Probset 4 Momentum

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Physics 81 Probset 5

1. A steel hammerhead with mass 200kg is lifted 3.00 m above the top of a vertical I-beam beaing driven
into the ground. The hammer is then dropped, driving the I-beam 7.4 cm farther into the ground. The
vertical rails that guide the hammerhead exert a constant 60-N friction force on the hammerhead. Use
work-energy theorem to find (a) the speed of hammerhead just as it hits the I-beam and (b) the average
force the hammerhead exerts on the I-beam.

2. A person weighs 600 N steps on a bathroom scale containing a stiff spring. In equilibrium the spring is
compressed 1.0 cm under her weight. Find the force constant of the spring and the total work done on
it during the compression.

3. Each of the two jet engines in a Boeing 767 airliner develops a thrust of 44,300 lb. When the airplane
is flying at 250 m/s, what horsepower does each engine develop?

4. A 50.0 kg marathon runner runs up the stairs to the top of a 443-m tall tower. To lift herself to the top
in 15.0m, what must be her average power output in watts, kilowatts, and horsepower?

5. Your younger brother skateboards down a curved playground ramp. If we treat him and his skateboard
as a particle, he moves through a quarter-circle with radius 𝑅 = 3.00𝑚. The total mass of your brother
and his skateboard is 25.0 kg. He starts from rest and there is no friction. (a) Find his speed at the
bottom of the ramp. (b) Find the normal force that acts on him at the bottom of the curve.

6. A glider with mass 0.200 kg sits on a frictionless horizontal air track, connected to a spring with force
constant 5.00 N/m. You pull on the glider, stretching the spring 0.100 m, and then release it with no
initial velocity. The glider begins to move back toward its equilibrium position (x = 0). What is its
velocity when x = 0.080 m?

7. A 2000-kg elevator with broken cables is falling at 4.00 m/s when it first contacts a cushioning spring
at the bottom of the shaft. The spring is supposed to stop the elevator, compressing 2.00m as it does
so. During the motion a safety clamp applies a constant 17,000-N friction force to the elevator.
Determine the force constant that the spring should be.

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