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Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio

Work Experience Outside of School

Describe the job(s) you have participated in outside of school.

Francis Ford Coppola Winery as a dishwasher

If this is a regular job, on average, how many hours do you work each week?
16 hours

If this is an occasional job, how many hours do you estimate you have spent doing this activity?

Do you enjoy the work that you have done so far? Why or why not?
I do because although dishwashing sounds like a boring job, it's nice and I’ve met new people
and have the opportunity of working with so many different people in different departments.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use in
your work?
Soft skills: Responsibility, ability to work independently, ability to follow directions,
communication, and being engaged
Academic skills: Organization, communication, teamwork, speed
Training: New Employee Orientation training, ServSafe

What have you learned about yourself so far by doing this kind of work?
That I can easily get along well with others and if not I can still work well with them.
Communication isn’t a difficult task for me because I’ve always been a shy person who didn’t
self-advocate as much as I do now.

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