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BrokerPlex/Ticket Resale Team

This is an Open Letter to the BrokerPlex community. The goal is to lay out the facts as
we currently understand them, as objectively and dispassionately as possible. We are
not urging any particular action. However, because we all have a vested interest in this
community and we all regularly share competitively sensitive information within the
group, we feel that is important to tell you what we have learned.

Recently, we were informed by a reliable source that Joshua Ludwig - Creator and leader
of BrokerPlex (BP) has been concurrently running or co-running a paid for
“sneakerhead/ticket” website called Ticket Resale Team (TRT).

Upon investigating the matter for ourselves, we have since discovered the sharing of
information from BP to TRT. Below are a few examples.

BooeyTickets posted an event (not listed on in BP, Luke Bryan

& Blake Shelton in OK. There was conversation how it might be Will Call Only.


Shortly after, this event got posted in TRT. Note: it was also mentioned it might be Will
Call Only


May 3rd - ZHOUTANGCLAN - posted password for Bastille - “KOOLAID” 9:51am

SOS didn't have password yet.

5 mins later code is posted on TRT

The leader of TRT is an individual that goes by the name of “Ticket Coach.” While we do
not know the identity of Ticket Coach, public records show that a corporation named
Ticket Resale Team, Inc. is owned by Daniel Mahoney.

We believe that Daniel Mahoney was previously a member of BP, but was removed by
Joshua Ludwig (Homedawg, Guru or HD) several months ago after HD claimed Daniel
was feeding information to sneaker groups.
The other key member in TRT besides Ticket Coach appears to be an individual named
Guru HD.
Twitter account of TicketGuruHD (This account has since been deleted either 5/4 or 5/5)
See picture below, “HOMEDA” the rest is cut off. Based on information from this Twitter
account, we believe, that TRT GURU HD, is also Joshua Ludwig. Founder and owner of
BP. Several members of both sites have been talked to and they referred to Guru as
“Ludwig” or “Josh”.
While reviewing the coding for the “BrokerPlex” tools there are several calls to the TRT
website to verify if a user is authorized to use the tool or not.

Based on information collected, it appears that Joshua Ludwig or HomeDawg has a

connection to the Sneakerhead/Ticket website Ticket Resale Team.

It also appears that at least a few BP members, including Gohan and MoBamba, are also
members of TRT.

We do not know who has been feeding information to TRT, or how long this has been
going on. Members of BP may of course decide for themselves how to use the
information we’ve presented and should draw their own conclusions.

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