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Carlos Lopez

Post-Secondary Plan
Senior Seminar

Life after High School

After I graduate High School, I plan on attending college in the fall. However, the
problem is which college I want to attend. Adams State University is the college I would like to
attend but, TSJC seems like a more finically stable route. So, I was thinking of attending TSJC to
acquire my General Education credits, then transferring those credits to Adams State and getting
my major. My major, as of now, is still undeceive. But, I’m definitely interested in the Medical
field, and the Law Enforcement field. These field choices really catch my attention because I
would like to help other people by helping them physically or getting them the right attention
needed for their mistakes. In the Medical field, I would really enjoy being a Physical Therapist or
an Athletic Trainer. On the other hand, in the Law Enforcement field, I would like to be a Police
Officer and work my way up to being a Chief or working as a Ranger. Whichever field I choose
to be in, I know I will learn to love it and wouldn’t mind doing for the rest of my life.
Furthermore, in my future, I know that there will be many obstacles I must face. I know I
can get over these obstacles by using my resources such as teachers and or friends I trust. Also, I
can learn to deal with it alone because that’s how I tend to solve most of my problems. Either of
my careers can contribute to the world and change it too. In the Medical field, I can help people
who are hurt, need medication, or therapy. Being in the Law Enforcement field, I can keep
criminals off the streets and protect the people. Or, if I’m a ranger, I can help the environment
and or the wildlife around it. For these reasons, this is why I want to either get a major in the
Medical field or choose a pathway in the Law Enforcement field.
Following after graduation, I plan on still staying at home and waiting till the fall to apply
for an apartment in Alamosa and live there for the school year. I plan on sharing an apartment
with a fellow classmate of mine, Miguel Gomez, and splitting everything right down the middle.
I plan on getting a part-time job and a work study job to help pay for the apartment and for the
basic living needs and share it with Miguel. By going to TSJC, which is cheaper, would help me
a lot because I don’t have to pay for a dorm and meal plans at Adams State. Also, TSJC is
cheaper than going to Adams State by at least 50%. So it sounds to be the easier and less
expensive route to take.
Finally, I plan on accomplishing my Post-Secondary goals by working hard and
dedicating myself to those goals. After High School, I know I will have a lot of free time and not
be under so much pressure but I feel like I can learn to adapt to all this freedom and get what I
need to get done in order to achieve these goals. Help from my family and friends will also give
me the motivation in order to achieve these goals. Another thing that will help me accomplish
these goals is Miguel. We help each other when we need it and make sure we’re both on track to
finish tasks and by sharing an apartment with him, I know we can trust each other to get stuff
Life after High School used to scare me out of my pants, but once you sit down and plan
it all out, it seems easier and simpler to do. However, not all things are easy to do, so I know
some hard work is needed to help me succeed in life and to acquire a degree or get into the Law
Enforcement field. Senior Seminar has helped me from everything I have wondered about, from
the cost of college, scholarships, and how to do the little things. High School does teach you
many things about the real world and should prepare you to succeed after you graduate. Center
High School has a great system to make sure you graduate and I have complete faith that I will
be ready for the real world after High School.

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