Bulk Density 2

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Measurement of Bulk Density for Resource Estimation

Source: AusiMM Monograph 23

Density may be expressed in several ways and

care should be taken to ensure that the correct density measurement
is used. Assay data and ore grades are determined and
expressed on a dry weight percent basis (unless otherwise
stated). Therefore, when estimating metalliferous resources
and reserves, it is typically the dry bulk density that should be
applied. This is the mass per unit volume, including porosity
but excluding any natural water content. The in situ bulk
density, including natural water content, should be considered
when estimating the tonnage of material to be mined or
In contrast to metalliferous deposits, coal Ore Reserves are
estimated using the in situ bulk density inclusive of the water
and dissolved gases within pores and fissures (Preston and
Sanders, 1993). The estimation of Ore Reserves for coal deposits
demands specialised approaches to the measurement of coal
quality, porosity, moisture content and density. Preston and
Sanders (1993) provided a detailed analysis of various types of
density measurements for coal, limitations of the methods and
the steps required to obtain correct, appropriate data. In the
present paper, the author focuses mainly on density issues
related to the evaluation of metalliferous deposits.
In situ bulk density (ISBD) is essentially controlled by
three factors; the density of the mineral grains, the porosity of
the rock and the natural fluid content of the rock. In some
deposits the variations in mineral assemblage and hence
mineral grain density are significant. In sedimentary lead-zinc
deposits, for example, the density of individual commonly
occurring mineral species ranges from about 2.6 tm-3
(kaolinite, quartz) to 7.5 tm-3 (galena). Thus variations in the
ore and gangue mineral assemblage may be reflected by the
density of the rocks.
Porosity is also a major influence on ISBD. Total porosity
is the sum of the apparent porosity (ie those pore spaces which
are connected through to the external surface of the sample)
and the occluded porosity. Porosity may be manifest at different
scales. Primary porosity in the form of intergranular or
intercrystalline pore space or vesicles is usually small-scale
whereas secondary porosity arising from solution and fracturing
of the rocks may be large-scale. These differences in scale
must be taken into account in the estimation of ISBD. In the
iron ore deposits of the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the
ore is often highly porous due to leaching. Porosity may range
from four per cent to in excess of 50 per cent, due to the
presence of voids of 50 microns or less (Morris, 1980). At the
other end of the scale, remobilisation of iron and silica near the
Tertiary weathering surface has resulted in the development of
large irregular cavities within the hardcap horizon.

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