6-I.1. Selection of Route PDF

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1.1 The route of a transmission line is decided from the following main considerations.

a) Shortest length, hence least capital cost.

b) Ease during construction and ease in maintenance of the line (route near roads for
easy approach & accessibility).
c) Requirement of future loads (sub stations) near the proposed route so that the line can
be easily connected.
d) Required separation distance from parallel communication lines (P&T, Railways,
etc.) for meeting the conditions of induced voltage for obtaining PTCC approval.
e) Avoiding of forest areas as well as wild life sanctuaries.
f) Cost of securing and clearing right of way (ROW).
g) Maintaining statutory distances from Airports / Helipads.

1.2 The following areas are to be avoided as far as possible while selecting the route of the line.

a) Tough inaccessible areas where approach is difficult.

b) Towns and villages, leaving sufficient margin for their growth.
c) Areas subject to floods, gushing nalas during rainy seasons, tanks, ponds, lakes, etc.
and natural hazards.
d) Wooded areas with high trees or fruit bearing trees involving payment of heavy
compensations for cutting of the trees.
e) Swamps and shallow lands subject to flood, marshy areas, low lying lands, river beds,
and earth slip zones, etc. involving risk to stability to foundations.
f) High hillocks / hilly areas / sand dunes and areas involving abrupt changes in levels
and requiring too many long spans.
g) Series of irrigation wells.
h) Rifle shooting areas and other protected areas such as army / defence installations and
ammunition depots.
i) Areas which involve risk to human life, damage to public & private properties,
religious places, cremation grounds, quarry sites and underground mines, gardens,
orchards and plantations.
j) Areas which will create problems of right of way and way leaves.
k) Buildings / Storage areas for explosives or inflammable materials, bulk oil storage
tanks, oil or gas pipelines, etc.

1.3 The route of the transmission line shall, as far as possible, be the shortest length between the
pre – determined sub stations.

1.4 The route of the transmission line is to be so located that, as far as possible, it is protected
from high winds and falling trees & branches. In hilly tracks, the line is to be routed, as far as
possible, along the side of the hills or through valleys rather than over high points. However,
a route of the line very close to steep slopes of hills be avoided as far as possible as there may
be difficulty in obtaining lateral (side) clearance to ground for conductors. Also, there may be
overhanging / loose boulders which may roll down and damage the line.

1.5 It is desirable to take the line as near the paths and roads as practicable without unduly
increasing the length of the line so as to facilitate transportation of material during
construction and the patrolling / maintenance of the line. Where the line cannot be routed near
paths / roads economically, care shall be taken to see that easy access is possible at every 5 to
8 km. It shall be ensured that all angle / tension points, particularly in the case of 400 kV
6 Construction Manual for Transmission Lines

lines, are approachable to facilitate easy transportation of stringing equipment during

construction and for maintenance / breakdowns.

1.6 In hilly / mountainous type of terrain or in thickly populated areas, it is generally not
advisable to attempt a direct route or try to locate towers in long spans. Small angles of a few
degrees cost a little more and add little to the length of the line. Suspension towers (A – type)
can be provided for line angles of upto 2 degrees and small angle towers (B – type) can be
provided for angles upto 15 degrees.

1.7 In general, large angles in the line are to be avoided wherever possible. The magnitude of the
angle be small as far as possible and should never be more than 60 degrees.

1.8 The line shall be aligned suitably so that it can be diverted / looped in looped out (LILO) to
cater for possible future loads / sub stations along the route.


2.1 The line route shall be so selected that the voltage induced in parallel running telegraph /
telephone / communication / signaling lines / circuits of the P&T Department/ Railways does
not exceed the prescribed permissible values under fault conditions. The PTCC approval
should be obtained before energizing the line.


3.1 The line route shall be at a sufficient distance from the aerodromes / airports so that clearance
from the aerodrome / airport authorities is not required or, otherwise, can be obtained easily.


4.1 The crossing of Railway tracks shall normally be outside the railway station limits.


5.1 Crossing of rivers / nalas is preferably done at points where the bed is of the smallest width
and the banks on both sides of the rivers / nalas are high. The crossing is done at points of the
river path where it is unlikely to cut the banks when it is flowing.

5.2 The route is selected such that multiple crossings of the same road are avoided.

5.3 Crossing of roads at very small angles is to be avoided.


6.1 When crossing existing higher voltage power lines, the new line shall normally be below such
existing lines except in extremely limiting circumstances.

6.2 When crossing existing lower voltage power lines, the new line shall normally be above such
existing lines except in circumstances where it is not possible.

6.3 When crossing existing power lines of the same voltage, the new line may be above or below
such existing lines as per site conditions.


7.1 Forest area is to be avoided as far as possible.

7.2 If forest area cannot be avoided, or if the line route is uneconomical in case forest area is
avoided, then the approval of the Forest Department is required.

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