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Lesson Plan 2018-2019

Topic: Complex Geometric Solid Body Creation Using Autodesk Inventors Loft Feature
Lecturer Name: James Corbett
Module: CADCAM
Year: 2
Date: 07/11/2018
Duration of Lesson: 2 Hours
Module Outcome
Apply the features of relevant CAD and CAM software packages to generate 3D digital models and 2D
presentation drawings.
Engage the features of CAD and CAM software to explore the geometric concepts and principles.

1. Aims
The main aims of the lesson are to:
Outline the structure of the lecture.
Revise the procedure for creating a new project file in Inventor
Demonstrate and direct the creation of complex 3D solid bodies using the Loft tool
Demonstrate the application of the Loft tool for the creation of 3D furniture and wood components

2. Main Learning Outcomes and Corresponding Assessment

Learning Outcomes (LO's) Assessment of LO's
At the end of this lesson the students will be enabled (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a variety of
to… types.)
Utilise the Autodesk Inventors Loft tool to create complex 3D Lecturer whole class demonstration - Students repeat
solid bodies process - Informal observation - Summative Assessment
Utilise the Loft tool in the creation of 3D Digital Prototypes Self Directed Learning - Student Assignment - Summative
of Furniture and Wood components Assessment
Support Learning Independent Learning

Geometric Constraints
3 Point Arcs Mastering Autodesk Inventor Book Series
Priority 3D Sketching Ray Tracing and Rendering
Interpolation Spline Applying Texture to Solids
Control Vertex Spline

Constraining Complex Geometry

Revolve and Loft Tools in Inventor
Joining Solids to Create Parts
Supplementary Learning Rendering and Textures
Creating Work Features (Planes)
Constraining 3D Sketch Geometry
Constraining Splines

GMIT Letterrfack 2018/2019


3. The Lesson
Time Line Teaching Activities Student Activities Key*
Set Induction (Beginning)
Meet with students. Re-establish Students enter lab in orderly fashion and
classroom rules. (Mobile phones set to take seats at their workstations. Students log
silent. No social media browsers open into workstation and Open Autodesk
on student workstations.) Inventor.

Ask students to open last weeks

2-5Mins Students open examples A, P
exercise (Turned Leg)
5-20Mins Review each students work Student discuss any difficulties D, P

Give demonstration of how example Students observe lecturer demonstration

20-30Mins A
turned leg was created and are encouraged to take notes.

Identify students who may require

30Mins Student discuss any difficulties D, P
additional learning.

Instruct Students that the next Students observe lecturer demonstration

demonstration will be on the Loft Tool. and are encouraged to take notes. Students
30-35Mins A
Instruct Students to create a new Part repeat each step as Lecturer finishes
File. demonstration.
35-40Mins Create new sketch A, P
Create an Ellipse (Base Sketch on Origin
34.-35Mins A, P
35Mins Turn Visibility of XZ plane on A, P
Demonstrate creating an offset work
35-40Mins plane using the new sketch command A, P
(Left Click Hold and Drag)
40-45Mins Create larger ellipse on new work plane A, P
Create third work place for a circle
45-50Mins A, P
Select Loft command A, P
Explain features of the Loft command A, P
60-70Mins Explain the sections area A, P
Select 3 sketch's and demonstrate the
70-80Mins A, P
Students follow same steps as lecturer
Instruct Students to Complete Loft
80-95Mins demonstrated to complete their own Loft P, PR, C
Feature of Their Own Design.
Students observe lecturer demonstration
95-100Mins Edit and go through the loft conditions A
and are encouraged to take notes.

GMIT Letterrfack 2018/2019


Demonstrate the Direction condition

Students observe lecturer demonstration
100-105Mins for lofts, Angles and Weights, Weight = A
and are encouraged to take notes.
Proportion of direction

Create a New Cabriole Leg for the Table

which we have been modelling in the lab
105-110Mins Issue End of Class Assignment A
classes. Students must use the Loft tool and
Join to a square section for jointing.

Engage students in discussion as to

Students engage in discussion and give
where this Loft tool may be utilised in
110-115Mins examples of furniture objects which may be D, C, I
designing furniture and wood products.
designed and modelled using this feature.
Create List on Whiteboard.

Ask students to reflect on lesson and Students engage in discussion on their

give feedback on their progression with progression and competency using the D, C, I
the Loft tool. Revolve tool.
Introduce Students to next weeks
Students observe lecturer and ask questions
lecture on the Sweep Feature and give D, C, I, PR
about this weeks assignment.
the Cabriole leg assignment.

4. List of Teaching Resources

1. Data Viewer
2. Images of Rendered Examples
3. Drawing of Class Exercises

Loft Lesson - Student Assessment Time






Collaboration Acquisition Investigation Discussion Practice Production

GMIT Letterrfack 2018/2019


5. Critical Reflection
Examples relating directly to the work they are currently undertaking in other modules. Students completing
exercises as they are being demonstrated. This slowed the progress of the lesson considerably but every student
completed the assignments.

As with the previous lesson, some students are missing core learning that has been covered in previous lessons.
This is impeding their progression with the advanced tool sets. The advanced students were given more
technically challenging class exercises so they would not be frustrated with the slower pace of the lesson. This
also allows them to complete more Investigative learning and they are able to excel at a faster rate.

Suggestions for Improvement

I would further differentiate the learning for advanced students and will incorporate this into all CADCAM
lessons. As there is no credit weighting for the exercises which are given at the end of class, some students do
not complete them. I will suggest that each exercise is given a credit weighting and assessed as is the case with
the Technical Drawing Module in 1st Year.

GMIT Letterrfack 2018/2019

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