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Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio

Bite of Reality Reflection

Describe the persona you were given -- occupation, kids, etc.

I was a forest ranger with one three year old child and a wife.

How successful were you with budgeting your money? Explain.

I believe I was very successful with budgeting my money, however, there are some things I
could’ve spent less on that didn’t matter if they were cheap or expensive. Only I would know if
its cheap or expensive because I was the one buying the items.

Did you need to go back and adjust any of your purchases along the way? Explain.
I believe I did have to adjust some of my purchases, for example, clothing and phones. I realized
that as long as it was a phone that functions to do basic things I need it to do, I shouldn’t be
trying to be a super expensive smartphone. Additionally, I didn’t need to spend so much on
clothing because I was given the role of a forest ranger so I was going to get dirty most of the
time, meaning I didn’t need expensive, nice clothes to wear all the time.

What surprised/interested/worried/confused you about how you managed your personal

I was worried that I was going to spend all my money too quickly and that I wouldn’t make ends
meet but I was surprised I did make ends meet, with an extra $800 left to save and to pay off

What is one takeaway -- a useful or important bit of information -- that you have gathered from
participating in this experience?
I learned that you don’t need to buy the most expensive things out there, and that you shouldn’t
feel ashamed about trying to make ends meet with the money you have, feel proud for having
some money left over at the end of the month.

How might this experience affect your future choices with personal finance?
Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio
This experience will affect my future choices with personal finance by not buying the most
expensive things and by saving up as much money as I can (but also not buying things, like food,
just to save money!).

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