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Name: Jacob Walter Date

Students have upcoming applications for degrees, proficiencies, and applications. It is important that students have
the skills they need to fill out applications as they near graduation and the work force. This lesson is part of an “FFA

I can identify aspects of successful applications.
I can write effective picture captions.
I can apply these skills to my own applications.
Plan of Action (Time included):

Hook: Extreme example of a bad application.

Show students the picture of the bad application and ask if they would hire that person.
Why not?

Filling out applications is a necessary skill in the real world, and in high school. There are awards and honors, and
eventually scholarships and jobs. That is why it is important to focus on these skills.

Activity: Focus deeper on the reasons they would not hire that applicant
Grammar, spelling, involvement, presentation, etc.

Talk about captions. How do we caption photos for awards.

Ordinary vs. extraordinary.

Give students time to work on applications and record books.

Assessment: Check in with students to see what they accomplished. Be checking throughout the time they are
working to see their progress.

Differentiated: Not every student is doing the same applications so they are able to apply this to the level best for

• The Jobcentre wants proof that I am actively seeking employment.

• I am looking for work because even though my company was profitable last year, this year they expect a large

• I was drawn to this global warming research position by my love of penguins and baby polar bears and I also
speak fluent Antartican .

• To obtain a position within an organisation in which both my fashion and administrative experience can be of
great detriment.

• Objective: A career on the information supper highway.

• I am looking for a proffreading position.

• I am anxious to use my exiting skills.

 Can do excellent triceratops impersonation


• My dream is to be an astronomer but since I possess literally zero training in astronomy I am currently looking for
work as a stockbroker.

• I'm extremely motivated to find a position where I can apply my love of interpersonal communication to
multifaceted colleagues.


• Current salary: $36,000. Salary desired: $250,000.

• I plan to go travelling round the world next year but need to make money to pay for it first, hence my application.
So: lots.


• Name: Nora (Nora is my full, legal name. I have a one-word name.)

• Marital status: Repeatedly. Children: various.

• I am 29 years old but have the facial hair of a 13-year-old.

• I am 5ft 9in with green eyes and ears of approximately three inches in length.

• Strengths: Really good at Lego.

• I am fit as a fiddle with only chronic anxiety and recurring skin complaints on my immediate family's list of medical
conditions. (Cousin has diabetes but maybe not relevant?)

• I am a marketing superstar with a "never settle for the best" attitude.

• Most positive attribute: chatty.

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