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Lesson Plan

Kayla Madsen and Jonah Cude

EDU 221

Dr. Fast
Bell Work
Which type of the multiple intelligences works best for you in a learning

❖ Examples: Visual, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic-verbal, musical,

intrapersonal, naturalistic, and logical-mathematical.

Pick three of the multiple intelligences and write down a way they could be used in
a lesson. Then, share with your group.
Responding to the Artistic
❖ MA.RE.7.5a: Identify, describe, and differentiate how message and meaning
are created by components in media artworks.
❖ MA.RE.7.5b: Identify, describe, and differentiate how various forms, methods,
and styles in media artworks manage audience experience.

(5th grade art)

❖ Posters of paintings that convey various meanings and emotions
❖ Tape (to secure posters to wall)
❖ Each student needs a piece of paper to write their observations on
❖ Pen/Pencil
Since the dawn of man, art has been used to stir the deepest of emotions within
the viewer. Even prehistoric people painted images on the walls of their caves to
tell stories of the magnificence of buffalo stampedes, and the terrifying ferocity of
sabre-tooth cats. In this lesson, we will talk about how art can be used to convey
feelings of happiness, melancholy, solemnity, grandeur, and so on.
Lesson Plan
The goal for this lesson plan is to have students evaluate artwork and their
mediums, and figure out what makes art an emotional outlet, and how subtleties
(such as color, shape, and depth) convey the meaning of the piece.
Lesson Plan (Part 2)
❖ There will be several print-outs of famous
paintings around the room.
❖ Students will walk to each one, observe the
painting, and identify:
➢ The types of media used in the painting (watercolor,
acrylic, oil, etc)
➢ The type of feelings the painting provokes and why
(colors, shapes, detail, shading, etc)
➢ What elements could be changed to shift the tone of the
❖ They will write these observations down on a
piece of paper silently and then the class will
discuss their findings altogether at the end of
Analyze Francisco De Goya’s Witches’ Sabbath and think about the emotions it
provokes and why.
Example Response
❖ Francisco De Goya’s Witches’ Sabbath brings the viewer a feeling of doom,
fear, and melancholy.
❖ The darkness of the colors, the daunting figure which is the largest and
forefront component of the painting, and the worried, snarled faces of the
onlookers is what makes this piece of art a dark one.
❖ Disclaimer: We do not expect fifth grade students to have this intricate of a
response and would not be showing pictures of the devil and witches, it is just
an example.
Closing Activity
On the back of their response paper or on a fresh piece of paper, students will
write down which painting that they observed was their favorite and why. This will
be their ticket out of the door.
Davis, M. (2019, March 02). The Horror and Mystery Behind 'the Black Paintings'. Retrieved
April 3, 2019, from

Armstrong, T., Dr. (n.d.). Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved April 3, 2019, from

Standards: Arts. (2015, May 19). Retrieved April 3, 2019, from

Richman-Abdou, K. (2017, July 16). The Story Behind Gustav Klimt's Shimmering Symbolist
Painting 'The Kiss'. Retrieved April 3, 2019, from

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