Black Man Gains National Attention As Questions Swirl"

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Names: Alex Martinez and Rosangelica Lopez

Subject Area(s): English Language Arts

Lesson Topic: Mind Map and discussion of Newsela Article, “Police Killing of Unarmed
Black Man Gains National Attention as Questions Swirl”
Grade Level(s):12th grade

Literacy Standard(s):
Content Area Standard(s):
English Language Development (ELD) Standard(s):
Lesson Objectives & Supports
Content objectives:
Students will gain a better understanding about police brutality occurs in the United
States, gain knowledge about how communities respond to it (riots and protest).

Literacy objectives:
Students will be able to effectively complete a mind map and discuss the topics
related to the theme of the novel.

Academic vocabulary:
Tier II Police Brutality, prejudice, discrimination, racial profiling.
Tier III LA Riots, peaceful protest.

Literacy strategies and Integrated ELD Strategies (SDAIE, Specially Designed

Academic Instruction in English):
 Mind Map. This helps students gather their thoughts on one page for a given
topic. It is a great way to introduce a topic or theme.
 Buehl, D.(2014).Classroom strategies for interactive learning (4th ed,),
Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 148-150.

Assessment: How will you know if students met your objectives?

Formative assessment will occur throughout the lesson by having check-ins throughout the
lesson. The teacher will verbally have several discussions as a class and in groups to
encourage students to engage in the lesson. When students show that they have completed
their assignment in the discussion, the teacher will know how far the students have come.

The exit slip will show the teacher what the student learned from the lesson. The teacher
will look at the one paragraph response and determine weather or not students adequality
leaned from the lesson.

Formative assessment will occur throughout the lesson by having check-ins throughout the
lesson. The teacher will have several in groups discussions to have students engage in the
lesson. When students begin applying their knowledge to the lesson then the instructor can
move on with further examples of social injustice. Once the class is over students will hand
in their Mind Map chart filled out with two concepts mapped out strategically. The exit slip
will show the teacher what the student learned from the lesson.
Instruction: What you’ll teach, and how

Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set

Time Teacher Does Student Does
Welcome the class and introduce the novel The Hate Students will come into class prepared with a writing
1 minute U Give by Angie Thomas. instrument and paper.

Ask the students what they think about injustices in Students will actively participate to the discussion.
2 Minutes our society today.
Students will go into groups and be ready to start the
2 Minutes Have the students split off into groups of four. next part of the lesson.
Pass out the Mind Map worksheet.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Explain the worksheet to the students. Every
student will complete their own.

Tell students to start thinking about what they know

2 Minutes about Police Brutality and its effects on society. As
you ask this pass out a word on a slip of paper to
1 Minute each group. The words include: racial profiling, police
brutality, riots, peaceful protest, safety, guns, and
trauma. Keep the slips of paper upside down.

Instruct students that they will be working alone for

3 minutes while they complete the mind map. Ask
Students will listen to the teacher and be ready to
1 minute them to flip the paper that is upside down to begin
begin their work.
their assignment.
Students will think about what Police Brutality means
Have the students fill out the mind map.
to them or what they know about it.
Get the students attention by counting down from 5.
Students will take out a pen or pencil and finish start
Students will now take five minutes to discuss among
their work on completing their mind map.
3 Minutes their groups what they wrote down.
One student will come up to the class and talk about
5 Minutes Get the students attention by counting down from 5.
their findings.
Have the students choose one representative to
come up and explain what they discussed in their
Students will actively discuss in class what they all
came up with.
Take 15 minutes to discuss as a class our finding with
Students will quietly work on reading the article.
the mind map.
Students will discuss among themselves what they
15 Minutes Get the students attention from counting down from
learned from the article. They will see how it relates
1 Minute 5. Introduce the Newsela Article, “Police killing of
to the article.
unarmed black man gains national attention as
questions swirl”
With the questions that the teacher mentioned, the
students will be able to make their own connections
In the same groups have students read the article.
to the article and the mind map.
After they have read the article, get the students
attention by counting down from 5.
5 Minutes
Have students discuss among the class how the
article relates to the mind map. Questions to ask to
further the discussion: What did the officers to
15 Minutes wrong in this situation? How did the community
respond? What could have been done differently?
Do you think the community should have responded
the way they did?

Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
10 Minutes The Teacher will write on the board the following
questions: What does police brutality mean to you?
Students will quietly complete the exit slip.
Is this something that needs to be talked about?
Explain your answers. Students will need to write
Students will end class actively thinking about police
one paragraph in response to these questions as an
brutally. This is an introduction to our novel for the
exit slip.
rest of the class.
2 minutes Have students turn in their responses.
Instructional Materials, Equipment & Multimedia

Mind Map Hand Out:

Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________ Class Period: ____________________

Indicate how you could adapt this lesson for each of the following groups of students.
Adaptations might include additional literacy supports or scaffolds, texts written at multiple
levels, etc.

English learners: English learners can work in their groups to verbally discuss the
topic. They may work in groups or partners to complete the mind map. If they have
not completed the exit slip, then they can complete it for homework. This will then
be due at the beginning of the next class period.
Striving readers: Striving learners will be encouraged to discuss more in class.
Students with special needs: Students with special needs will be given more time
to complete the mind map. Depending on the disability, further adjustments can be
Advanced students: Advanced students will be asked to share their mind map to
the class. For their exit slip, they will write two paragraphs comparing their mind
map to the article, and how society might view the police force as a threat than as

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