videos.

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