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3/24/2019 PowerBI Training | Power BI | Power BI | software training PowerBI training professionally

implement intelligent business intelligence and data analysis. Power bay It supports Self Service BI , which means

that its ease of use will allow end users to be independent of the IT unit Design dashboards and reports

themselves . Note that Power BI Desktop Everywhere in the world is free and released on PBI Report Server Which is

free in Iran! You can put your reports and dashboards in the web environment within the organization or on the Internet.

Purpose of the BIOS course :

Dashboard design using Power BI From extraction of data to visualization and display of dashboards on the web

Course Requirement : Power BI

Understanding database concepts and SQL queries

View Master Resume

See this lesson on the road map

Power BI headings:

Business intelligence concepts

Understanding business intelligence

Business intelligence architecture

Understanding data warehouse concepts

Understanding data modeling

Introducing Power BI

Power BI History

Power BI component

Introducing Power BI Products

Power Query - ETL

Power Query and Power BI

Power Query Concepts

Power Query Data Sources

Querying Relational Databases

Connecting to SQL Server, Other Databases… 1/5
3/24/2019 PowerBI Training | Power BI | Power BI | software training PowerBI training professionally

Extracting Data from Files

Working with CSV, Text, XML, JSON, Excel Files

Working with Folders and Multiple Files

Working with Data from the Web, OData

Using References, Duplicate, Individuals Values from Queries

Reusing Recent Data Sources

Managing Credentials, Setting a Default Locale, CSV Files and Code Pages

Transforming Data with Power Query

Queries and Steps

(Working with Columns (Naming, Moving, Splitting, Merging Columns

Setting & Changing Data Types and Locales

Filtering Rows

Sorting a Table

Define and Using parameters

Changing Values in Table

Aggregating Values

Unpivoting Columns to Rows, Transposing a Table

Creating Custom Columns

Built-in Custom Columns

Custom Columns with M Calculations

Introduction to M

Writing M in the Query Editor

The Formula Bar, Advanced Editor, Creating a Blank Query

M Language Concepts

Expression, Values and Let Statements

Writing m

Lists, Records and Tables


Defining Functions in a Query… 2/5
3/24/2019 PowerBI Training | Power BI | Power BI | software training PowerBI training professionally

Functions Imported from Data Sources

Power Pivot-Data Modeling

Understanding Data Model

Processing Managing Data Relationships

Operation Models for Reporting

DAX Introduction

DAX data types, DAX operator

Understanding calculated columns and measures

Handling errors in DAX expressions

Common DAX functions

Aggregate functions

Logical functions

Information functions

Mathematical fnctions

Trigonometric functions

Text functions

Conversion functions

Date and times function

Relational functions

Table functions





Evaluation Contexts

Using the EARLIER function

Understanding FILTER, ALL, and context interactions

Working with many tables

Row contexts and relationships… 3/5
3/24/2019 PowerBI Training | Power BI | Power BI | software training PowerBI training professionally

Filter context and relationships

Introducing ISFILTERED, ISCROSSFILTERED Evaluation contexts recap


Introducing CALCULATE


Variables and evaluation contexts

Understanding circular dependencies


Handling hierarchies

Introducing Time intelligent function

Introducing DAX Studio

Power View - Data visualization

Report vs. Dashboard

Visualization intro

Work with visuals

Change, Move, Delete, Copy, Duplicate, Move, resize, and pop out a visualization, sort data

Format pane, Customize visualization title, background, and legend

Customize X-axis and Y-axis properties

Coloring charts with tips

Page size duplicate, ribbon

Bar / Column charts clustered vs. stacked

Filter Visually & Report

Working with tables & matrix

Line, bar chart with line

Working with Pie and Tree map, donut chart

Scatter Chart

Waterfall visual

Working with Gauge, Cards, and KPIs

Working with hierarchy & drill down… 4/5
3/24/2019 PowerBI Training | Power BI | Power BI | software training PowerBI training professionally

(Map visual (location vs. latitude, filled map, shape map

Power BI Report Server

Installing Power BI Report Server

Configuring Power BI Report Server

Publish Power BI Desktop Dashboard… 5/5

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