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Teaching Practice Task 2 – Monitoring the Learning

Objective: Describe how you monitored the learning when the students were working on
their activities and identify the tools used to record your data. For each lesson you teach,
you will describe the tool that you use to monitor the work of the children. In the second
column, you will describe how you used that tool and you will reflect on how useful it

Grade Level: Grade three MST Name: Mrs. Fidaa

For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on how
lesson learning (rubric, notes, successful it was
taught chart…)

1 KAHOOT! I created activities through the program based on the

Lesson 1 Much like KAHOOT! lesson outcome, in KAHOOT! I can also search for and
allows teachers to gather use games and questions created by other users. I
evidence of student learning viewed individual student progress and whole-class
in a fun, gamified data, which is great for assessing student learning.
environment. As students
answer questions, they’re
greeted with fantastic
memes based on the
accuracy of their response.
So much fun.
2 Exit question I reviewed the responses, and gain insight as to which
Lesson 2 A simple but effective students have fully learned the concept, and those that
formative assessment is the are still struggling. The information obtained can be
Exit Ticket. Exit Tickets are used to plan a whole-group or partial-group lesson to re-
small pieces of paper, or teach the concept. It is a very useful and fast tool that
index cards, that students any teacher can use.
deposit as they leave the
classroom. Students are
required to write down an
accurate interpretation of
the main idea behind the
lesson taught that day, and
then provide more detail
about the topic.
3 EXL homework In EXL I can created many things like, exams, quizzes,
Lesson 3 EXL Learning is deeply worksheets and homework etc.
committed to preparing our
21st Century learners with So, in this lesson I created a homework using EXL and
the academic abilities and the students required to do it online at home.
enriched learning It worked very well, almost 87% of the students did the
development needed to homework.
become the next innovative
thinkers and creative
4 PADLET I used Padlet in my flipped classroom as a backchannel
Lesson 4 If you’re looking for a to encourage all students to reflect on their learning. I
collaborative space for your created a Padlet wall for each of my classes called
students to communicate WSWR, which stands for “what should we review,” and
about anything, look no I encourage each of my students to contribute a
further than Padlet, a free reflection from the instructional videos they watch.
tool for teachers and Students post concepts that they feel need to be
students to share revisited, and their classmates can reply to their posts. I
information, resources, also use each class’s WSWR wall to create a review
images, and more. screencast based on what the students feel needs to be
5 THINK-PAIR-SHARE Teacher are able to move around the classroom and
Lesson 5 This is one of the many listen to various discussions, gaining insight into an
formative assessment individual’s levels of understanding. After a time, the
strategies that is simple for students discuss their responses with the entire class.
teachers to use. The It is nice and affective tool to assess students
instructor asks a question, understanding.
and students write down
their answers. Students are
then placed in pairs to
discuss their responses.

6 Self-evaluation Self-assessment is a valuable learning tool as well as

Lesson 6 Student self-assessment part of an assessment process.
involves students in Through self-assessment, students can:
evaluating their own work  Identify their own skill gaps, where their
and learning progress. knowledge is weak
 See where to focus their attention in learning
 Set realistic goals
 Revise their work
 Track their own progress
This process helps students stay involved and motivated
and encourages self-reflection and responsibility for
their learning.
7 I used KAHOOT! site I created activities through the program based on the
Lesson 7 again because the students lesson outcome, in KAHOOT! I can also search for and
like it and it is very easy use games and questions created by other users. I
and fun. viewed individual student progress and whole-class
data, which is great for assessing student learning.

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