Aji Humaedi, S.Si.,M.Farm: Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program Stikes Binawan 20I7

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Aji Humaedi, S.Si.,M.Farm


• Spectroscopy : Spectroscopy may be defined as the
study of the quantized interaction of Electromagnetic
Radiations with matter (atoms and molecules)
• Organic chemists use spectroscopy as a necessary tool
for structure determination
• Electromagnetic radiations are produced by the
oscillation of electric charge and magnetic field
residing on the atom.
• There are various forms of electromagnetic radiation,
e.g. light (visible), ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays,
microwaves, radio waves, cosmic rays etc.

Atomic Molecule
Spectroscopy Spectroscopy

1. UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
1. Atomic Absorpstion Spectrophotometry 2. IR Spectrophotometry
2. Flame Emission Spectrophotometry 3. Spectroflourometry
3. Inductively Coupled Plasma 4. NMR
• Light (REM) is as Wave and is also a particle
• As waves, light has known / measurable
characteristics: wavelength (l), amplitude (A),
period (T), and frequency (n)
• Wavelength (λ) is defined as the distance
between two consecutive crests C or troughs T
(Fig. 1.1) measured in micrometer (,µm) or
micron (µ), (1 µm = 1 µ =10¯⁶ m), nanometer
(nm) or millimicron (mµ) (1 nm = 1 mµ =10¯⁹m)
and angstrom (Ǻ) (1 Ǻ = 10¯¹⁰m).
• Frequency (v) is defined as the number of
waves which can pass through a point in one
second, measured in cycles per second (cps)
or hertz (Hz) (1Hz= 1 cps).
• Amplitude: maximum deviation from
horizontal axis (unit = unit length)
• Period: The travel time for one cycle is perfect
Wavenumber (ῡ) is defined as the number of waves
which can pass through per unit length usually 1 cm. lt
is the reciprocal of wavelength expressed in
centimeter (cm¯¹)
• Hubungan antar l dan n :
l .n = c ; dan T = 1/ n
c = kecepatan chy (3.108 m/dt)

Cahaya dapat digambarkan sebagai gelombang osilasi atau

sebagai aliran partikel berenergi (Foton) yang bergerak
dgn kecepatan tinggi. Antara frekuensi dan energi foton
dihubungkan oleh Pers. Plank :
E = h. n
Dimana: h = tetapan Plank
= 6,63 x 10-34 Joule.dt
Planck's constant (6,626 x 10¯²⁷ erg s)
Parameter lain : bilangan gelombang (v), dalam satuan cm-1
Contoh :
1. Tentukan perioda dan frekuensi cahaya yang memiliki pjg
gelombang 2 x 106 cm
Jwb: n = c/s = 3x 1010 cm/dt = 1,5x104 dt¯¹
2x 106 cm
T = 1/n = 6,7 x 10-5 detik
Latihan :
1. Hitung frequensi dan perioda chy hijau yang panjang
gelombangnya 500 nm?
2. Jika T = 2x10-17 detik. Berapa l nya?(nm)
3. Tentukan frekuensi chy yg energi fotonnya = 5x 10-12 Joule?
4. Berapa besar energi foton yg memiliki panjang gelombang
0,05 nm? Tentukan bil.gelombangnya, frekuensi dan energi
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Absorption and Emission Spectra
• When electromagnetic radiations are passed
through an organic compound, they may be
absorbed to induce electronic, vibrational and
rotational transitions in the molecules.
• absorption of electromagnetic radiations are
called absorption spectra (Fig. 1.3)
• UV, visible, IR and NMR spectra are examples
of absorption spectra

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