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DiSciorio 1

Courtney DiSciorio

Roxanna Dewey

English 101

7 May 2019

Final Reflection

1. In this semester, I had many strengths and weaknesses. My strengths include reading

comprehension, word usage, and creative ideas for writing. Once I start, I cannot stop

which is a passion I tend to have. Once I start writing, my mind goes crazy. I also have a

strength of being able to help others with their assignments. Editing essays is a huge thing

I am good at. My main weakness in this class would have to be creating this website. I

am a perfectionist, so when something does not look good, it must be changed. Websites

I am not familiar with tend to be a little bit of a struggle, but I always push through.

2. Some of the strategies I will continue on from this class include getting assignments done

on time. It feels nice when something is done way before the due date, so I will for sure

continue doing so. English has been such a fun class for me, because I got to expand my

writing on many different subjects. I will also continue advancing my vocabulary, and

reading more books. Reading helps a lot with grammar, and it is good to see how some

authors write. Every author has his/her own style and it is awesome.

3. The essays I feel most proud of would be my argumentative essay, and my this I believe

essay. I chose these as my favorites, because I felt a strong passion towards them. When I

become passionate about something, it is easy to write about it. I felt strong about my this

I believe essay, because it was an easy topic for me. It wasn’t a struggle at all, because I

truly had belief in my statement about trust being the glue to life. Trust is such a main

factor when in a relationship with someone. Because I became so drawn towards this

topic, it made the essay super fun to write.

4. The main writing experience I learned from the most would be my argumentative essay. I

got to learn how others can see things compared to just you. It was definitely a challenge

on trying to write an essay based off an opinion others can potentially argue with. I have

been able to expand the way I write simply by looking into others perspectives. It wasn’t

easy, but I felt that it made me a better writer. When you think about writing on a certain

topic, you have to think what others might say. Using citations from articles help form a

supportive claim on your statement. This is an excellent way to grab your reader’s

attention and maybe persuade them on your side after all.

5. During this course of English 101, it took many different strategies to finish well. In

order to analyze specific writing circumstances, I had to brainstorm a lot. It is good to do

maps and use different methods on trying to write down ideas. Brainstorming helps get a

good flow going in order to organize the central idea. Something that helped most on

correcting my grammar was NoRedInk, and peer review. Having many of my classmates

go through my work helped me see things that were wrong. NoRedInk helped as well by

showing me better ways on adding the correct citations, and taking away unnecessary

commas. Having a good organization method helped me stay in the correct tone when

writing. Summarizing and paraphrasing are two different things I have learned in this

class. Once I learned the differences, it was easy for me to summarize ideas from articles.

Learning how to correctly cite them helped a lot as well. It is okay to get ideas from

articles that would inspire me, but I knew I needed ideas on my own. My essays always

came from the heart. They were all original in their own way somehow.

Using peer review helped tremendously! Having others see and review my essay

helped point out any punctuational problems, or format issues. Some students gave great

feedback on how to make my essay even better. I would highly recommend letting others review

an essay, because why not try and make it better? It is easy to write on my own, but sometimes I

cannot see between the lines and forget some key information. Also, having instructor review

helps with the overall essay. After I have let others see and critique my essay, I will let my

instructure then review. The instructor will help with any information I am maybe missing before

turning in the final draft. It is like the cherry on top of the ice cream! During this semester, I have

had many strengths on how I strategized for improvement. Things that helped included having a

good study method, and determination to get a good grade. I could not let myself slack off on not

finishing what I have started when writing. Instructor conferences helped me with any questions

I had on trying to make better of myself for the class. Asking questions is key towards success!

When generating the format, I always made sure to know my MLA. I made sure to write down

the correct format, and stay to it. Editing was very important as well, because I always wanted to

make sure the essay was to perfection before turning in the final.

6. BONUS: My main advice I would have to pass over on a new student, would be to not give

up. There are so many things that go on in life, that sometimes you can get distracted. Always

finish assignments BEFORE the due date. Do your homework the night of, and it will reduce lots

of stress. Be sure to turn in every assignment and never say never! Strive at your best ability, and

succeed. There is nothing better in life than passing and becoming successful. That is the best

feeling in the entire world.

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