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PhilGEPSSworn Statement


ctTl' 1{L'\t('lP \l I :"l',{}1.', )S$0.

I. Rlrea R. Castro. of iegal age. Marrietl. Filipino" and residingat2l Scottt De Guia St.
flilimun Q{-laitcr having heen dul3" swurn in acc*rdanc* witki tra*,, ,3o hereh,v depcs* aud state

i. Selecl one, delete the other:

I nrn the s*Ie pr*prietcr *r al;tl:odzed rciliesrntetive of &e*ff-{kfe"j*ffi rvlfh <:ffie*

address at lJnit 2i I 'Ihe Main Place . 190 Pinaglahanan St., San Juan

As the o7v;ner of ,\e.rcy'.s {.latering, l have fuli por,r,er and authority'' to upload and maintair
in ihe Philippine {icvemment Eierh*nic-. Fr*curerrasnt Sys'te*r {phii$trP5} a r:urr*:*i ancl
updated file of the fbllorving Class "A" eligibility documents under Sections 23.1(a) and

a) Registration Certifi cate;

t:; h.{arr,'*r'sll}usiness Fenxit or its Equivalent l}*{,i*{aent;
c) Tax Clearance;
d.t Phiiippine Contmctors Accreditation Board (PCAB) license and registration (ii
*ppli*alrle); and
e) Audited !-inancial Stalements;

{f a {oreign bidder suhrni{fing oppropriate equivttient documeruls in a language other {ltan
English.Nesq;'s:Caieriag_is uploading and maintaining in the PhiIGEPS equivaleni
dr:eurnents **c*mpani*d h3, a tril:lslaiian *f th* docrxne&ts in English issr:ed hy the
relevant foreign govemment agency, the lbreign government agency authorized tc
tral'rsiaie d**umer"irs. r:r * register*if tra$s}*t*r in 1?:e lbrrigrt bi*klev's *oamtry: iurd shsll ht
authenticated by the appropriate Philippine fcreign service establishment/post or the
equivalent olfice having jurisdiction c'v€r the toreign bidder's allairs in the Philippines:

4. Each of the documents submitted isin satisfaction and compiiance with the requirements
FhitfiEPS Flstinun: Membership anii ibr parlicipatio* in amy Fl:ilippi** gr,rt,ernr**nl

5. Each ciocument is an authentir: cop_v *f the r"rriginatr" ecmplete. and ali statements and
infnrmatinn nrovided therein are lrrre anrl r:nrrect'

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