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1. Which of the following is the common name of barium iii.

In any of its energy, the electron moves in a

carbonate? circular orbit about the nucleus.
a) witherite b) siderite c) magnetite d) cinnabar iv. All of the above
2. Mass, time and volume are examples of 14. If you are to arrange the subatomic particles in the
quantities order of decreasing mass, what would it be?
a) scalar b) vector c) qualitative d) quantitative a) P-N-E b) P-E-N c) E-P-N d) N-P-E
3. An ideal gas is made up of molecules that have these 15. It is the lowest possible temperature
properties except a) 00F b) 00C c) 0 K d) 0 R
16. Two moles of hydrogen combined with one mole of
a) Are points in space in time
oxygen can form a compound known as water.
b) have mass and velocity
However, two moles of hydrogen combined with two
c) collide with the walls of the container without loss
moles of oxygen also forms a compound which cannot
of energy
be called water. This is explained by
d) attract or repel each other on the wall of the
a) Law of Definite Proportion
b) Law of Multiple Proportion
4. What element is present in Epsom salt but not in milk
c) Law of Conservation of Mass
of magnesia?
d) Law of Conservation of Energy
a) H b) O c) S d) Mg
17. When a small quantity of ether is added to water,
5. The isotope of uranium capable of sustaining chain
which of the following principles apply?
reaction is
a) Polar solute dissolves in polar solvent
a) U-235 b) U-238 c) U-239 d) U-245
6. Which of the following should not be used for high b) Non-polar solute dissolves in polar solvent
temperature ignition? c) Polar solute does not dissolve in non-polar solvent
a) porcelain crucible c) Gooch crucible d) Non-polar solute does not dissolve in polar
b) Munroe crucible d) Sintered glass crucible solvent
7. The human body is made up of several chemical 18. It is the adhesion of atoms, molecules or ions to the
elements; the element present in the highest surface of another substance.
proportion (65%) in the body a) Adsorption c) Desorption
a) Carbon b) Nitrogen c) Hydrogen d) Oxygen b) Absorption d) Distillation
8. Semi-metallic element discovered in 1817 by the 19. What is the color of litmus paper in acid?
Swedish Chemist Baron Jakob Berzelius in a sulfuric a) blue b) red c) orange d) colorless
acid residue. 20. What type of reaction happens every second on the
a) sulfur b) selenium c) arsenic d) nickel surface of the biggest star?
9. The luster of a metal is due to a) oxidation c) fission
a) high density c) chemical inertness b) fusion d) reduction
b) high polishing d) presence of free electrons 21. The type in intermolecular force of attraction which
10. When bubbles are released from the bottom of an exists between molecules of oxygen, nitrogen of
ocean, the size of the bubbles increases as it reaches methane
the surface. This behavior of the gas bubbles can be a) dipole-dipole b) H-bonding c) London
explained by d) Interionic
a) Charles’ law c) Gay-Lussac’s Law 22. Which of the following is not an assumption of the
b) Dalton’s Law d) Boyle’s Law Kinetic Molecular Theory?
11. Which of the following has the highest density? a) There is a strong attractive force between
a) dry ice c) gaseous carbon dioxide molecules in the gaseous state
b) liquid carbon dioxide d) same density for the 3 b) Gases consist of molecules in constant motion in a
states straight line
12. Which of the following substances will have the lowest
c) The average kinetic energy of the molecules is
heat of fusion?
a) C15H12 b) C17H16 c) C12H38 d) C20H42 proportional to the temperature of the gas.
13. Which of the following postulates does Bohr’s model d) The collisions between molecules and with the
of the hydrogen atom involve? walls of the container are perfectly elastic
i. The electron in an atom has an infinite range of 23. The type of reaction when ferric chloride reacts with
motion allowed to it ammonium hydroxide
ii. When an atom changes from a low energy state to a) Analysis c) Single displacement
a high energy state, it emits a quantum of
b) Metathesis d) none of these
radiation whose energy is equal to the difference
24. Who discovered radium?
in energy between the two states.
a) Marie Curie c) John Priestly
b) Ernest Rutherford d) John Dalton 40. What type of attractive forces is being overcome when
25. An ideal gas at 0.60 atm and 870C occupies 0.45 L. liquid oxygen boils at 90K?
How many moles are in the sample? a) ionic bonds c) dispersion forces
a) 0.0002 b) 0.0091 c) 0.0198 d) 0.0378 b) dipole-dipole forces d) hydrogen bonds
26. What is the density of nitrogen at 800C and 0.921 atm? 41. Given n=3, how many orbitals are there?
a) 0.91 g/L b) 0.89 g/L c) 0.56 g/L d) 0.25 g/L a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
27. The radiation that produces the greatest number of 42. This law states that a fixed amount of gas under
ions as it passes through matter is isothermal conditions has an absolute pressure is
a) omega b) gamma c) alpha d) beta inversely proportional to its volume.
28. If 20.0 g of each reactant were used in performing the a) Charles’s Law c) Boyle’s Law
following reaction, which would be the limiting b) Amagat’s Law d) Avogardo’s Law
reactant? 43. No two elements in the same atom can have the same
2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 + Cl2  2KMnO4 + 2KCl + 2H2O set of quantum is a statement of
a) Cl2 b) MnO2 c) O2 d) KOH a) Hund’s Rule of Multiplicity
29. Metallic calcium crystallized in a face-centered cubic b) Dalton’s Atomic Theory
c) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
lattice and the atomic radius of calcium is 1.97 Å.
d) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
Calculate the edge length, a, of a unit cell of calcium. 44. The percentage composition of a gaseous hydrocarbon
a) 5.57 Å b) 6.24 Å c) 4.19 Å d) 6.83 Å is 85.62% and the rest is hydrogen. The density of this
30. Suppose you are given a gaseous compound for which gas is 1.260 g/L at STP. Determine the molecular
the formula is CxH2x-2 at the same temperature and formula of this hydrocarbon.
pressure at which oxygen weighs 4.8 grams per liter, a) C2H2 b) C2H4 c) C3H8 d) C5H10
the unknown gas weighs 8.10 g/L. What is the formula 45. Which nuclear rection will produce 38 18𝐴𝑟?

of the compound? a) K-38 decay by proton emission

b) K-38 decay by positron emission
a) C2H2 b) C4H6 c) C3H8 d) C4H10
c) Positron capture by K-38
31. Of the following gases, ____________ will have the
d) Neutron capture by K-38
greatest rate of effusion at a given temperature. 46. At what absolute temperature do the Celsius and
a) NH3 b) CH4 c) Ar d) HBr Fahrenheit temperature scale give the same numerical
32. What is the total number of completely or partially value?
filled p-orbitals in 33As atom in its ground state a) 0K b) 233.15K c) 273.15K d) 460 R
configuration? 47. Heat is most closely related to
a) 3 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9 a) temperature b) momentum
33. Karl Fisher Method is used to analyze traces of c) energy d) friction
a) H2O b) Fe c) N2 d) C 48. The chemical name of baking soda
34. The “Hanging Drop Test” is used to identify a) sodium carbonate c) calcium carbonate
b) sodium bicarbonate d) sodium hydroxide
a) MnO4 b) CO3-2 c) NO2 d) C2O4-2
49. Which of the following is standard temperature and
35. The method used to estimate the nitrogen content of a
substance a) 0 K and one atm pressure c) 00F and zero pressure
a) Winkler b) Beilsten c) Grignard d) Kjeldahl b) 320F and zero pressure d) 00C and one atm
36. The terms “sweet” and “sour” in natural gas pressure
terminology are used to denote the absence or 50. Reactions generally proceed faster at higher
presence of . temperatures because of the following?
a) CO2 b) CH4 c) H2S d) SO3 a) the molecules collide more frequently
37. The items amenable to detection by soft x-rays b) the activation energy is less
a) counterfeit coins c) contrabands c) the bonds are easier to break
b) lead in bullets d) narcotics d) A and B
51. Prussic acid has a formula
38. The forces holding the molecules together in the
a) HNO3 b) C6H5OH c) HCN d) H2SO4
lattice of a molecular solid are 52. In HAsO32, what is the oxidation state of As?
a) van der Waals forces c) covalent bonds a) +6 b) +5 c) +3 d) +2
b) ionic bonds d) all of these 53. Which of the following has a bond that is the least
39. All of the following conclusion of the kinetic theory of ionic in character?
gases except a) CH4 b) H2 c) H2O d) Na2CO3
a) a derivation of the Van der Waals equation 54. The number of neutrons in an atom of 139 56𝐵𝑎 is
b) derivation of Boyle’s and Charle’s Law a) 56 b) 83 c) 139 d) 195
c) relation of average kinetic energy of gases to 55. How many electrons are in an atom of 40 18𝐴𝑟?

temperature a) 18 b) 22 c) 40 d) 38
d) Graham’s law of diffusion
56. Substance X has 13 protons, 14 neutrons and 10 70. Which of the following chemical species in not
electrons. Determine its identity. amphoteric?
a) 27 Mg b)27 Ne c)27 Al3+ a) H2O b) CO3-2 c) HPO4-2
d) Al
27 d) NH3
57. Also known as soap lye 71. Which of the following elements and compounds is
unstable in its pure form?
a) NH3 b) NaOH c) Nacl
a) Na b) He c)
d) Na2CO3
CO2 d) HCl
58. Which of the following is the most electronegative?
72. Each atom of a specific element has the same
a) B b) C c) N a) Number of protons c) Number of
d) O neutrons
59. A complete fertilizer contains b) Atomic mass d) Number of electrons
a) N, P, C b) Na, P, K c) N, P, K 73. Isopentyl acetate, a molecule composed of C, H, and O,
d) Na, P, C smells like bananas. Combustion analysis of 1.750
60. An atom of atomic number 53 and a mass number 127
grams of this molecule yields 1.695 g H2O and 4.142 g
contains how many neutrons?
CO2. What is the simplest formula for isopentyl
a) 53 b) 74 c) 127
d) 180
61. From the chemical equation: AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + a) C7H14O2 b) C8H10O3 c) C7H7O4
NaNO3 d) C8H16O
What type of chemical reaction is involved? 74. For a face-centered cubic unit cell, each corner
a) neutralization c) combustion contributes _____ lattice points to the unit cell
b) decomposition d) metathesis a) 1/8 b) 1/4 c) 1/2
62. Among the intermolecular forces of attraction, which d) 1
is present in CCl4? 75. Which statement about light is true?
a) London dispersion force c) Hydrogen a. It exhibits both wave and particle – like behavior
at the same time
b) Dipole – dipole force d) none
of these b. It oscillates back and forth between wave and
63. The ion that would be iso-electronic with the noble gas particle – like behavior
Xenon c. It behaves as a wave only
a) I-2 b) S-2 c)Mg+2 d. It has neither wave nor particle like behavior
d) K +1

64. Discovered water by exploding H2 + O2

a) Lewis b) Lavoisier c) Scavendish
d) Usey
65. All statements about the equilibrium reactions below
are correct EXCEPT:
i. N2O4  2NO2 is shifted to the right by pressure
ii. N3 + 3H2  2NH3 is shifted to the right by
pressure increase
iii. CaCO3  CaO + CO2 is shifted to the left by
pressure increase
iv. Ca++ + SO4-2  CaSO4 is shifted to the right by
precipitating CaSO4
v. Ag+ + 2NH3  Ag(NH3)2 is shifted to the right by
raising concentration of Ag+
66. Mayonnaise and milk are examples of
a) colloid b) emulsion c) suspension
d) mixture
67. Egg yolk plus mayonnaise are examples of
a) foam b) emulsion c) sol
d) aerosol
68. Jellies and most paints are examples of
a) foam b) emulsion c) sol
d) aerosol
69. Marshmallow is an example of
a) foam b) emulsion c) sol
d) aerosol

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