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8, AUGUST 2013

Matched Filter-Autocorrelation (MF-AC) for

Packet Detection in Multipath Channels
Zhenyu Xiao, Member, IEEE, Depeng Jin, Member, IEEE, Ning Ge, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In the present study, we investigate burst packet k = k + Lw

detection in multipath environment. Conventional detectors ei-
ther cannot collect multipath energy, or combine too much noise
when collecting it. Thus, they suffer performance degradation. rk x k +A ⎛ Lw ⎞⎟ v
> Γ?
A cascaded matched filter-autocorrelation (MF-AC) detector is ℜ ⎜⎜⎜∑ x k +Ax k*+A−L ⎟⎟
proposed to address this problem. By exploiting a MF, the ⎜⎝ A=1 ⎠⎟
multipath energy is first converged within a small window equal 1
cL +1−i
to the multipath delay spread; subsequently, the autocorrelator
L x k*+A−L
combines the multipath energy within this window. Therefore, z −L ()*
the combination window is shortened, and the combined noise is
reduced. Performance comparisons show that MF-AC achieves a Fig. 1. Diagram of the proposed cascaded MF-AC scheme.
significantly better performance than the conventional detectors,
with the superiority depending on the multipath delay spread.
Index Terms—Packet detection, frame detection, timing acqui-
autocorrelator combines the multipath energy within this win-
sition, multipath, burst packet. dow. With this approach, the multipath energy is combined;
meanwhile, the combination window is shortened, and thus the
combined noise is reduced. Performance comparisons show
I. I NTRODUCTION that MF-AC outperforms the conventional detectors, and the

D ETECTION OF the arrival of a packet is the premise

of correctly demodulating the packet; thus, it plays a
cardinal role in wireless burst communications. To achieve
superiority depends on the multipath delay spread.


rapid packet detection, several assisted sequences, located in
the beginning of a preamble, are generally adopted [1]-[5]. Without loss of generality, several assisted sequences lo-
Many efforts have been made to design appropriate detectors cated in the beginning of a preamble are used for packet
and some have been proposed, including the energy detector detection. A successful detection is defined as a decision of
(ED) [5], the autocorrelation (AC) detector [1], [2], and the hypothesis H1 (“YES”) when receiving the assisted sequences;
cross-correlation (CC) detector [3], [4]. while a false alarm is a decision of hypothesis H1 when
Among these detectors, CC works well under a single-path receiving pure noise. Thus, the chip-level data at the receiver
channel, but in the presence of multipath, it can only collect can be expressed as
the energy of one single multipath component (MPC). Con- ⎧
⎪ Lp −1
sequently, the acquired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) decreases, ⎨ H : √P  h c

1 m (k−m mod L)+1 + nk ,
and its detection performance is degraded. The ED and AC rk = (1)

⎪ m=0
detectors can collect all the multipath energy. However, too ⎩H : n ,
0 k
much noise is captured undesirably, due to their large combi-
nation window equal to the duration of the assisted sequence. where k is time index, P is the average power of the received
This is detrimental to the detection performance. signals, Lp is the number of MPCs, {hm |m = 0, 1, ..., Lp −1}
To reduce the combined noise and improve detection perfor- are complex coefficients of the multipath fading channel,
mance, we propose a cascaded matched filter-autocorrelation (c1 , c2 , ..., cL ) is the assisted sequence with a length of L and
(MF-AC) detector. By exploiting a MF, the multipath energy L ≥ Lp , “mod” is the modulo operation because the assisted
is first converged within a small window that equals the sequence is repeatedly transmitted for several times, and nk
multipath delay spread, which is generally much smaller is the sampled Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance σ 2 .
than the duration of the assisted sequence; subsequently, the Note that as MF-AC has an autocorrelation operation, the
initial phase offset has no effect on its performance; thus it is
Manuscript received April 24, 2013. The associate editor coordinating the not included in this expression. Besides, similar to the above-
review of this letter and approving it for publication was W. Zhang.
This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foun- mentioned works, the effect of carrier-frequency offset is
dation of China (NSFC) under grant No. 61201189, the Postdoctoral Science implicitly neglected, because it generally causes an ignorable
Foundation under grant No. 2011M500326 and 2012T50094, the National phase offset within a sequence period.
S&T Major Project under No. 2011ZX03004-001-01, the National High Tech.
(863) Projects under Grant No. 2011AA010202, and the Research Fund of Figure 1 depicts the diagram of the proposed cascaded MF-
Tsinghua University under No. 20111080992 and 20121087985. AC scheme. It has a two-stage architecture, with the first
The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua and second stage being a matched filter and autocorrelator,
University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China (e-mail:, xi- respectively. The sampled signals rk pass through the dig-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2013.062113.130940 ital matched filter with a discrete-time impulse response of
c 2013 IEEE

probability (FAP) and detection probability (DP) of MF-

AC. However, as the derivation of closed-form FAP and DP
expression is prohibitively difficult and trivial, we prefer a
semi-analytical approach, i.e., to analyze the signals after
Lp the MF and define the expressions of FAP and DP, and
subsequently achieve the numerical FAP and DP results via

A. Channel Model
Fig. 2. Dispersion of multipath energy after matched filter and the The tapped-delay line with a tap spacing of one chip is
autocorrelation window (ACW) for the MF-AC scheme.
used to model multipath channel. Fading for each resolvable
path is assumed to remain over the period of a preamble
c[n] = √1L (cL , cL−1 , ..., c1 ), and a filtered sequence xk is
because channel response generally remains within the interval
observed. As the assisted sequence is delicately selected for of one single preamble in practice. A general Rayleigh fading
perfect autocorrelation feature, similar to the above-mentioned multipath channel is adopted, where each tap is multiplied
works, inter-symbol interference can be eliminated via the by an independent complex Gaussian random variable. The
matched filter. Subsequently, a decision w variable is achieved amplitude and phase of fading for the m-th resolvable path are
through autocorrelation: v = ( L =1 xk+ x ∗
k+−L ), where represented as |hm | and θm , respectively. |hm | is a Rayleigh
(x) represents the real part of x and Lw is the correlation random variable, and θm is an uniform random variable over
window. The decision rule is that if the decision variable v is [0, 2π).
greater than a threshold Γ, acquisition is declared; otherwise a
The commonly used multipath intensity profile (MIP) is
new decision variable is formed and tested with k = k + Lw .
either constant or exponentially decaying with a decay rate of
We further explain the mechanism of MF-AC. Figure 2
μ. With the total fading power in all of the resolvable paths
shows the dispersion of multipath energy after the matched
normalized to unity, the average fading power in each path is
filter, i.e., |xk |2 , and the autocorrelation window (ACW) of the
expressed as
proposed MF-AC detector. Before the MF, multipath energy ⎧
disperses in each chip; however, after the MF, it disperses ⎨ 1/Lp CMIP,
only within a window of Lp chips, which is actually the σm2
= E{hm h∗m } = 1 − e −μ
multipath delay spread, as shown in this figure. As the matched ⎩ e−mμ EDMIP,
1 − e−μLp
filter converges the multipath energy, the following energy
combiner only requires a window of Lw ≤ L; thus less noise is where CMIP and EDMIP stand for constant MIP and ex-
combined. Since multiple assisted sequences are transmitted, ponentially decaying MIP, respectively. For the EDMIP, we
multiple periodical multipath energy dispersions are observed assume that the last MPC has an average energy of 10
with a period of L, as shown in the figure; thus, the multipath dB below the first one. Thus, the decay rate μ is μ =
energy can be captured by autocorrelation, i.e., correlating xk − ln(10(−10/10) )/(Lp − 1).
with its delayed version by L. On the other hand, it is possible
that only a small part of the multipath energy falls within one B. DP and FAP
ACW during a test, e.g., the N -th test shown in the figure.
By exploiting the perfect auto-correlation feature of the
However, this is hardly an issue to be concerned, because a
assisted sequence, and after some manipulations, the output
large part of the multipath energy will be collected in the next
sequence of the MF can be expressed as
test, e.g., the N + 1-th test in the figure; thus, the overall ⎧
⎪ Lp −1
⎨ H : √P L  h δ[((j − 2) mod L) − m] + z ,
detection performance of MF-AC is maintained. ⎪
It is also necessary to briefly introduce the conventional 1 m j
xj =
detectors for clear comparisons with MF-AC. L The decision ⎪
⎪ m=0
∗ ⎩H : z ,
variable of the AC detector is vAC = ( =1 rk+ rk+−L ), j
L 0
while that of the ED detector is vED = L =1 |rk+ |2 . For
where δ[·] is the unitary impulse function, zj =
both the detectors, a new decision variable is formed with L
√1 c n
i=1 i j−i is complex Gaussian noise [6] and
k = k + L, i.e., the update window is L. The decision L L L
variable for the CC detector is vCC = |xk |2 . A new decision E{zj zj∗ } = L1 i=1 m=1 ci cm E{nj−i n∗j−m } = σ 2 . The
variable is formed with k = k + 1. Considering the multipath average SNR is thus defined as γ=P/σ 2 . It is clear that a
environment in the context of this study, the decision variable processing gain of L is achieved via correlation. Subsequently,
can be expressed as vCC = max |xk+ |2 . In such a case we have
: =1,2,...,L ⎧ √
a new decision variable is formed with k = k + L, i.e., the ⎪
⎨H : P L h + ziL+2+ ,  = 1, 2, ..., Lp
update window is also L chips. xiL+2+ =
ziL+2+ ,  = Lp + 1, Lp + 2, ..., L

To compare the performance of MF-AC with that of the where H1, represents the hypothesis that the assisted se-
conventional detectors, we need to achieve the false-alarm quences are received and the signals on the -th channel tap

L =L =2 L =L =8
w p w p
0 0
10 10
Miss Detection Probability

Miss Detection Probability

−1 −1
10 10


−2 CC, MDMIP 10
−3 −3
10 10
−10 −5 0 5 −10 −5 0 5
γ (dB) γ (dB)

L = L = 16 L = L = 64
w p w p
0 0
10 10
Miss Detection Probability

Miss Detection Probability

−1 −1
10 10


−2 −2
−3 −3
10 10
−10 −5 0 5 −10 −5 0 5
γ (dB) γ (dB)

Fig. 3. Performance comparison between MF-AC and the conventional detectors. The FAP constant is Cf a = 10−3 , Lw = Lp , and L = 64.

are filtered out. When  > Lp the channel coefficient is zero; to achieve the numerical results, based on the DP and FAP
thus only noise is observed. definition presented in (2) and (3). The threshold is set
It is emphasized that in hypothesis H1 , the signals on the according to the Neyman-Pearson (NP) criterion [7], which
first several MPCs will come into the ACW first, as shown in is to maximize DP under a constraint that FAP is not larger
Fig. 2, followed by the signals on the left MPCs in the next than a specified constant Cf a .
tests, i.e., as a first-arrive-first-observed order. The number
of MPCs that come into the first ACW is uncertain, and Fig. 3 shows the comparison results between MF-AC and
can be any integer from 1 to Lw . As there are L/Lw  the conventional detectors, in the case of Cf a = 10−3 and
ACWs or tests within a sequence period in hypothesis H1 , any L = 64. The ACW Lw is set equal to Lp . Different numbers of
declaration of “YES” is a successful detection. Therefore, a MPCs are considered. It is observed that MF-AC significantly
successful detection is defined as the one where there is at least outperforms the other detectors under both CMIP and EDMIP
one decision of H1 within consecutive L/Lw  tests when a channel. The superiority is more evident when Lp is smaller,
packet arrives, and the ACW of the first test contains uncertain and a SNR gain of more than 2 dB over the other detectors
number of first-arriving MPCs. Correspondingly, a false alarm can be observed for small Lp , e.g., for Lp not larger than
is defined as the one where there is at least one decision of 8. When Lp = 16, an SNR gain of more than 1 dB can
H1 within consecutive L/Lw  tests when a packet does not still be observed. As Lp increases, the SNR gain of MF-AC
arrive, i.e., only noise is received. becomes less, and AC and ED gradually become better than
Let k = iL + 2 − m, where m is a random integer CC, due to collecting multipath energy. Finally, when Lp is
uniformly distributed in {0, 1, ..., Lw − 1}. Subsequently, we sufficiently large, MF-AC gets close to AC. In particular, when
can formulate the DP and FAP as in (2) and (3), respectively. Lp = L, MF-AC degrades to AC, because the ACW is L,
As the closed-form expressions of DP and FAP are difficult the same as that of AC. It is clearly shown in the figure
to derive, we adopt the simulation approach to obtain the that when Lw = Lp = L, MF-AC has exactly the same
numerical results in the next section. performance as AC. On the other hand, as Lp increases, the
performance of AC and CC improve, because the fading effect
of the combined multipath energy becomes less, but that of
IV. P ERFORMANCE C OMPARISON ED deteriorates, because energy disperses in one single MPC
In this section, the performance of MF-AC is compared decreases. This result suggests that combining of multipath
with that of AC, CC, and ED. Simulation approach is adopted energy is necessary in the presence of multipath. It is noted

Lw −1

1   w

PD = Pr max  xk++ρLw x∗k++ρLw −L |H1 >Γ (2)

Lw m=0 ρ=0,1,...,L/Lw −1


PF A = Pr max  zk++ρLw zk++ρL w −L
>Γ (3)
ρ=0,1,...,L/Lw −1

that the cost of the superiority of MF-AC over the other
detectors is higher computation complexity. Compared with
AC, which has roughly equivalent complexity with ED, MF-
AC has an additional MF module, while compared with CC,

Miss Detection Probability

MF-AC has an additional autocorrelator module. Sub−optimal
range of Lw
On the other hand, it is intuitive that if Lp is known,
the optimum ACW is Lw = Lp in terms of one-short
detection performance, i.e., ρ = 0 and m = 0 in (2) and −2

(3), because all the multipath energy is collected without γ=−5 dB, CMIP
Left side γ=−5 dB, EDMIP
combing additional noise. To demonstrate this, we consider γ=−2 dB, CMIP
the CMIP model for simplification. The performance in Right side γ=−2 dB, EDMIP

the case of Lw > Lp is definitely poorer than that in the

5 10 15 20 25 30
case of Lw = Lp , because equivalent multipath energy is Lw

collected for both the cases, but more noise is combined for
the former one. Regarding the performance in the case of Fig. 4. The detection performance of MF-AC with respect to Lw . Cf a =
10−3 , Lp = 12 and L = 64.
Lw ≤ Lp , the decision variable in hypothesis H1 writesv =

L w √ √
 P Lh + ziL+2+ P Lh∗ + z(i−1)L+2+

and we have E(v) = P LLw /Lp and D(v) = Lw λ ∝ Lw .
Δ In the multipath environment, the conventional detectors
By exploiting √Gaussian approximation, we achieve suffer performance degradation, because they either cannot
Γ = Q−1 (Cf a ) Lw σ 2 according to (3), where Q−1 (x) collect multipath energy, or combine too much noise when
is the inverse Q  function. Subsequently, we obtain collecting it. The MF-AC detector has thus been proposed
−1 √ to address this problem. By converging multipath energy
Q (Cf a )σ2 −P L Lw /Lp
PD = Q √ Γ−E(v)
= Q √
. It and shortening ACW, the combined noise is reduced while
is clear that under the condition of Lw ≤ Lp , PD is having the multipath energy collected. Performance com-
maximized when Lw = Lp . Since the average detection parisons showed that MF-AC significantly outperforms the
performance shown in (2) and (3) is dominant by this conventional detectors, especially when Lp , i.e., the number
one-short performance, Lw should be set to Lp to achieve a of MPCs, is not large. Moreover, it has been shown that the
quasi-optimal performance 1 . ACW of MF-AC should be set as Lw = Lp , and a value of
Fig. 4 shows the detection performance with respect to Lw Lw close to Lp also achieves a close-to-optimal performance.
under the condition that Cf a = 10−3 , Lp = 12, and L = 64.
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