ChernovYants2008 Article ElectrophoreticAndSpectrophoto

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ISSN 1061-9348, Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 680–683. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008.

Original Russian Text © M.S. Chernov’yants, I.V. Burykin, N.V. Aleshina, 2008, published in Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii, 2008, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 745–748.


Electrophoretic and Spectrophotometric Determination

of Triiodides of Sulfur-Containing Organic Cations
M. S. Chernov’yants, I. V. Burykin, and N. V. Aleshina
Department of Chemistry, South Federal University, ul. Zorge 7, Rostov-on-Don, 344090 Russia
Received May 21, 2007; in final form, October 19, 2007

Abstract—Trimethylsulfonium triiodide (I) and p-xylylene-bis-(tetrahydrothiophenium) triiodide (II) were

identified and determined by capillary electrophoresis with the resolution Rs = 4.86 using an unmodified quartz
capillary. The procedure ensures the determination of sulfur-containing organic compounds in a concentration
range of 1.0 × 10–5–5.0 × 10–4 M RSD ≤ 5%). The high stability of trimethylsulfonium triiodide and
p-xylylene-bis-(tetrahydrothiophenium) triiodide in chloroform and acetonitrile solutions was found by spec-
trophotometry. A procedure was proposed for the spectrophotometric determination of compounds I and II as ion
associates of sulfur-containing cations with a sulfophthalein dye, Bromocresol Purple (cmin(I) = 1.32 × 10–5 M,
cmin(II) = 7.1 × 10–6 M, RSD = 5%), and by the characteristic absorption of the triiodide anion in acetonitrile
(cmin(I) = 3.18 × 10–6 M, cmin(II) = 2.76 × 10–6 M, RSD ≤ 3%).
DOI: 10.1134/S1061934808070137

Sulfonic ions are used in the organic synthesis as The goal of this work was to assess the ability of tri-
cationic initiators of polymerization [1] and reagents methylsulfonium triiodide (I) and p-xylylenebis(tet-
for stereospecific alkylation [2]. rahydrothiophenium) triiodide (II) to retain molecular
It is known that, in living organisms, methyltrans- iodine and to develop a procedure for the quantitative
ferase enzymes use substrates containing chiral sul- determination of compounds I and II. The identification
fonic groups as donors of methyl groups [3]. The struc- and analysis of the sulfonium and thiophenium cations
ture of enantiomers, asymmetric alkylating agents, was were performed by capillary-zone electrophoresis.
studied by 1H NMR-spectroscopy using chiral NMR- Electronic-absorption spectroscopy (UV-spectropho-
shifting reagents [4]. Cyclic sulfonic compounds are a tometry) was used to evaluate the stability constants of
new type of glucosidase inhibitors [5]. triiodides of sulfur-containing cations and as a refer-
The determination of the structural parameters and ence method.
the development of the methods for detecting polyio-
dides of sulfur-containing organic cations, preparations
of active iodine, are of practical interest. EXPERIMENTAL
Triiodides of sulfonic cations exhibit a good electric Electronic-absorption spectra of chloroformic
conductivity of the forwarding type because of the pres- solutions of trimethylsulfonium iodide with various
ence of polyiodide chains [6, 7]. concentration ratios of organic halide to elemental
The structural peculiarities of sulfonic cation poly- iodine were recorded on a Specord UV VIS recording
iodides in the liquid and solid states are characterized spectrophotometer using 1.0-cm cells (in the region of
by the molecular spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic 30000–50000 cm–1) and 5.0-cm cells (14000–
resonance spectroscopy [8]. The x-ray structure of 30000 cm–1). The starting solution was a 1-mM solu-
Me3SI3 compound in the liquid and solid states is pre- tion of trimethylsulfonium iodide and elemental iodine
sented in [9]. In the compounds of the [R3S]Ix type in chloroform. The concentration of the elemental
(R = Me, Et; x = 3–11), the length and symmetry of the iodine was varied in the reaction series from a defi-
polyiodide chains and the presence of an intermolecu- ciency to two- to four-fold excess at a constant concen-
lar I–I contact were found out [9–12]. tration of the organic iodide of 5.0 × 10–5 M.
Cyclodextrin-modified capillary-zone electrophore-
sis was proposed as an inexpensive and rapid method The stability constants of p-xylylenebis(tetrahy-
for analyzing a number of tertiary sulfonic and drothiophenium) triiodide were evaluated by the sto-
thiophenic ions [13]. The successive separation of a ichiometric 2-, 4-, 8-, 10-, 16-, and 20-fold dilution of a
series of chiral ion compounds depends on the type of 2.0 × 10–4 M starting solution. The absorbance was
substituents in the sulfonic ions, the character of the measured at the wavelength of the absorption of molec-
chiral support, and the presence of tetrabutylammo- ular iodine (λ = 510 nm, log ε = 2.95 ± 0.01) using an
nium bromide as a modifying surface-active cation. SF-46 spectrophotometer and cells l = 1.0 or 5.0 cm.


Reagents. To prepare the reference solutions, accu- stability of the corresponding polyiodides, the function
rately weighed portions of I and II were dissolved in of the average iodine number n I2 was used [15]. For
25 mL of a water–acetonitrile mixture in a ratio of 3 : 2
this purpose, the equilibrium in the system organic
(for capillary electrophoresis) and 2 : 3 (for the deter-
iodide–molecular iodine in chloroform was studied by
mination as an ion associate, λ = 430 nm) and in aceto-
nitrile (for the determination by the absorption band of
the triiodide ion, λ = 367 nm). Working solutions of The equilibrium concentration of iodine [I2] was
certain concentrations prepared from the initial solu- calculated from the absorbance at the maximum of the
tion, were used to construct the calibration curve. A individual absorption band of the elemental iodine
solution of Bromocresol Purple was prepared by dis- using Eq. (1)
solving an accurately weighed portion of the reagent [ I 2 ] = A max /lε I2 . (1)
(analytical grade) in water. Organic solvents were
prepurified according to the procedures described in For each equilibrium concentration of iodine, the
[14]. We used twice-distilled water in all experiments. corresponding value of the function n I2 was found
Other reagents were of an analytical grade or better.
using Eq. (2):
Apparatus. Sulfonium cations were determined
using a Kapel’-103R instrument for high-performance ( c I2 – [ I 2 ] )
capillary electrophoresis with an unmodified quartz n I2 = ------------------------
-, (2)
c KtX
capillary. In the spectrophotometric determination of
I and II, absorbance was measured on an SF-46 spec- where cKtX and c I2 were the analytical concentrations of
trophotometer in 1.0-cm cells at the optimal wave- the organic iodide and molecular iodine, respectively.
length. The pH value of the aqueous phase was mea-
sured with a pH-150 pH-millivoltmeter. The stability constant of the monocomplex β (0 <
n I2 < 1) was calculated by the least-squares technique
Procedures. To record the signals of the electro-
phoretic mobility of sulfonium cations, indirect photo- ( log β = 4.63) by Eq. (3) presented in the logarithmic
metric detection was used at 253.7 nm against a benz- form:
imidazole buffer solution (6 mM of benzimidazole,
5 mM of tartaric acid, pH 3.51). The analysis was per- n I2
- = log [ I 2 ] + log β.
log ------------------ (3)
formed at a voltage of 15 kV for 12 min in a quartz cap- ( 1 – n I2 )
illary with an inner diameter of d = 75 µm, length of
l = 60 cm, and a distance from the sample injection spot The found value of the effective stability constant of
to the detection window of 50 cm (Leff/Ltot = 50/60 cm). trimethylsulfonium triiodide is indicative of the stabil-
The capillary was successively washed with water, 1 M ity of the symmetric triiodide ion in the chloroform
HCl, water, 0.5 M NaOH, and water again to wash solution.
NaOH traces, each for 5 min; and then with a buffer The stability of p-xylylenebis(tetrahydrothiophe-
solution for 10 min. Between the experiments, the cap- nium) ditriiodide (compound II) was estimated by the
illary was washed with the background electrolyte for stoichiometric dilution in a chloroform solution con-
3 min without applying voltage. The sample was taining 5% of acetonitrile. The stability constants of the
injected hydrodynamically at a pressure of 30 mbar for monocomplex KtI4 and biscomplex KtI6 were calcu-
5 s. lated by the linear least-squares technique using Eq. (4)
In the extraction-spectrophotometric determination (0 < n I2 < 2; β1 = 4.93 × 104; β2 = 3.88 × 108) and by the
of sulfur-containing cations, the acidity of the aqueous nonlinear least-squares technique using Eq. (5) (β1 =
phase was maintained with phosphate (pH 6.20) and
borate (pH 8.10) buffer solutions. Chloroform was 2.34 × 104; β2 = 6.05 × 108):
selected as an extractant because of its good solvating n I2 ( 2 – n I2 )
ability, low toxicity, and availability. The volume of the - = β 1 + β 2 ------------------
---------------------------- - [ I ], (4)
aqueous phase was 10 mL. The chloroform extracts ( 1 – n I2 ) [ I 2 ] ( 1 – n I2 ) 2
were dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate and photom-
β 1 [ I 2 ] + 2β 2 [ I 2 ]
etered against the extract of the dye solution.
n I2 = ----------------------------------------------
-2 . (5)
1 + β1 [ I2 ] + β2 [ I2 ]
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained are in good agreement, which
Composition and stability of complexes of trime- indicates the reliability of the found values of stability
thylsulfonium triiodide and p-xylylenebis(tetrahy- constants.
drothiophenium) triiodide with elemental iodine. To Electrophoretic determination of compounds I
estimate the degree of complexation, that is, to deter- and II. The identification and quantitative determina-
mine the number of iodine ions coordinated by the tion of trimethylsulfonium triiodide (I) and p-xylyle-
iodide of sulfur-containing cations and to evaluate the nebis(tetrahydrothiophenium) triiodide (II) were per-


682 CHERNOV’YANTS et al.

Table 1. Parameters of the calibration curve Y = k1c + k2 and performance characteristics of the determination of compounds
I and II by capillary electrophoresis

Compound τ, min Parameter k1 k2 ρ cmin × 105, M RSD, %

I 8.60 S, mAUs 8.58 × 103 0.0528 0.999 1.1 1

h, mAU 1.02 × 103 0.0859 0.968 7.8 6

II 9.82 S, mAUs 1.64 × 104 0.155 0.999 1.8 5

h, mAU 1.78 × 103 0.173 0.957 13 6

Table 2. Physicochemical and analytical characteristics of ion associates of compounds I and II with Bromocresol Purple (at
a 40-fold excess of the dye), λ = 430 nm

Compound pH log β n* log ε 430 R, % cmin × 105, M RSD, %

I 6.0–6.4 6.4 ± 0.2 3 4.28 ± 0.05 95.5 1.32 5

II 8.0–8.4 5.7 ± 0.1 3 4.54 ± 0.05 95.6 0.71 5

Note: n is a solvate number.

formed by capillary electrophoresis. The effective elec- Spectrophotometric determination of com-

trophoretic mobility of compounds I and II depends on pounds I and II as ion associates with Bromocresol
the charge, structure, and size of the solvation shell of Purple and by the charge-transfer band of the triio-
the cation component. To obtain well-shaped peaks and dide ion. The formation of ion associates between the
create the optimum conditions for the separation, the studied sulfonium cations and the anionic sulfophtha-
pH of the solution was maintained constant at 3.51. The leine dye, Bromocresol Purple, extracted using chloro-
migration times of compounds I and II were 8.60 and form was detected by spectrophotometry. For the com-
9.82 min, respectively, with RSD = 84% for compound plete bonding of compounds I and II into ion associates,
I (c = 6.0 × 10–5 M) and RSD = 94% for compound II a 40-fold excess of the dye and the pH ranges of the
(c = 6.0 × 10–5 M) at n = 6. The complete separation of aqueous phase of 6.0–6.4 and 8.0–8.4 for compound I
the sulfonium cations is characterized by the resolution and II were optimal, respectively. The stability constants
Rs = 4.86. The retention times of the halides and triio- +
of the ion associates of [ Kt I · An–] and [(KtIII)+ · An–]
dides of sulfonium cations agreed well. were evaluated by the Babko dilution method. The
The determination of organic iodohalides was per- recovery of the ion associates in a single extraction was
formed by the linear dependence of the height (h) or no lower than 95%. The results of the physicochemical
area (S) of the chromatographic peak on the concentra- study and the determination of the sulfonium cations as
tion of the determined compound. Examples of calibra- ion associates are presented in Table 2.
tion curves for the electrophoretic determinations are A highly sensitive spectrophotometric method was
presented in Table 1. The calibration curves are linear proposed to control the determination of compounds I
in the concentration range 1.0 × 10–5–5.0 × 10–4 M. and II, using the charge-transfer band of the triiodide
RSD ≤ 0.05%. ion (λmax 295 and 367 nm) in an acetonitrile solution.
The comparative analysis of the results of the math- The parameters of the calibration curves and their per-
formance characteristics of determining compounds I
ematical processing of the data on the electrophoretic
and II by the absorption band of the triiodide ion are
separation of sulfur-containing cations shows that the
presented in Table 3.
use of the chromatographic peak area is more advanta-
geous (Table 1). The developed procedure for deter- The proposed procedure using capillary electro-
mining trimethylsulfonium triiodide and p-xylyle- phoresis is rapid and simple; it is advantageous for the
nebis(tetrahydrothiophenium) triiodide is characterized separation, identification, and control of the concentra-
by a sufficient sensitivity and a good precision. tion of sulfonium cations of various natures. At the



Table 3. Parameters of the calibration curve and performance characteristics of the determination of compounds I and II by
the absorption band of the triiodide ion
A = k1c + k2
Compound λmax, nm cmin × 106, M* RSD
k1 k2 ρ
I 295 4.72 × 104 –0.039 0.9998 3.18 3
367 2.39 × 104 –0.035 6.28 3
II 295 7.49 × 104 –0.030 0.9989 2.67 3
367 3.74 × 104 –0.003 8.02 3
Note: cmin = 5sA.

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