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CHS Portfolio

Portfolio 2018-19

Academic Artifact
Future career interests (if known):
Computer Programmer or Software Engineer, and Graphic Designer

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1. Self Advocacy
2. Teamwork and Collaboration

Description of artifact/assignment:
A poem created from other war poems in English class. We had to include some form of
media such as images, music, videos, etc. I created images for our poem on photoshop
and clip studio paint.

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?

I chose this because this represents my beginner graphic design skills and doing this gave
me the opportunity to mess around with photoshop more because I still don’t know the
max amount of things photoshop can do.

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
Academic skills I used are comfort with technology, being engaged and teamwork and

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?
Teamwork and collaboration, communication, responsibility.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
CHS Portfolio
Portfolio 2018-19
Yes and no because I worked on this project with the same people I would work on any
other project with, however, I got the opportunity to do more with the options given to
me, so I took it.

Provide an example of how these academic and/or soft skills are used in a career in which you
are interested.
These soft skills would be used in my career when assigned a project for more than one
person where one person has a specific job.

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