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ME802 - FEM - Spring 2019

Assignment 1 Feedback

Dr. Sana Waheed

12th March 2019

• The report should tell an interesting and compelling story. Text is the central
component to achieve this.

• Figures and tables should be labelled and captioned, e.g. Figure 1: Displacement
profile of the specimen after loading. These labelled figures and tables should then
be referred to in the main text. The reader should only look at a figure/table once
they are directed to do so by the text.

• More professional to export graphics from COMSOL rather than show print screens.

• Carefully choose which type of figure or table will illustrate the information best.
For a given situation, decide whether to tabulate results or to illustrate them graph-

• Colour scale/axis to interpret the stress or displacement contours.

• If fillet analysis has already been done for Scenario 1, why repeat for Scenario 2?
We will not get any new information.

• Provide discussion of the interesting aspects of your analysis.

• Do not plagiarise by copying text directly from the tutorial sheet or other sources.

• Suggested sections for a report: Abstract/Summary; Introduction; Methods; Res-

ults and discussion; Conclusions; References.

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